☆话题写作第一品牌☆ 第一章经典必背20篇 1.成功需要继续努力 Directions Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1. describe the drawing briefly 2. illustrate possible reasons for the phenomenon, and then 3. give your comments You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(20 points) 有下天的牌,你将头大 动,归本书所 一背诵范文及范文精译 Proud people will breed sad sorrow for themselv 骄傲的人会给自己带来悲伤。这句话非 ing is further from the truth than this. As is shown dn 常正确。正如漫画所示,这个非常成功的人正 toon, a high achiever is sleeping on the first pla 躺在冠军领奖台上,回忆他过去的成功。漫画 ollecting his past success. he caption predicts that he will,题词预测说他迟早会落后,变成一个失败者。 mmu, becomie a low achiever. Clearly,很清楚,这是一个我们应该吸取的重要人生 portant lesson of should learn The reason for his failare is simple: laziness is a sin. 失败的原因很简单:懒惰是一种罪恶 With the rapid develepment of our society, the pace and rhythm随着社会的发展,人们的生活节奏越来越快 f life becomesswifter and swifter. Anyone, no matter how high任何人,无论他曾经取得过多么辉煌的成就, h, Behind if he stops his如果他不努力就会落后。而且,他还会受到 will also suffer from many other problems.Alay其它问题的困扰。懒人会不信任自己的同 person may be so distrustful of his fellow workers that he is ha事,害怕自己的想法被别人偷去。他还会因 his brainchild stolen. He may be paralyzed by a fear of为害怕失败,而无所作为,所以他不会取得 failure that prevents fruitful work. 成果 These once high achievers may have never failed yet in 这些成功人士可能以前做任何事从来都 anything that theyve done, so they have no experience of rising没有失败过,因此他们没有战胜失败后再站起 abovefailure. When failure arrives, it becomes the supreme来的经历。当失败到来时,它变成了最大的噩 nightmare; a frightful horror they must avoid at any cost.梦:所以他们必须尽量地避免失败。对他们 The simplestway for them to do is never to take any risk and to来说,最简单的办法就是决不冒险,严格坚守本制品仅供学生学习之用,严禁用于各种生业活动,版权归本书所有。                             !   !"   # $ ""  %     &'( )*(+)),- !  .   /  !!      "$' 0     "      &     0      $ !    !       !  , !  !              "  $ 1     "!        2  2   !"#$%&'()2  *+,-.'/012345672 89:;4<=>?@ABCD EF2 ,        "! 3      !  $!"     !   "   "       & "      $"  "     !   +   ""  ! "&3 !  "     4    $0     +"       ! $    4 56GH8IJ KL;4MNO2 PQRST=DUVWX XY2 Z[\]'^_A`(abcde f'ghie122 jk'lmn opq*rs2 KgtZ u vwx yz{|})2 'lH ~wx56j\~€'gA` f2 ,     $ "$$         5$  $6!     $       $  " ! "   "      " $      , "!  "  $  4 4   ‚ƒ„€…†Z[v‡ ˆ ‰Š56(H‹'=‰ŠŒ562Ž _‘2 ’56n p3• €'=™š›œžŸ562  '= . •IJ¡ze;¢g£¤ ¥¦§¨ 787 9  9
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