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《综合英语 Comprehensive English》课程教学资源(Close Reading)Unit 1 The Universe_汉语量词与英语特殊量词的比较


Contrastive study between English and Chinese Unit words 汉语量词与英语特殊量词的比较 I.Unit words in Chinese Unit words in Chinese are used between words of number and noun,indicating unit of things.There are two categories of unit words in Chinese:1.indicating person or things(物量词),2.indicating action or behavior(动量词) l.Three categories of unit words indicating person or things(三类物量词) (I)length,volume,and weight;:weights and measures(表度量衡的单位),如“尺、里、 吨等。 (2)Ordinary unit words(一般量词),such as“个、只、本、间”etc. (3)Feature or state of things as unit words(以事物特征、状态来衡量的量词)such as “头、口、杯、发、条”tc. 2.Two categories of unit words indicating action or behavior(两类动量词): (I)Special unit words indicating action or behavior(专用动量词),such as“次、遍、 番、阵、顿etc. (2)Borrowed unit words indicating action or behavior(借用动量词),namely,nouns relating to actions or behavior are used as unit words(借用与动作有关的名词),such s“刀(砍一刀),“笔”(写一笔),“星期(讨论一星期)等。 3.Structure of unit words::quantifier+unit words(数量结构),E.g 三斤肉,一头牛,一杯咖啡,一山树,一屋人,一架书,五匹布, 两桶水,一块煤,一粒米,一剂药,两行树,一朵花,一线希望, 四排房子,三堆鸡蛋 Occasionally only the quantifier appears in the structure,but the cases are often found in the discourse of Classic Chinese..汉语偶尔也有不用量词的,这不过在古 汉语中出现。如: 卧室里是一桌一凳一床,床板只有两块。(《朝花夕拾琐记》) 撤屏视之,一人,一桌,一椅,一扇,一抚尺而已。(《口技》) Exceptions: (1)In some idioms,there are only quantifiers but no unit words,such as: 千言万语,九牛一毛,三人一组,七上八下,三头六臂,一心一意,三言两 语,七嘴八舌,一草一木,一砖一瓦 (2)Nouns of administrative zones have only quantifiers but no unit words,such as: 三省,五市,两县。 II.Unit words in English 1.Quantifier /indefinite article noun(plural or single),such as: A(one)book 一本书 three Workers 三个工人 four rifles 四枝枪

1 Contrastive study between English and Chinese Unit words 汉语量词与英语特殊量词的比较 I. Unit words in Chinese Unit words in Chinese are used between words of number and noun, indicating unit of things. There are two categories of unit words in Chinese: 1. indicating person or things(物量词); 2. indicating action or behavior(动量词) 1. Three categories of unit words indicating person or things (三类物量词) (1) length, volume, and weight; weights and measures(表度量衡的单位),如“尺、里、 吨”等。 (2) Ordinary unit words (一般量词), such as “个、只、本、间”etc. (3) Feature or state of things as unit words (以事物特征、状态来衡量的量词) such as “头、口、杯、发、条” etc. 2. Two categories of unit words indicating action or behavior(两类动量词): (1)Special unit words indicating action or behavior(专用动量词),such as“次、遍、 番、阵、顿”etc. (2) Borrowed unit words indicating action or behavior(借用动量词), namely, nouns relating to actions or behavior are used as unit words (借用与动作有关的名词), such as“刀”(砍一刀),“笔”(写一笔),“星期”(讨论一星期)等。 3. Structure of unit words: quantifier + unit words (数量结构), E.g. 三斤肉,一头牛,一杯咖啡,一山树,一屋人,一架书,五匹布, 两桶水,一块煤,一粒米,一剂药,两行树,一朵花,一线希望, 四排房子,三堆鸡蛋 Occasionally only the quantifier appears in the structure, but the cases are often found in the discourse of Classic Chinese. 汉语偶尔也有不用量词的,这不过在古 汉语中出现。如: 卧室里是一桌一凳一床,床板只有两块。(《朝花夕拾.琐记》) 撤屏视之,一人,一桌,一椅,一扇,一抚尺而已。(《口技》) Exceptions: (1) In some idioms, there are only quantifiers but no unit words, such as: 千言万语,九牛一毛,三人一组,七上八下,三头六臂,一心一意,三言两 语,七嘴八舌,一草一木,一砖一瓦. (2) Nouns of administrative zones have only quantifiers but no unit words, such as: 三省,五市,两县。 II. Unit words in English 1. Quantifier / indefinite article + noun (plural or single), such as: A (one) book 一本书 three Workers 三个工人 four rifles 四枝枪

six cars 六辆汽车 five tractors 五部拖拉机 seven lathes 七台车床 eight lamps 八盏灯 ten houses 十栋房屋 2.Quantifier indefinite article +noun(as unit words)+of noun(plural or single), such as: a packet of cigarettes 一包纸烟 a company of soldiers 一连士兵 two groups of children 两群小孩 a team of horses 一队马 three heaps of eggs 三堆鸡蛋 four blocks of houses 四排房子 (1)Quantifier/indefinite article +noun (feature or state of things)+of noun (plural or single)(以事物特征、状态来衡量的量词”,such as: a bar of chocolate 一条巧克力 a blanket of snow 片白雪 a blast of wind 阵风 a cake of soap 块肥皂 a coat of paint “层油漆 a cut of pork 块肉 a drop of water 一滴水 a speck of dust 一粒灰尘 a sheet of skin 张皮 (2)Quantifier/indefinite article+noun+of+noun(abstract)(用以表示抽象名词数 量单位的“量词”,such as: an article of food 种食品 an item of news 一则消息 a period of time 一段时间 a bout of fighting 一场战斗 a chain of thought 一连串想法 a flash of hope 一线希望 a round of applause 一阵掌声 a scene of great rejoicing ·片欢腾 a shower of criticism 阵批评 a wisp of smoke “缕轻烟 a peal of thunder 一阵雷声 a gleam/a ray of hope 一线希望 a plot of land 一小块地 (3)Indefinite article+noun(collective concept)十of+noun(plural)(用以表示一群、 2

2 six cars 六辆汽车 five tractors 五部拖拉机 seven lathes 七台车床 eight lamps 八盏灯 ten houses 十栋房屋 2. Quantifier / indefinite article +noun (as unit words) + of + noun (plural or single), such as: a packet of cigarettes 一包纸烟 a company of soldiers 一连士兵 two groups of children 两群小孩 a team of horses 一队马 three heaps of eggs 三堆鸡蛋 four blocks of houses 四排房子 (1) Quantifier / indefinite article +noun (feature or state of things)+ of + noun (plural or single) (以事物特征、状态来衡量的“量词”, such as: a bar of chocolate 一条巧克力 a blanket of snow 一片白雪 a blast of wind 一阵风 a cake of soap 一块肥皂 a coat of paint 一层油漆 a cut of pork 一块肉 a drop of water 一滴水 a speck of dust 一粒灰尘 a sheet of skin 一张皮 (2) Quantifier / indefinite article +noun + of + noun (abstract) (用以表示抽象名词数 量单位的 “量词”, such as: an article of food 一种食品 an item of news 一则消息 a period of time 一段时间 a bout of fighting 一场战斗 a chain of thought 一连串想法 a flash of hope 一线希望 a round of applause 一阵掌声 a scene of great rejoicing 一片欢腾 a shower of criticism 一阵批评 a wisp of smoke 一缕轻烟 a peal of thunder 一阵雷声 a gleam/a ray of hope 一线希望 a plot of land 一小块地 (3) Indefinite article +noun (collective concept)+ of + noun (plural) (用以表示一群

群体或集合概念的量词),such as: English Chinese an army of workers 一大队工人 a batch of new cadres 一批新干部 a body of people 一大组人 a circle of friends 一群朋友 a galaxy of talents 一大批英才 a file of soldiers 列士兵 a troop of scouts 队童子军 a mob of gangsters 一伙歹徒 a bouquet of flowers 一束花 a bunch of grapes 一串葡萄 a night of doves 一群鸽子 a cluster of bees 一群蜜蜂 a litter of kittens 一窝小猫 a mountain of books 一大堆书 a series of articles 系列文章 a sea of flags 一片旗海 a set of tools 套工具 a spate of jokes “串笑语 III.Similarities between Chinese and English unit words 1.Structural similarities three dozen pencils 三打铅笔 ten-meter yarn 十公尺的纱线 five-kilogram packs 五公斤包装 IV.Difference in certain unit words between English and Chinese l.“qun”(群)in Chinese→?in English Chinese English Notes (1) 一群人 a crowd of people 无组织和无秩序的人群 群观众 a crowd of spectators 群女学生 a group of girl students (2) “群旁观者 有一定组织的 a group of onlookers 群才子 a galaxy of talents (3) 群美女 出色或著名的人物群 a galaxy of beauties 群欢迎者 a troop of welcomers (4) 正常行进中的群 群示威者 a troop of demonstrators “群影迷 a throng of film fans 为数众多的挤在一处或向前涌去的 (5) 群人 a throng of people 群 一群匪徒 a band of gangsters 明显的轻蔑色彩,通指强盗、匪徒等 (6) 一群劫匪 a gang of robbers 的群(帮、伙) 群羊 a flock of sheep 飞鸟家禽、牲畜的群,尤指羊群 “群鸭 a flock of ducks

3 群体或集合概念的量词), such as: English Chinese an army of workers 一大队工人 a batch of new cadres 一批新干部 a body of people 一大组人 a circle of friends 一群朋友 a galaxy of talents 一大批英才 a file of soldiers 一列士兵 a troop of scouts 一队童子军 a mob of gangsters 一伙歹徒 a bouquet of flowers 一束花 a bunch of grapes 一串葡萄 a night of doves 一群鸽子 a cluster of bees 一群蜜蜂 a litter of kittens 一窝小猫 a mountain of books 一大堆书 a series of articles 一系列文章 a sea of flags 一片旗海 a set of tools 一套工具 a spate of jokes 一串笑语 III. Similarities between Chinese and English unit words 1. Structural similarities three dozen pencils 三打铅笔 ten-meter yarn 十公尺的纱线 five-kilogram packs 五公斤包装 IV. Difference in certain unit words between English and Chinese 1.“qun”(群)in Chinese → ? in English (1) Chinese English Notes 一群人 a crowd of people 无组织和无秩序的人群 一群观众 a crowd of spectators (2) 一群女学生 a group of girl students 有一定组织的 一群旁观者 a group of onlookers (3) 一群才子 a galaxy of talents 出色或著名的人物群 一群美女 a galaxy of beauties (4) 一群欢迎者 a troop of welcomers 正常行进中的群 一群示威者 a troop of demonstrators (5) 一群影迷 a throng of film fans 为数众多的挤在一处或向前涌去的 一群人 a throng of people 群 (6) 一群匪徒 a band of gangsters 明显的轻蔑色彩,通指强盗、匪徒等 一群劫匪 a gang of robbers 的群(帮、伙) (7) 一群羊 a flock of sheep 飞鸟家禽、牲畜的群,尤指羊群 一群鸭 a flock of ducks

“群牛 a herd of cattle (8) 指大动物的群 群马 a herd of horses 群豺狼 a pack of wolves (9) 野兽、猎犬等的群 群猎犬 a pack of hounds 群建筑物 a cluster of buildings (10) 集结物体的群(簇、堆) 群海岛 a cluster of islands 2.“piece'”in English→?in Chinese English Chinese Notes a piece of wood 一块木头 a piece of paper 一张纸 a piece of coal 一块煤 a piece of clothing 一件衣服 a piece of furniture 一件家具 a piece of news 一条新闻 a piece of advice 一项忠告 a piece of information 一则消息 Used before uncountable nouns a piece of poetry 一首诗 a piece of music 一支乐曲 a piece of prose 一篇散文 a piece of good luck 回好运气 a piece of kindness 一番好意 a piece of folly 一桩蠢事 a piece of chalk 一枝粉笔 3.Plural forms of English unit words,such as: drops of tears 泪珠 two groups of children 两群小孩 streams of people 川流不息的人 multitudes of islands 大群大群的岛屿 myriads of stars 无数的星星 4.English"unit words"with modifiers,such as: English Chinese Notes an increasing number of students 不断增加的学生 a rising flow of foreign visitors 越来越多的外国来客 a large gathering of people 一大群人 a new generation of people 一代新人 Structurally the a stagnant pool of water 一潭死水 adjective is the modifier a mere scrap of paper 纸空文 of the unit word.but a rich assortment of goods 一批各式各样的货物 semantically it is the a new round of talks “轮新的会谈 modifier of the central a thin coat of ice 一层薄冰 noun

4 (8) 一群牛 a herd of cattle 指大动物的群 一群马 a herd of horses (9) 一群豺狼 a pack of wolves 野兽、猎犬等的群 一群猎犬 a pack of hounds (10) 一群建筑物 a cluster of buildings 集结物体的群(簇、堆) 一群海岛 a cluster of islands 2.“piece” in English → ? in Chinese English Chinese Notes a piece of wood 一块木头 Used before uncountable nouns a piece of paper 一张纸 a piece of coal 一块煤 a piece of clothing 一件衣服 a piece of furniture 一件家具 a piece of news 一条新闻 a piece of advice 一项忠告 a piece of information 一则消息 a piece of poetry 一首诗 a piece of music 一支乐曲 a piece of prose 一篇散文 a piece of good luck 一回好运气 a piece of kindness 一番好意 a piece of folly 一桩蠢事 a piece of chalk 一枝粉笔 3. Plural forms of English unit words, such as: drops of tears 泪珠 two groups of children 两群小孩 streams of people 川流不息的人 multitudes of islands 大群大群的岛屿 myriads of stars 无数的星星 4. English “unit words” with modifiers, such as: English Chinese Notes an increasing number of students 不断增加的学生 a rising flow of foreign visitors 越来越多的外国来客 a large gathering of people 一大群人 a new generation of people 一代新人 Structurally the adjective is the modifier of the unit word, but semantically it is the modifier of the central noun. a stagnant pool of water 一潭死水 a mere scrap of paper 一纸空文 a rich assortment of goods 一批各式各样的货物 a new round of talks 一轮新的会谈 a thin coat of ice 一层薄冰

V.Exercises l.s一阵”in Chinese→?in English Chinese English Notes (1) 一阵尴尬 a twinge of embarrassment (2) 一阵哭泣/喝彩炮击/雷声 a burst of tears/cheers/gunfire/ 突然爆发出的 thunder 量如洪水,滔滔 (3) 一阵泪雨/瓢泼大雨/夸夸其谈 a flood of tears/rain/boasts 不绝 a)一阵(小)雨/射击 a)a spatter of rain/bullets (4) 少量或稀疏的 b)一阵稀疏的掌声喝彩 b)a spatter of applause/cheers (5) 一阵隆隆的炮声/雷声 a peal of artillery/thunder 响亮或轰鸣声 (6) 阵暴雨狂风烈火 a gust/blast of rain/wind/flame 突然而猛烈的 (7 一阵怒气/激情咳嗽 a fit of anger/passion/coughing 持续短暂的 (8) 阵呕吐 a vomiting fit (9) 一阵厄运/屠热 a spell of bad luck/summer heat 持续一段时间的 a)一阵寒潮 a)a cold spell of weather 天气、疾病等持 (10) b)一阵昏厥 b)a fainting spell 续 a twinge of remorse/toothache/ (11) 一阵内疚/牙痛/风湿痛 针捻刀刺般的 rheumatism a spasm of pain/grief/coughing/ (12) 一阵痛苦/伤心咳嗽/激动 抽搐或颤抖的 excitement a)一阵轰炸/打击/咒骂 a)a hail of bombs/blows/curse (13) 雹打雨淋般的 b)一阵弹雨/批评 b)a shower of bullets/criticism (14) 一阵欢乐 an agony of joy (感情的)爆发 (15) 阵子爱意 a flush of love 兴奋:激动 a)一点点工作 a)a stroke of work 16) b)一阵心脏病发作 抽,一击 b)a stroke of heart attack 2. Translate the following phrases into Chinese.Pay special attention to the grammatical function of the two nouns before and after"of'. a great mountain of wave 高山似的波涛 a park of a factory 公园般的工厂 a shell of a man 骨瘦如柴的人 a saint of a man 圣人似的人物 a palace of a house 宫殿似的房屋 a fairyland of a country 仙境似的国土 a whale of a scientist 位了不起的科学家 3.Translate the following phrases into Chinese.Pay special attention to the drop of unit words in the Chinese version

5 V. Exercises 1.“一阵” in Chinese → ? in English Chinese English Notes (1) 一阵尴尬 a twinge of embarrassment (2) 一阵哭泣/喝彩/炮击/雷声 a burst of tears/ cheers/ gunfire/ thunder 突然爆发出的 (3) 一阵泪雨/瓢泼大雨/夸夸其谈 a flood of tears/ rain/ boasts 量如洪水,滔滔 不绝 (4) a) 一阵(小)雨/射击 b) 一阵稀疏的掌声/喝彩 a) a spatter of rain/ bullets b) a spatter of applause/ cheers 少量或稀疏的 (5) 一阵隆隆的炮声/雷声 a peal of artillery/ thunder 响亮或轰鸣声 (6) 一阵暴雨/狂风/烈火 a gust/ blast of rain/ wind/ flame 突然而猛烈的 (7) 一阵怒气/激情/咳嗽 a fit of anger/ passion/ coughing 持续短暂的 (8) 一阵呕吐 a vomiting fit (9) 一阵厄运/暑热 a spell of bad luck/ summer heat 持续一段时间的 (10) a) 一阵寒潮 b) 一阵昏厥 a) a cold spell of weather b) a fainting spell 天气、疾病等持 续 (11) 一阵内疚/牙痛/风湿痛 a twinge of remorse/ toothache/ rheumatism 针捻刀刺般的 (12) 一阵痛苦/伤心/咳嗽/激动 a spasm of pain/ grief/ coughing/ excitement 抽搐或颤抖的 (13) a) 一阵轰炸/打击/咒骂 b) 一阵弹雨/批评 a) a hail of bombs/ blows/ curse b) a shower of bullets/ criticism 雹打雨淋般的 (14) 一阵欢乐 an agony of joy (感情的)爆发 (15) 一阵子爱意 a flush of love 兴奋;激动 (16) a) 一点点工作 b) 一阵心脏病发作 a) a stroke of work b) a stroke of heart attack 一抽,一击 2 . Translate the following phrases into Chinese. Pay special attention to the grammatical function of the two nouns before and after “of”. a great mountain of wave 高山似的波涛 a park of a factory 公园般的工厂 a shell of a man 骨瘦如柴的人 a saint of a man 圣人似的人物 a palace of a house 宫殿似的房屋 a fairyland of a country 仙境似的国土 a whale of a scientist 一位了不起的科学家 3.Translate the following phrases into Chinese. Pay special attention to the drop of unit words in the Chinese version

That was a quirk of fate. 那是命运的作弄。 a sea of trouble 无尽的麻烦 I detected a flicker of challenge in his eyes. 我觉察到他的眼神霎时间显出异议。 There was a note of pride in his voice. 他说话的口气带有自豪感。 a store of oil 很多石油 a whale of a difference 天壤之别 a whale of a story 极妙的故事 have a whale of a goodtime 玩得极愉快 4.Translate the following unit words indicating actions into Chinese.Pay attention to the adverb or noun in the Chinese version give a punch 打一拳 have a rest 休息一下 have a walk 走一走 fire a shot 放一枪 eat a bite 吃一口 give a kick 踢一脚 Let me have a look. 让我看一看。 For three whole days and nights he did not have 他三天三夜没睡一觉。 a wink of sleep. sleep a sound sleep 睡了一大觉 dream a sweet dream 做了甜蜜的梦 fight a fight 打一仗 smile a smile 笑一笑 laugh a hearty laugh 放声大笑 die a heroic death 英勇牺牲了 VI.A Summary of English unit words 1.一群 (1)a crowd/group/multitude/throng/army/team/class of people;a gang/swarm/ horde/pack/band of people(in a derogatory way)一群人 (2)troop通常指聚在一起活动的、生气勃勃的一群人:a troop of demonstrators/ shoppers/visitors (3)bey特指女性的一群”,有时指鸟类,尤指鹌鹑或云雀:a bevy of actresses/ young women/ladies/shop girls/quails (4)a mob of angry people/rioters/slaves/liars/blackguards表贬义的一群” (S)a horde of lazy-bones//swindlers//locusts/hooligans,.horde原意为游牧部落,通 常含有轻蔑色彩。 (6)band;gang常指“帮”:a band of robbers/.gangsters/thieves/outlaws;a gang of criminals/slaves/prisoners (7)一群牛、象、马、天鹅a herd of cattle/elephants/horses/,swans (8)a flock of birds/geese/hens/goats/swallows/sheep/chickens 6

6 That was a quirk of fate. 那是命运的作弄。 a sea of trouble 无尽的麻烦 I detected a flicker of challenge in his eyes. 我觉察到他的眼神霎时间显出异议。 There was a note of pride in his voice. 他说话的口气带有自豪感。 a store of oil 很多石油 a whale of a difference 天壤之别 a whale of a story 极妙的故事 have a whale of a goodtime 玩得极愉快 4. Translate the following unit words indicating actions into Chinese. Pay attention to the adverb or noun in the Chinese version. give a punch 打一拳 have a rest 休息一下 have a walk 走一走 fire a shot 放一枪 eat a bite 吃一口 give a kick 踢一脚 Let me have a look. 让我看一看。 For three whole days and nights he did not have a wink of sleep. 他三天三夜没睡一觉。 sleep a sound sleep 睡了一大觉 dream a sweet dream 做了甜蜜的梦 fight a fight 打一仗 smile a smile 笑一笑 laugh a hearty laugh 放声大笑 die a heroic death 英勇牺牲了 VI. A Summary of English unit words 1. 一群 (1) a crowd/ group/ multitude/ throng/ army/ team/ class of people;a gang/ swarm/ horde/ pack/ band of people(in a derogatory way)一群人 (2) troop 通常指聚在一起活动的、生气勃勃的一群人: a troop of demonstrators/ shoppers/ visitors (3) bevy 特指女性的“一群”,有时指鸟类,尤指鹌鹑或云雀:a bevy of actresses/ young women/ ladies/ shop girls/ quails (4) a mob of angry people/ rioters/ slaves/ liars/ blackguards 表贬义的“一群” (5) a horde of lazy-bones/ swindlers/ locusts/ hooligans, horde 原意为游牧部落,通 常含有轻蔑色彩。 (6) band;gang 常指“帮”:a band of robbers/ gangsters/ thieves/ outlaws ; a gang of criminals/ slaves/ prisoners (7) 一群牛、象、马、天鹅 a herd of cattle/ elephants/ horses/ swans (8) 一群鸟 a flock of birds/ geese/ hens/ goats/ swallows/ sheep/ chickens

(9)一群猎狗a pack of hounds/wolves/.grouse (10)一群狐狸a skulk of foxes (11)一群狮子a pride of lions (12)一群星星a cluster of stars (13)一群鱼a school/shoal of fish/shrimps (14)一群马a stud/drove of horses (15)一群鹅a gaggle/flock of geese (16)一群蚊子/蝴蝶a swarm of mosquitoes/.butterflies (17)一群(窝)蚂蚁a colony of ants/bees (18)一群建筑物a clump/complex of buildings 2.一丝/点/层/片 (I)一片草皮a chunk of turf;一片绿色a tint of green;一片心意a small token of our hearts,:一片漆黑completely dark/dismal night/pitch dark,一片汪洋a flood of water (2)一丝睡意a wink of sleep;一丝怀疑a shadow of doubt,一丝嫉妒a slight twinge of jealousy;一丝侧隐之心a sign of sympathy for..;一丝懊悔a slight twinge of remorse;一丝失望的情绪a taint/faint of disappointment,一丝失望的眼 a flicker of disappointment (3)一点点工作a stroke of work (4)一线未来之光a glimpse of future (⑤)一缕月光a streak of moonlight/amber(fig) (6)一层霜/雪/糖霜a layer of frost/snow/cream (7)(剩下)一口气a spark/breath of life 3.Rhetorical devices in the unit words. (1)Metaphor 一串香蕉 a hand of bananas 颗颗汗珠 beads of sweat 一长串汽车 a string of cars 很大的朋友圈 a large circle of friends (2)Metonymy 一串珍珠 a rope of pearls 一炉钢 a heat of steel 年三熟 three crops a year 一大群飞机 a cloud of planes 林立的烟囱 a forest of chimneys 一片沙滩 a beach of sands (3)Hyperbole(夸张) 无尽的麻烦 a sea of troubles 一大笔钱 a pile of money 勃然大怒 a wave of anger

7 (9) 一群猎狗 a pack of hounds/ wolves/ grouse (10) 一群狐狸 a skulk of foxes (11) 一群狮子 a pride of lions (12) 一群星星 a cluster of stars (13)一群鱼 a school/ shoal of fish/ shrimps (14) 一群马 a stud/ drove of horses (15) 一群鹅 a gaggle/ flock of geese (16) 一群蚊子/ 蝴蝶 a swarm of mosquitoes/ butterflies (17) 一群(窝)蚂蚁 a colony of ants/ bees (18) 一群建筑物 a clump/ complex of buildings 2. 一丝/ 点/ 层/ 片 (1) 一片草皮a chunk of turf;一片绿色a tint of green;一片心意 a small token of our hearts; 一片漆黑 completely dark/ dismal night/ pitch dark; 一片汪洋 a flood of water (2) 一丝睡意 a wink of sleep;一丝怀疑 a shadow of doubt; 一丝嫉妒 a slight twinge of jealousy; 一丝恻隐之心 a sign of sympathy for... ; 一丝懊悔 a slight twinge of remorse; 一丝失望的情绪 a taint/ faint of disappointment; 一丝失望的眼 神 a flicker of disappointment (3) 一点点工作 a stroke of work (4) 一线未来之光 a glimpse of future (5) 一缕月光 a streak of moonlight/ amber(fig) (6) 一层霜/ 雪/ 糖霜 a layer of frost/ snow/ cream (7)(剩下)一口气 a spark/ breath of life 3. Rhetorical devices in the unit words. (1) Metaphor 一串香蕉 a hand of bananas 颗颗汗珠 beads of sweat 一长串汽车 a string of cars 很大的朋友圈 a large circle of friends (2) Metonymy 一串珍珠 a rope of pearls 一炉钢 a heat of steel 一年三熟 three crops a year 一大群飞机 a cloud of planes 林立的烟囱 a forest of chimneys 一片沙滩 a beach of sands (3) Hyperbole (夸张) 无尽的麻烦 a sea of troubles 一大笔钱 a pile of money 勃然大怒 a wave of anger

开怀大笑 gales of laughter 无数次 heaps of times 一小撮敌人 a pinch of enemy 滔滔不绝的话语 a flood of words 4.Commonly-used unit nouns and their Chinese equivalents (I)piece块;片;段;项;件;篇;首;幅;张 a piece of bread/paper/wood/furniture/land/advice/news/meat/cloth/music... (2)bit一点;一些;一片a bit of water/wood/grass/trouble.. (3)item条;则;项an item of news/information/business/program. (4)article件;项;条an article of furniture/clothing/luggage/export. (S)grain粒;颗a grain of rice/wheat/salt/sand. (6)drop a drop of water/oil/rain/blood/dew... (7)slice薄片a slice of meat/bread/cake/ham. (8)cake a cake of soap/mud/ice... (8)bar块;条a bar of chocolate/candy/soap (9)ear an ear of corn/rice/wheat/millet... (10)loaf块;条a loaf of bread. (Il)lump块;团a lump of clay/sugar/earth. (12)spiral a spiral of mosquito incense... (13)card a card of buttons (l4)pack副;盒a pack of cards/cigarettes (15)fistful(s)一把a fistful of sand/rice. (16)handful(s)一把a handful of soil.. (17)armful(s)一抱an armful of flowers.. (18)cupful(s)一杯four cupfuls of jam.. (19)mouthful(s)一▣a mouthful of snow/whys.. (20)spoonful(s)一汤匙a spoonful of sugar.. (2l)spadeful(s)一铲a spadeful of coal.. (22)bagful(s)一袋a bagful of letters.. (23)truckload一货车a truckload of apples..… (24)shipload一船a shipload of TV sets.. (25)lorryload一卡车a lorryload of iron.. (26)fit一阵子a fit of coughing/fever/laughter/anger/.. (27)ray a ray of hope/intelligence/sunlight... (28)peal a peal of thunder/laughter/applause... (29)flash闪现一下a flash of hope/lightening/wit. (30)display炫耀-下a display of power/courage/force/learning/skill.. (3l)attack疾病的发作an attack of fever//malaria (32)group组;群;批a group of students.. (33)team队;组a team of experts/footballers/scientists. (34)gang帮;伙;群;队:组a gang of four/thieves/robbers. (35)army大群;队an army of beggars/ants/bees. (36)troop群;伙a troop of soldiers

8 开怀大笑 gales of laughter 无数次 heaps of times 一小撮敌人 a pinch of enemy 滔滔不绝的话语 a flood of words 4. Commonly-used unit nouns and their Chinese equivalents (1) piece 块;片;段;项;件;篇;首;幅;张 a piece of bread/ paper/ wood/ furniture/ land/ advice/ news/ meat/ cloth/ music... (2) bit 一点;一些;一片 a bit of water/ wood/ grass/ trouble... (3) item 条;则;项 an item of news/ information/ business/ program... (4) article 件;项;条 an article of furniture/ clothing/ luggage/ export... (5) grain 粒;颗 a grain of rice/ wheat/ salt/ sand... (6) drop 滴 a drop of water/ oil/ rain/ blood/ dew... (7) slice 薄片 a slice of meat/ bread/ cake/ ham... (8) cake 块 a cake of soap/ mud/ ice... (8) bar 块;条 a bar of chocolate/ candy/ soap... (9) ear 穗 an ear of corn/ rice/ wheat/ millet... (10) loaf 块;条 a loaf of bread... (11) lump 块;团 a lump of clay/ sugar/ earth... (12) spiral 盘 a spiral of mosquito incense... (13) card 板 a card of buttons (14) pack 副;盒 a pack of cards/ cigarettes (15) fistful(s)一把 a fistful of sand/ rice... (16) handful(s)一把 a handful of soil... (17) armful(s)一抱 an armful of flowers... (18) cupful(s)一杯 four cupfuls of jam... (19) mouthful(s)一口 a mouthful of snow/ whys... (20) spoonful(s)一汤匙 a spoonful of sugar... (21) spadeful(s)一铲 a spadeful of coal... (22) bagful(s)一袋 a bagful of letters... (23) truckload 一货车 a truckload of apples... (24) shipload 一船 a shipload of TV sets... (25) lorryload 一卡车 a lorryload of iron... (26) fit 一阵子 a fit of coughing/ fever/ laughter/ anger/ ... (27) ray 一线 a ray of hope/ intelligence/ sunlight… (28) peal 一阵 a peal of thunder/ laughter/ applause... (29) flash 闪现一下 a flash of hope/ lightening/ wit... (30) display 炫耀一下 a display of power/ courage/ force/ learning/ skill... (31) attack 疾病的发作 an attack of fever/ malaria (32) group 组;群;批 a group of students... (33) team 队; 组 a team of experts/ footballers/ scientists... (34) gang 帮;伙;群;队;组 a gang of four/ thieves/ robbers... (35) army 大群;队 an army of beggars/ ants/ bees... (36) troop 群;伙 a troop of soldiers

(37)host大群a host of friends/heroes. (38)pack群;伙a pack of liars/thieves/.rascals/hounds. (39)band帮;伙a band of music(players)/brigands. (40)choir队;组;群a choir of singers..… (41)bunch串;束;挂;群;帮;伙a bunch of bananas/fools/flowers/keys/thieves.. (42)bouquet束;把bouquet of f1 owers (43)string串;挂;节a string of beads/pearls/words/thread (44)sheafpl.sheaves捆;束a sheaf of wheat/arrows/.papers (45)crew帮;伙;全体a crew of sailors/pilots (46)party组;伙;批a party of guests/children.… (47)batch a batch of letters/telegrams/visitors... (48)gaggle a gaggle of geese/girls... (49)litter a litter of kittens/little piglets/puppies... (50)herd a herd of elephants/deer/cattle... (51)swarm a swarm of ants/locusts/bees/people/stars... (52)cluster串;束;群;组a cluster of flowers/grapes/bees/islands/stars. a cluster of butterflies/grapes/berries/consonants/houses (53)brood窝;群;组a brood of chickens/paintings/thieves.. (54)school a school of whales/dolphins... (55)shoal a shoal of fish/whales/people... (56)flock a flock of geese/birds/pigeons/ducks/visitors/customers... (57)dozen a dozen (of)pencils/eggs/red roses... (58)gross一罗(计算单位,等于12打或144个) a gross of nails/pencils/can openers... (59)pile一大堆a pile of what-ifs一大堆假定 (60)mound一大堆a mound(mouthful)maybes满嘴的可能 (6l)clump一群a clump of islands/buildings (62)school the school of traditional grammar (63)train一列a train of cars一列火车厢 (64)pot一锅a pot of soup/tea/water... (65)fleck H a fleck of snow... 5. Quantity and amount in both English and Chinese(汉英表量的对应名词) a sea of people/flames/blood/ 如海般的/如潮一样的人群;火海:血 (1) flags/flowers/happy faces 海:旗海:花海:无数幸福的面孔 an ocean of trouble/time/space/ 无穷的麻烦;无休止的时间:浩瀚的 (2) cheering 宇宙;欢乐的海洋 (3) a scene of great rejoicing 片欢腾 (4) a chorus of protest/praise 片抗议之声/赞扬之声 (5) a trove of Chinese porcelain 批中国磁器 (6) a grove of coco (a)nut/bamboo 片椰林/竹林 (7 a blaze of lights 片灯火 a mountain of debts/rubbish/ 债台高筑/垃圾如山:家财万贯;一大 8) money/dirty clothes 堆脏衣服

9 (37) host 大群 a host of friends/ heroes... (38) pack 群;伙 a pack of liars/ thieves/ rascals/ hounds... (39) band 帮;伙 a band of music(players)/ brigands... (40) choir 队;组;群 a choir of singers... (41) bunch 串;束;挂;群;帮;伙 a bunch of bananas/ fools/ flowers/ keys/ thieves. (42) bouquet 束;把 bouquet of flowers (43) string 串;挂;节 a string of beads/ pearls/ words/ thread (44) sheaf p1.sheaves 捆;束 a sheaf of wheat/ arrows/ papers (45) crew 帮;伙;全体 a crew of sailors/ pilots (46) party 组;伙;批 a party of guests/ children... (47) batch 批 a batch of letters/ telegrams/ visitors... (48) gaggle 群 a gaggle of geese/ girls... (49) litter 一窝 a litter of kittens/ little piglets/ puppies... (50) herd 群 a herd of elephants/ deer/ cattle... (51) swarm 群 a swarm of ants/ locusts/ bees/ people/ stars... (52) cluster 串;束;群;组 a cluster of flowers/ grapes/ bees/ islands/ stars... a cluster of butterflies/ grapes/ berries/ consonants/ houses (53) brood 窝;群;组 a brood of chickens/ paintings/ thieves... (54) school 群 a school of whales/ dolphins... (55) shoal 群 a shoal of fish/ whales/ people... (56) flock 群 a flock of geese/birds/pigeons/ ducks/ visitors/ customers... (57) dozen 一打 a dozen(of)pencils/ eggs/ red roses... (58) gross 一罗(计算单位,等于 12 打或 144 个) a gross of nails/ pencils/ can openers... (59) pile 一大堆 a pile of what-ifs 一大堆假定 (60) mound 一大堆 a mound(mouthful)maybes 满嘴的可能 (61) clump 一群 a clump of islands/ buildings (62) school 流派 the school of traditional grammar (63) train 一列 a train of cars 一列火车厢 (64) pot 一锅 a pot of soup/ tea/ water... (65) fleck 片 a fleck of snow... 5.Quantity and amount in both English and Chinese(汉英表量的对应名词) (1) a sea of people/ flames/ blood/ flags/ flowers/ happy faces 如海般的/ 如潮一样的人群;火海;血 海;旗海;花海;无数幸福的面孔 (2) an ocean of trouble/ time/ space/ cheering 无穷的麻烦;无休止的时间;浩瀚的 宇宙;欢乐的海洋 (3) a scene of great rejoicing 一片欢腾 (4) a chorus of protest/ praise 一片抗议之声/ 赞扬之声 (5) a trove of Chinese porcelain 一批中国磁器 (6) a grove of coco(a)nut/ bamboo 一片椰林/竹林 (7) a blaze of lights 一片灯火 (8) a mountain of debts/ rubbish/ money/ dirty clothes 债台高筑/ 垃圾如山;家财万贯;一大 堆脏衣服

a mass of images/facts/figures/ (9) 大量的图像/事实!数据等 data a rain/storm of tears/ashes/arrows/ 嚎陶大哭;尘土蒙蒙; 一阵箭雨, (10) bullets 阵弹雨 a storm of applause/ criticism/ 阵暴雨般的掌声:激烈的批评:狂 (11) cheering 热的欢呼 (12) a gale of laughter/excitement 阵阵欢笑;一阵激动 泪如潮涌:滔滔言辞;一片光明: (13) a flood of tears/words/light/terror 片恐惧 (14) a store of learning/experience 知识渊博:经验丰富 a wealth of experience/ data/ 经验丰富;丰富数据:问题多多;大 (15) troubles/good/goods 有好处;商品丰富 (16) a surfeit of food/drug dosage 过量的食品;过量的药品 (17) a succession of defeat 接二连三的挫败 o

10 (9) a mass of images/ facts/ figures/ data 大量的图像/ 事实/ 数据等 (10) a rain/ storm of tears/ ashes/ arrows/ bullets 嚎啕大哭;尘土蒙蒙;一阵箭雨,一 阵弹雨 (11) a storm of applause/ criticism/ cheering 一阵暴雨般的掌声;激烈的批评;狂 热的欢呼 (12) a gale of laughter/ excitement 阵阵欢笑;一阵激动 (13) a flood of tears/ words/ 1ight/ terror 泪如潮涌;滔滔言辞;一片光明;一 片恐惧 (14) a store of learning/ experience 知识渊博;经验丰富 (15) a wealth of experience/ data/ troubles/ good/ goods 经验丰富;丰富数据;问题多多;大 有好处;商品丰富 (16) a surfeit of food/ drug dosage 过量的食品;过量的药品 (17) a succession of defeat 接二连三的挫败



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