TJ.Davis,PA Claisse /Construction and Building Materials 14(00)407-417 80 50 % 0 Solid wood Microlam Paralam Base wood material Fig.5.Embedment strength results (columns represent test samples in sequential order). (1-001p and for ply 6.Load-slip responses and modes of failure No comparable equation for the structural timber All but two samples exhibited a splitting mode of composites is offered due to the low number of sam- failure (Fig.8).This took the form of local crushing of ples no the wood fibres at the bearing interface followed by orted here. the remaining two samples exhibited a block-shea 0 50 3 Base wood material Fig.6.Joint stiffness results,initial stifnessKand stiessKT.J. Da¨is, P.A. Claisse rConstruction and Building Materials 14 2000 407 ( ) ]417 413 Fig. 5. Embedment strength results columns represent test samples in sequential order . Ž . and for plywood fh,0,k k s0.11 1Ž . y0.01d r giving f s0.097r. h No comparable equation for the structural timber composites is offered due to the low number of sam￾ples not being statistically significant. Similarly, average rather than characteristic values for the joint properties are reported here. 6. Load-slip responses and modes of failure All but two samples exhibited a splitting mode of failure Fig. 8 . This took the form of local crushing of Ž . the wood fibres at the bearing interface followed by transverse perpendicular to the grain tension failure, Ž . the remaining two samples exhibited a block-shear Fig. 6. Joint stiffness results, initial stiffness K and stiffness K . i s
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