PREFACE n writing this seventh edition of Biochemistry,we we have greatly expanded our discussion of have balanced the desire to present up-to-the minute regulation and have split the chapter in the advances with the need to make biochemistry as clear preceding editions into two:Chapter 31,"The and engaging as possible for the student approaching Control of Gene Expression in Prokaryotes,"and the subject for the first time.Instructors and students Chapter 32,"The Control of Gene Expression have long relied on Biochemistry for: in Eukaryotes."These chapters address Clear writing The language of biochemistry is recent discoveries such as quorum sensing in made as accessible as possible.A straightforward prokaryotes,induced pluripotent stem cells, and logical organization leads the reader through and the role of microRNAs in regulating gene processes and helps navigate complex pathways expression. and mechanisms. Experimental techniques updated and Single-concept illustrations Illustrations in clarified We have revised Chapters 3("Exploring this book address one point at a time so that each Proteins and Proteomes"),5("Exploring Genes illustration clearly tells the story of a mechanism, and Genomes"),and 6("Exploring Evolution and pathway,or process without the distraction of Bioinformatics")to give students a practical excess detail. understanding of the benefits and limitations of the techniques that they will be using in the Physiological relevance Biochemistry is the laboratory.We have expanded explanations of study of life on the smallest scale,and it has always mass spectrometry and x-ray crystallography, been our goal to help students connect biochemistry for instance,and made them even clearer for the to their own lives.Pathways and processes are first-time student.We explain new techniques presented in a physiological context so that the such as next-generation sequencing and real-time reader can see how biochemistry works in different parts of the body and under different environmental PCR in the context of their importance to modern research in biochemistry.(For a full list, and hormonal conditions. see p.xii.) Clinical insights Wherever appropriate,pathways and mechanisms are applied to health and disease. These applications show students how biochemistry is relevant to them while reinforcing the concepts that Leptin they have just learned.(For a full list,see p.xi.) Eating Brain Evolutionary perspective Evolution is evident in the structures and pathways of biochemistry and is woven into the narrative of the textbook.(For a full list,see p.x.) New to This Edition Liver Intestine Glucose Researchers are making new discoveries in biochemistry every day.The seventh edition takes into account the discoveries that have changed how we think about the fundamental concepts in biochemistry and human health. Muscle New aspects of the book include: Fat Metabolism integrated in a new context New Insulin information about the role of leptins in hunger and satiety has greatly influenced how we think about obesity and the growing epidemic of diabetes.In this edition,we cover the integration of metabolism in the context of diet and obesity. Pancreas New chapters on gene regulation To relate Chapter 27 A schematic representation illustrates a few of the to the rapidly growing understanding of the many metabolic pathways that must be coordinated to meet the biochemical aspect of eukaryotic gene regulation demands of living.v I n writing this seventh edition of Biochemistry, we have balanced the desire to present up-to-the minute advances with the need to make biochemistry as clear and engaging as possible for the student approaching the subject for the first time. Instructors and students have long relied on Biochemistry for: • Clear writing The language of biochemistry is made as accessible as possible. A straightforward and logical organization leads the reader through processes and helps navigate complex pathways and mechanisms. • Single-concept illustrations Illustrations in this book address one point at a time so that each illustration clearly tells the story of a mechanism, pathway, or process without the distraction of excess detail. • Physiological relevance Biochemistry is the study of life on the smallest scale, and it has always been our goal to help students connect biochemistry to their own lives. Pathways and processes are presented in a physiological context so that the reader can see how biochemistry works in different parts of the body and under different environmental and hormonal conditions. • Clinical insights Wherever appropriate, pathways and mechanisms are applied to health and disease. These applications show students how biochemistry is relevant to them while reinforcing the concepts that they have just learned. (For a full list, see p. xi.) • Evolutionary perspective Evolution is evident in the structures and pathways of biochemistry and is woven into the narrative of the textbook. (For a full list, see p. x.) New to This Edition Researchers are making new discoveries in biochemistry every day. The seventh edition takes into account the discoveries that have changed how we think about the fundamental concepts in biochemistry and human health. New aspects of the book include: • Metabolism integrated in a new context New information about the role of leptins in hunger and satiety has greatly influenced how we think about obesity and the growing epidemic of diabetes. In this edition, we cover the integration of metabolism in the context of diet and obesity. • New chapters on gene regulation To relate to the rapidly growing understanding of the biochemical aspect of eukaryotic gene regulation, we have greatly expanded our discussion of regulation and have split the chapter in the preceding editions into two: Chapter 31, “The Control of Gene Expression in Prokaryotes,” and Chapter 32, “The Control of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes.” These chapters address recent discoveries such as quorum sensing in prokaryotes, induced pluripotent stem cells, and the role of microRNAs in regulating gene expression. • Experimental techniques updated and clarified We have revised Chapters 3 (“Exploring Proteins and Proteomes”), 5 (“Exploring Genes and Genomes”), and 6 (“Exploring Evolution and Bioinformatics”) to give students a practical understanding of the benefits and limitations of the techniques that they will be using in the laboratory. We have expanded explanations of mass spectrometry and x-ray crystallography, for instance, and made them even clearer for the first-time student. We explain new techniques such as next-generation sequencing and real-time PCR in the context of their importance to modern research in biochemistry. (For a full list, see p. xii.) Chapter 27 A schematic representation illustrates a few of the many metabolic pathways that must be coordinated to meet the demands of living. Brain Leptin Eating Liver Fat Intestine Muscle Insulin + Pancreas Glucose + – – PREFACE
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