a mass of images/facts/figures/ (9) 大量的图像/事实!数据等 data a rain/storm of tears/ashes/arrows/ 嚎陶大哭;尘土蒙蒙; 一阵箭雨, (10) bullets 阵弹雨 a storm of applause/ criticism/ 阵暴雨般的掌声:激烈的批评:狂 (11) cheering 热的欢呼 (12) a gale of laughter/excitement 阵阵欢笑;一阵激动 泪如潮涌:滔滔言辞;一片光明: (13) a flood of tears/words/light/terror 片恐惧 (14) a store of learning/experience 知识渊博:经验丰富 a wealth of experience/ data/ 经验丰富;丰富数据:问题多多;大 (15) troubles/good/goods 有好处;商品丰富 (16) a surfeit of food/drug dosage 过量的食品;过量的药品 (17) a succession of defeat 接二连三的挫败 o10 (9) a mass of images/ facts/ figures/ data 大量的图像/ 事实/ 数据等 (10) a rain/ storm of tears/ ashes/ arrows/ bullets 嚎啕大哭;尘土蒙蒙;一阵箭雨,一 阵弹雨 (11) a storm of applause/ criticism/ cheering 一阵暴雨般的掌声;激烈的批评;狂 热的欢呼 (12) a gale of laughter/ excitement 阵阵欢笑;一阵激动 (13) a flood of tears/ words/ 1ight/ terror 泪如潮涌;滔滔言辞;一片光明;一 片恐惧 (14) a store of learning/ experience 知识渊博;经验丰富 (15) a wealth of experience/ data/ troubles/ good/ goods 经验丰富;丰富数据;问题多多;大 有好处;商品丰富 (16) a surfeit of food/ drug dosage 过量的食品;过量的药品 (17) a succession of defeat 接二连三的挫败
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