sa"Atomic waste is placed in metal barrels that are then put in ③排比,“Why? From a strictly ecological point of view containers as thick and strong as stone.”笔者认为,在这个 should we care whether a species arrives on a piece of driftwood 句子中,将盛放放射性能源废料的容器比作“像石头 or on a cargo boat? Why not just regard the introduction of non- <sWp 样坚固”会比“专家测验得出的物理硬度值”更加好 native species as fascinating experiments?”,一连串的发问 懂。②设问,如“ What can be done with it? Where can it be 层层递进,使文章有气势,引起读者的注意 placed so that it will not harm human beings? No one now ha ④举例,“ For example, the brown tree snake came to guam he final answer, but hundreds of scientists are searching for it. from New Guam from New Guinea or the Solomon Islands 吸引读者眼球,使文章内容更加生动形象。③列举法 during World WarⅡ.”此处同时也运用了举例子的修辞, 修辞,如最后一段中“Firs, the cost of preparing the double增加文章的趣味性,引起读者的共鸣 known how long these strong cases can endure the deep ocean 4siE currents.”使句子层次清晰,结构明朗有条理,便于理解。 整篇语篇的逻辑思维有序,层层推进,将文章内容 根据以上分析对比,我们具体地阐释了“ Radioactive 形象生动地展现在读者眼前。文章具有大众接纳性,适We”与“ Atomic waste”这两篇文章在语域层次上的不同之 合一般读者的广泛阅读 处,也更加清楚地了解到专用科技文体与普通科技文体的差 mad”两篇文章 Mix sis looms in Oceania”和“Bio.异,更加深刻地体会到了科技翻译过程中的不易与难处 再比较“ Extinction Cr 在科技翻译中,精通英汉两类语言的同时,还需要 具备专业的科技知识技能,才能更好地应对科技英语的 the report is the first comprehensive review of more than2400翻译。在科技翻译中,语域的不同会造成对译文的不同 region. Compiled by a team of4 scientists. it reveals a sorry and技文体,不仅要掌握专业术语的翻译,还需在译入语文 ictions to lessen this mounting regional and global problen,”构更加严谨正式,并且还有其固定的程序和模式,万不 (《新编科技英语阅读教程》,“" Extinction crisis looms in可断章取义,信口胡许:另一方面,在普通科技文体翻 译中,科普文体主要用于大众阅读,普及相应科学知识 Are we under attack by non-native' species? Should we对于读者的专业知识水平并不做具体要求。因此,译文 care? “ That kind of information is dangerous," scolded jodi且注意到科普文的劝导说理性,从积极的角度选取最佳 Extension program, was speaking at a symposium on Alien 完成一篇较好的科技翻译,对于语域的分析必不可 5(cwAA你要产在代的社:盐的求益规高39 gton, D. C. Sh alone in her alarm. We have members of the press 参考文献 think that his view is the dom inant view"《新编科技英语阅读樊才云,钟含春科技术语副泽例析中国翻译,300 教程》,“ Bio-invaders”,82页) “ Extinction crisis looms in Oceania”语篇的开头段,整范莹芳新编科技英语阅读教程哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学 段篇幅都引用了大量的专业报道和科学依据,开门见山 直接切入主题,不设任何悬念,完全符合专用科技文体{方梦之,范武邱科技翻泽教程M,上海:上海外语教有出版 的正式、程序化的行文风格,而“Bio- - Invaders”以设问 社,2008 句开头“ Are we under attack by non-native species?”“ Should ]方梦之翻译新论与实践№青岛:青岛出版社,2002 we care?”,语言生动,更能吸引读者的眼球 阿]方梦之.英语科技间题:范式与应用[M].上海教育出版社 在两篇文章中,“ Extinction Crisis Looms in oceania” 语篇中,“ Nearly17000 of the world's45000 assessed.( 门7]方梦之翻译新论与实践[M青岛出版社,2002 38 percent.“ Of course,3246 are in the highest.4770are图郭建中,科普与科幻译理论、技巧与实践M中国对外 Endangered and8912are.,”“5500,1141,5487,450 翻译出版公司, rcent,7 0 fish species.290 reptiles.,150 amphibians,1000李海军,吴迪龙.科技翻译与形象思维Ul科技英语学习, 10000,60 million”等,用大量数字用来客观陈述事实, 多用固定句型,没有使用修辞。 [10毛正坎科技英语翻译方法英汉语比较解析[M教育科学 而“Bio- Invaders”中,普通科技文体多用修辞格, 出版社,1987 形式多样。例如 l王佐良.英语文体学论文集M外语教学与研究出版社,1986. ①比喻,“ They strain algae and nutrients like fertilizer12王振平科普著作的文体与翻译门上海翻译,200(2 runoff from the lakes'wacr.”在原文中,把“ They strain1额方明,秦情,科技英语中分隔构及其翻译U,科技英语学 algae and nutrients”比喻成“ fertilizer”,语言生动活泼; 习,200311 ②打比方,“ Ninety- nine percent of crop plants in the[杨寿康论科技英语与科技翻译M,合肥:安徽文艺出版社, United States are non-native, as are all our livestock except the turkey”这句话说“美国百分之九十九的庄稼不是本土 [15]杨寿康论科技英语的美感及其在译中的体现·上海科技翻 的,就像我们有除了火鸡之外所有的家禽”,将“crop 与“tkey”相比,语言更加简单易懂 [16章土嵘科学发现的逻辑[M.人民出版社,1986 21994-2019ChinaAcademicJournalElectronicPublishingHouse.alLrightsreservedhttp://www.cnki.net
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