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第一章经典必背20篇 第二章重点预测44篇 第三章快速浏览62篇

■中篇可考话题系统总结 第一章经典必背20篇 第二章重点预测44篇 第三章快速浏览62篇


☆话题写作第一品牌☆ 第一章经典必背20篇 1.成功需要继续努力 Directions Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1. describe the drawing briefly 2. illustrate possible reasons for the phenomenon, and then 3. give your comments You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(20 points) 有下天的牌,你将头大 动,归本书所 一背诵范文及范文精译 Proud people will breed sad sorrow for themselv 骄傲的人会给自己带来悲伤。这句话非 ing is further from the truth than this. As is shown dn 常正确。正如漫画所示,这个非常成功的人正 toon, a high achiever is sleeping on the first pla 躺在冠军领奖台上,回忆他过去的成功。漫画 ollecting his past success. he caption predicts that he will,题词预测说他迟早会落后,变成一个失败者。 mmu, becomie a low achiever. Clearly,很清楚,这是一个我们应该吸取的重要人生 portant lesson of should learn The reason for his failare is simple: laziness is a sin. 失败的原因很简单:懒惰是一种罪恶 With the rapid develepment of our society, the pace and rhythm随着社会的发展,人们的生活节奏越来越快 f life becomesswifter and swifter. Anyone, no matter how high任何人,无论他曾经取得过多么辉煌的成就, h, Behind if he stops his如果他不努力就会落后。而且,他还会受到 will also suffer from many other problems.Alay其它问题的困扰。懒人会不信任自己的同 person may be so distrustful of his fellow workers that he is ha事,害怕自己的想法被别人偷去。他还会因 his brainchild stolen. He may be paralyzed by a fear of为害怕失败,而无所作为,所以他不会取得 failure that prevents fruitful work. 成果 These once high achievers may have never failed yet in 这些成功人士可能以前做任何事从来都 anything that theyve done, so they have no experience of rising没有失败过,因此他们没有战胜失败后再站起 abovefailure. When failure arrives, it becomes the supreme来的经历。当失败到来时,它变成了最大的噩 nightmare; a frightful horror they must avoid at any cost.梦:所以他们必须尽量地避免失败。对他们 The simplestway for them to do is never to take any risk and to来说,最简单的办法就是决不冒险,严格坚守

本制品仅供学生学习之用,严禁用于各种生业活动,版权归本书所有。                             !   !"   # $ ""  %     &'( )*(+)),- !  .   /  !!      "$' 0     "      &     0      $ !    !       !  , !  !              "  $ 1     "!        2  2   !"#$%&'()2  *+,-.'/012345672 89:;4?@ABCD EF2 ,        "! 3      !  $!"     !   "   "       & "      $"  "     !   +   ""  ! "&3 !  "     4    $0     +"       ! $    4 56GH8IJ KL;4MNO2 PQRST=DUVWX XY2 Z[\]'^_A`(abcde f'ghie122 jk'lmn opq*rs2 KgtZ u vwx yz{|})2 'lH ~wx56j\~€'gA` f2 ,     $ "$$         5$  $6!     $       $  " ! "   "      " $      , "!  "  $  4 4   ‚ƒ„€…†Z[v‡ ˆ ‰Š56(H‹'=‰ŠŒ562Ž _‘2 ’56n p3• €'=™š›œžŸ562  '= . •IJ¡ze;¢g£¤ ¥¦§¨ 787 9  9

☆全面涵盖可考话题☆ ck rigidly to what they have already known. This will surely着他们已经知道的东西。但这样做的结果肯 lead to their doom and gloom. 定会更糟 语言注释 ① high achiever["u」:v]非常成功的人士 ② recollect[, reka' lekt]a.想起;回想,追忆 ③ lag behind[laeg]u.落后 ④ Dlow achiever失败者 ⑤ distrustful of[ dis' trAstfal]不信任 brainchild[" brent aild]n.想法 ⑦ paralyze" paeralaiz].瘫痪 ⑧ frightful[ fraitfl ]a.令人恐惧的 ⑨ rigidly[' rid3idli]ad.严格地,不变地 0 doom and gloom[dum][ghum]黑暗的末日 结构亮点 ① Proud people will breed sad sorrow for themselves.骄傲的人会给自己带来悲伤 ② Nothing is further from the truth than this这句话非常正确。 ③ With the rapid development of our society, the pace and rhythm of life becomes swifter and swifter.随着社会的发 展,人们的生活节奏越来越快。 长 写作思路 写作提示语中有三个要求,因此写作应该围绕这三个要求展开。由于漫画内容比较简敢供描写的地方 不多,所以可以从漫画的意义入手。这篇文章开头两句话写得很有文采。接着作者分析骄傲者必然失败的原 因并指出如果不努力还会产生其它后果。最后一段作者发表评论。作者认为这些成功的人一旦面临失败 所受的打击会比别人更严重,所以他们可能会尽量避免失败结果反而更槽 ☆☆☆☆成种 2.正确对待失败 Directions 3y%用y如 wing. In your essay,m Write an essay of 160-200 words bas 1. describe the drawing briefly You should write, nead on ANSWER SHEET 2.(20 points) 失馼,一k仙只.对丿罚竹入·寻 一次問石:x于坚强人,一太垫再石

本制品仅供学生学习之用,严禁用于各种生业活动,版权归本书所有。  4     $ 4,       " " Q'=©_ª«¬­2 ®¯†°f± ²³´2  :    $ ; ?$ @yz J! 3;=!E ?ÅÆÃCÄTÇ2 ÈÉÊËÌÍIJƒÎÏ¿Ð ga€ƒ€‡ÑÒÓÔ2 ÕÖ×ÇØÙ¿`8ŠÖÚ2 ÛQ7ÜÝ7™Þ56G HßàáfghilâDop2f2 •24ã7Säå]2 7æ~4çèé56 mêëÌ|³¥B€'=ƒ„›œžŸ56°fìj³´2 99999  !"                      6!     "    #!!  $    6"!O6"! %     &'( )*(+)),- !  . 7P7 9  9

☆话题写作第一品牌☆ 背诵范文及范文精译 Here is a vivid and lively cartoon in which we can see dif 这是一幅栩栩如生的漫画,从画中我们可 nt attitudes towards failure. Some may look on it as a以看到对待失败的不同态度。有些人把失败看 mhe, while others may treat it as a stepping作是绊脚石而另外一些人把它看作是通向未 that leads to future accomplishments. Clearly different attitudes来成就的垫脚石。很清楚,不同的态度会导致 may lead to different consequences 不同的结果 What the picture conveys is a life philosophy: success 这幅画表达的是一条生活哲理:成功并 doesn't mean the absence of failures; it means the attainment of非意味着没有失败,成功意味着实现了最终 ultimate objective. Many people are afraid to undertake the目标。许多人因为太害怕失败而不敢去尝 al because they're too afraid of failures. They make the mis--试。他们错误地认为失败是错误的、有害的 take of believing that failures are wrong and harm. While most而大部分失败最终却是必要的、有益的。许 of them can turn out to be necessary and helpful.. On the other多其他人认为失败提供了通向成功的反馈信 hand, many others think that failure provides the feedback that息。有人甚至认为失败能够推动人们承受新 points the way to success. Failure can even push people to put的、更好的考验。经历更多的考验和错误 ogether a new and better tria, leading through yet mo后能够找到一个可行的、创造性的解法 trial and error until they can ultimately find a viable and creative勇敢地面对失败会帮助人们在间最后成功 olution. To meet with failure bravely may help to take one more的路上再前行一步。没有朱败染意味着没有 step on the path to final success. No failure means no success 成功 There are many examples to illustrate this point of view. 有许多事例说明这个观点。但是 Howe, my personal example is more illuminating. For the我的亲身经友更具有启发意义。在过去的四 past four years, have to travel to and from school by train dur-年中,我在假期是不得不坐火车往返于学校 ing the holidays. However, I can always find a vacant seat to家里,然而我总是能设法找到一个空位子 take, no matter whether it is a long journey or a short one, 来坐,不管是长途旅行还是短途旅行;不管火 matter it is a crowded train or not. The key to my succes 车是否处于非常拥挤的状态。我能成功找到 ry simple; to look patiently into every train car for a vacant座位的关键很简单:耐心地在每节车厢找看 at until I get one and go through the jo ih是否有空位子,直到找到为止,而且旅行途中 give up their路非常顺利。其他许多乘客因为看到很多 人站在过道上,或是在第一节车厢里和第 when they fail to find a seaciir the first or second car,Asa节车厢里都没有找到空座的话,就会放弃继 onsequence, they have to stand in the car passages from续寻找,结果他们在旅途中全程都不得不站 在车厢的过道里 语言注释 vid[' vivid]a.如在眼前的,生动的,栩栩如生的,逼真的,清楚的 ② stumbling block[' shAmblin]绊脚石;障碍 ③ stepping stone[' stepin]垫脚石 ④ convey[ kan'vei].传达,传递;传导 ⑤ attainment[ a tennant]n.达到,到达 ⑥ ultimate' Altima]a.最后的,最终的,极限的,结局的⑦ undertake[ Anda' teik]v.承担;承办;答应,约定 ⑧ trial and error["rai]['eror]反复试验 viable["vail]a.切实可行的 ⑩ llustrate[' ilastreit]v.(用例子、图解等)说明;举例证明⑩ Iluminating[ i'lu: mineta]a.启发的,说明的 ① acant[" veikant]a.空着的 ① flying colours巨大胜利,大获全胜

本制品仅供学生学习之用,严禁用于各种生业活动,版权归本书所有。   +    $         0        (""4    "  4    "   !!        "! " 1      "    Q  ;4íîîD‡Â? @AÞjt² K    ;=  <@;= < @ìu L$ ;=$ <@vƒ" N   ;= <  @-w-FVx&y...Cz-{. XYZ "  ; =?"  W@4S.. XY[$  ;=$ 4< @DQ XY\   |[}f 7#7 9  9

结构亮点 ① Here is a vivid and lively cartoon in which we can see..这是一幅栩栩如生的漫画,从画中可以看到 ② Some may look on it as., while others may treat it as.有些人认为……,而另外一些人却认为 ③ What the picture conveys is a life philosophy:…图画想要表达的是一条生活哲理 ④ Success doesn' t mean the absence of failures; it means the attainment of ultimate objectives.成功并非是没有失败, 成功是实现了最终的目标。 ⑤ As a consequence,…结果是… 写作思路 篇文章第一段描写图画内容:不同的人对于失敷的理解是不同的。漫画内容比较简单,所以作者必须把 漫画的说明适当展开。第二段是重点,成功并非是没有失败,成功是实现了最终的目标。全段围绕失败和成功 的关系从正反两个方面展开。最后,作者以自己亲身的经历说明漫画的观点。文章观点明确,结构清晰 ☆☆☆☆☆ 3.赞扬是最强大的一种力量 范文1 Directions Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. ay, you should 1. show your understanding of the symbolic meaning of the picture below ,and 3. give your comments You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2((20points 8 气w,t二记,丛:↑t状T票::1 背诵范文及范文精译 This picture tells us a simple truth: Appreciative words 这幅图画告诉我们一个简单的真理:赞 the most powerful force on earth! When a person who has扬是世界上最强大的一种力量!当一个人做 done something good is praise, he will feel happy, Praise may了好事之后受到赞扬,他会感到很幸福。赞

本制品仅供学生学习之用,严禁用于各种生业活动,版权归本书所有。  :+  $ $    $        ] ;4íîîD‡ƒ€ïn^^ A(""4  ]    "  ]Šæ~^^j÷ø4æ~^^ D  !   $  ! ! ]xyCä;4DU ^^ F( 5 "    C "   "  " R $ß;‰Š56 ;• 2 G& Q  ]°f;^^  ÕÖ×_4ãÏ¿xÊË gu É56&;gu2 ÊËÌÍIJ€7™šó ..~’TÇ2 _`ã;B0ß;‰Š56;• 2 fãÅÆ56  R‡ìÙÐèTÇ2 •27€ 12_‘../02 Ö×/0.°€92 99999 ##$%&'()*+ ,                      " "  !    $!  6"!  # $ ""  %     &'( )*(+)),- !  .   , !    "!   &!!   $    " !    _  !   "   !    !!/  " íx‚ƒ<=4IJj „ …;†‡$•ˆ4Miœ_ ’4† v‰2mn„…'Šn8‹Œ2 „ 7#7 9  9

☆话题写作第一品牌☆ bring his initiative into full play, so he can do better and con-|扬会使他的主观能动性得到充分发挥,因此 tribute more in the future. On the contrary, a person may feel他将来能做得更好,贡献得更多。相反,如果 upset and downhearted if he is not encouraged or praised after一个人做了好事没有得到鼓励和赞扬,他就 he has done something good. A big thumbs-up may bring peo-会感到不安和失望。赞扬可以给人快乐、勇 ple pleasure, courage, confidence and motivation 气、信心和动力。 The effect of praise can be easily found on children. There 赞扬的效果在孩子身上很明显,赞扬能让 nothing so rewarding as to make children realize they are worth-孩子认识到自己在这个世界上是最有价值的 while in this world. Praise can always make good children better.赞美能够让好孩子变得更好。出于本能,孩子 A child will instinctively turn against a person who continually对不停批评他的人产生抵触情绪。因此即使 criticizes him. Therefore, a child,s efforts should never be sati.你试图跟他开玩笑,你也永远不能讽刺他的 rized even if you are attempting to make fun of him. 努力。 We all appreciate compliments from others, which will 我们都非常感谢别人的赞美。这种赞美 urge us to make more progress. As praise can function as激励我们取得更多的进步。因为赞扬就像润 lubricating oil, it will soften an individual's heart and promote滑剂一样,会软化人的心田,促进人们之间的 understanding among people. It can also ease the tension a-了解。它可以缓解同事之间和邻居之的紧 mong colleagues and neighbors. However, undeserved praise张状态。但是不该表扬时所给于的表扬将会 will cause more pangs of conscience late. So we should learn让人感到良心不安。所以我们要大力表扬值 help to create a light 得表扬的人,从而共同创 令人感到轻 pleasant atmosphere in which to live. 松愉快的生活环境的 语言注释 ① appreciative word[ a' pri: foti]赞扬,表示赞赏的话语② initiative[i'nijativ]n.主动精神,创始力 ③ downhearted, daun'ha:tid Ja.情绪低落的④ thumbs-upp0m2A4p]n赞扬 ⑤ motvation[,muti'vejn]n.动力,动机 rewarding ri wo: din]a有价值的 ⑦ instinctive[in' stin ktiv]a.本能的 8 satirize[' saetaralz]n.讽刺 ⑨ appreciate[ a' pri: ]ieit ]t.感谢,感激 compliment" complimEnt]n.赞扬 ①urge[a:dl3]n奖励,鼓励 ① lubricating oil[ lu:brikeitin]润滑油 0mth软化,使漏和分 ① ease the tension[i:z]'tenn]缓解紧张状态 colleague,i同事泼 ⑩ undeserved[, Andi za:vd]a.不该受的,不应得的,不当的 0 Spang[pe]n苦痛,剧痛 ① conscience['konfans]n良心,是非感 Ppile[ pail]n堆积堆放 deserve[di"z3:v].值得 结构亮点 年 preciative words are the most powerful force on ear!赞扬是世界上最强大的力量。 ② A big thumbs-up may bring people pleasure, courage, confidence and motivation.赞扬可给人快乐、勇气、信心和 动力。 ③ There' s nothing so rewarding as to make children realize they are worthwhile in this world.赞扬能让孩子认识到自 己在这个世界上是最有价值的。 ④ Praise can always make good children better.赞扬能够让好孩子变得更好。 5Undeserved praise will cause more pangs of conscience later. So we should learn to pile praises on those who deserve and help to create a light, pleasant atmosphere in which to live.不该表扬时表扬将会让人感到良心不安。所以 我们要大力表扬值得表扬的人,从而创造一个轻松愉快的生活环境

本制品仅供学生学习之用,严禁用于各种生业活动,版权归本书所有。      !      0  "     T     !  " !          !     "  &  " !0 !!         …'Ž/„%`nÜSH‹ '‘ „†`³’`³a2 ìf 4†v‰Š`n• „…'e Šng 52 „…ƒ€Y™V' šVtU i2 , !         , 5     "4     3   0      /    "4       &            !     3 ",     5  $   $    "!  "4  " „…›fœF2$8.„…„ž œFæŸn †‡$;•Š ¡2 „¢„žœF3`³2 áÉ£„œF  g¤¥å'âD¦§¨©2 H‹ª «x¬'Ç­®«¯°±g„²³' hi2      "         "4" !  &!                $ 5  ! "     "!!      0 "      +$    !     "      (    !     !      !  "!      $  @iÒ I   ; =a? W@Š ¡ J   $; = W4 $@£„ K 3;=E  @Š´Šµ N "! " ;=4a"! "@À&ÃÄPñ XYc ;=4a ?@uv XYd $;BH =3`g’ XYe!;!EW@ÕÖ×Ö XYf   ;=4a><@ÆU;Š XYg! ;! @ØÙØa Xhi $;  =3<?$@¡`  :&!!   $   " !    _ „…;†‡$•ˆiœ2 A&  "0! " !!!       " $ „…ƒY™V'šVtU i2 D, 5      "4     3        „…„žœFæŸn †‡$;•Š ¡2 F/    "4      „…„žœF3`³2 Gj $ !    " !     (   ! !    $  !      !  "!      $g?ä…ä…‘žŠnÆUg2 € <=Ci䅡`ä…‡j#$4ÈÉÊYDUËÌ2 7#7 9  9

写作思路 写作提示语中有三个要求,因此写作应该围绕其展开。由于漫画内容简单明了,所以文章第一段从正反两 个方面展开,说明漫画的寓意,赞扬可给人快乐、勇气、信心和动力。第二段,以儿童为例,说明赞扬带来的好 处。赞美会让好孩子变得更好。最后一段文章讨论如何赞扬别人,并从反面说明过度赞扬可能带来危害。 ☆☆☆☆☆ 范文2 Directions Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1. describe the drawing briefly point out its Impl You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(20 points) 版权归本书所有 背诵范文及范文精译 In this vivid picture, a young man is walking upon the 在这幅生动的趣脑中,一个年轻人手里 ad of thumbs.-up, holding a big grail in his hand. It is obvi举着一个奖杯正走在由表扬、赞赏铺垫而成 osth, o a great degree, on the encour-的大道长很明显,他的成功在很大程度上 gement and reassurance from his supporters. What an in-考者的鼓励和安慰。这幅画多么有教 structive picture it is 育意义! The picture vividly reminds us of this in-depth implication 这幅画生动形象,它向我们揭示了一个 praise and encouragement are the foundations of one's achieyeinent深刻的寓意赞扬和鼓励是人们取得成就和 and success. Admittedly, one expects to gain in whatever he or成功的基础。不可否认,人人期望得到自己 she attempts. Unfortur, body can do everthing as frui想要的东西。不幸的是,谁也不能像期望的 er, praise may lead那样把一切事情做圆满。但是赞扬可以引导 people into more devotion and efforts On the other hand,een人们更加尽心尽力。另一方面,即使在我们 ap we need is still encouragement落后的时候,我们需要的仍然是鼓励和当众 and public praises, as the saying goes, although we may be的表扬。俗话说的好,虽然鼓励能使我们成 fai 功,但批评却不可能使我们走出失败。 ne implications of this picture can be strongly felt in 这幅画所要表达的含义在我们的生活 e: are offering help to a student in need who could i业中随处可见。当我们帮助交不起学费的贫 afford his or her study, we might 困生时,我们同时也要表扬他的优势和强 ges and strengths for the simple reason that ones high-flying ca项,原因很简单:一个人开创成功的事业不 reer could not be launched only by material support, but also by仅需要物质上的支持,还需要精神方面睿智 constant witty inspiration. The latter can ork wonders. Our 的鼓励。精神方面的支持与鼓励甚至能创 affirmation may cultivate their self-esteem and self-confidence 造奇迹。我们的肯定可以激发他们的自尊 Therefore, praise and encouragement are needed dearly especially/自信。在中国,我们正在努力建设一个 in China. as we are working hard to build a civil and harmonious 加文明和谐的社会,这时我们尤其需要更多 的表扬和鼓励

本制品仅供学生学习之用,严禁用于各种生业活动,版权归本书所有。  ¿ÀÁŠÃCÄH‹¿>?ÅÆoTÇ2 ÈÉÊËIJ.€Ö×_4ã‡ìÙ ÐèTÇ..ÚÑ„…ƒY™V'šVtU i2 _`ã€ÛÜ~-..„…  M2 „¢žœF3`³2 •24ãÖ×Ý][„…|߇ìè..(ò„…ƒ„ Þw2 99999                      6!     "    #!    "!       %     &'( )*(+)),- !  .     $ $  !   " 4 !    "0!        $ 0     !        0 "     "  !!     0   $!   _ íDÂ46ÈÔA zQ4"ßàÈä…V„Íáüj «$2 8.'8gò$ âã7• ä2 íabŠE åÑÒ_ ,!  $ $  "     "!   !     "    5  $"     6!      $   "! j     $         6! +$  !  " !!  " $    T    $           "  ! !        " !         3     íDæçpúüý rD<=u ¯ C ä … '  þ  ˆ GH8IJ 4Ç#vg C$lC Ðè  2 Ðè „ 2 <=±²ƒ€S'= t2 Â<=hi4³ ÖR<=oC³a ä  2 7##7 9  9

☆话题写作第一品牌☆ 语言注释 ① grail[gri]n.圣盘,圣杯 ② reassurance[ri:3' Furans]n恢复信心,放心 ③in-deph[ index0]a深刻的 ④ admittedly[ ad'mitidIi]ad.无可否认地 ⑤ lag behind[lag]落后 ⑥ a student in need贫困生 Gl- afford [il'ofs:d]n.无力交付的 ⑧ may as wel不妨 ⑨ high-flying[ hai"flavin ]a.成功的 lAunch[lb:n门]n.开办,创办;发动 ① witty[ witi]a.风趣的,机智的 ① work wonders创造奇迹 ① affirmation, aefa mei]n]n断言;肯定 ①self- esteem[,seli'sti:m]n.自尊心 结构亮点 ① Although we may be praised into success, we cannot be criticized out of failure.虽然鼓励能使我们成功,但批评 决不能使我们走出失败 ② The implications of this picture can be strongly felt in our life.图画的含义在我们的生活中处处可见 作思路 范文2第一段紧扣图画,并且用感叹句结尾,虽然内容简单,但结构紧凑。第二段阐明图的寓意:表扬和 鼓励是成功的基石。虽然赞扬不能够确保每件事都取得成功,但赞扬可以让我们投入更多的精力,为成功铺平 道路。即使在失败和挫折之中,恰当的表扬和鼓励也会让我们更快地走出困境。第谷段讨论漫画对我们生活 的意义,文章以帮助贫困生为例,说明我们不仅仅要从物质上帮助贫困生,而目还要从精神上帮助他们这样才 可能真正帮助他们获得成功 ☆条种生 4.捐赠与献爱 Directions Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 3. give your ce You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(20 points) 背诵范文及范文精译 As is shown in the picture, on a cold snowy day, a dona- 这幅漫画表现的是,在寒冷的雪天

本制品仅供学生学习之用,严禁用于各种生业活动,版权归本书所有。  :  ;  @!"!#A   ; ? @Ç¡¡CS/ XYZ ; @0 XY[ 4   XY\ " ;BE@ C±² XYb0 ";B = ?"@  :&  "!         3     Þ„<=®å ¢g„<=á562 A, "!    !         Ò<=DUƒ2  Ö 4ãßk° ÞÊËIJ®° 2 !ã"#$Ñ ä%& ;'ö2 Þ(%g„1)*vˆA`®ƒ€<=Ó³ai~ « 2 56& Â’ä&<=³Yár2 Ãã] <=DU ÑÒÖ׀rD~.<=gC‡$rDjklC‡ $'=¯! ƒ„"'=#`2 99999 -./012                     6!     "   # $ ""  %     &'( )*(+)),- !  .   &   !       íä $  ;  % +  , & 7#7 9  9

☆全面涵盖可考话题☆ tion box from a charity is beginning to thaw the snow and ice赈灾捐款箱融化了周围的冰雪。我们不 around it. It is not difficult to find the symbolic meaning of the难发现画的象征意义:目前捐赠在赈灾 picture:. nowadays donation can play an important role in帮助穷人和残疾人方面起到了重要的 disaster relief and in helping the poor and the disabled 作用 The picture reminds us of the fact that in the recent earth- 这幅画让我们想起在中国四川最近发 quake in Sichuan, China, people at home and abroad donated a生的地震灾难中,国内外人士捐献了巨资 large sum of money to the quake victims. As we know,the帮助灾区人民。我们知道,强烈的地震毁 strong quake flattened tens of thousands of houses and other掉了成千上万所房子和其他建筑物。据报 buildings. is reported that a sizable majority of people in the道,绝大多数的受灾人民失去了他们的家 devastated zees lost their homes and property. Many people园和财产。许多人被埋在大石头下面失去 ere buried in the rubbles and lost their lives.me,he了宝贵的生命。但是,捐赠帮助受灾人民 donations help them画, and give them compo-重新站起来,帮助他们镇静、自信、勇政地 sure. confidence and courage to live on 活下去。 The value of life lies not only in devotion but also in dona- 生命的价值不仅在于奉献还在于捐 i. So what counts most in life is what we do for others.Cmti献。生活中重要的是我们为别人做什 ting money and other necessities to people who are in great need么。捐钱捐物给急需的人反映了个入的社 reflects individuals' sense of social responsibility. It also generates会责任感。这种爱心无法语表达,再 a feeling that is beyond words and is difficult to obtain no matter多的金钱也难买。因些,我强烈倡议每个 how rich one is therefore, strongly advocate that everybody offers人都向别人伸出摄助之手,我深信,这种 a hand to others. Only with our love and contribution,mm,,爱的奉献会我们的社会变得更加美好与 ould our society become more beautiful and more harmoniou.和谐 语言注释 ① donation[dau' nei]n]n.捐赠、赠与 h[:]v融化 ③ disaster relief[ di'za:sts][rli门赈灾 earthquake['a: kwik]n.地震 ⑤ devastated zone' devasteitid灾区 ⑥ rubble'rAbl]n粗石;碎砖 ⑦ pick up the pieces(跌倒后)重新爬起 8 composure[kam'pu33]n镇静 ⑨ confidence[" kanfidans]n信心∠ 结构亮点 OThe picture reminds us of the fact that in the recent earthquake in Sichuan, China, people at home and abroad dona- ed a large sum of money to the quake victims这幅画让我们想起在中国四川最近发生的地震中,国内外人土捐 献粉帮助灾区人民 he value of life lies not only in devotion but also in donation命的价值不仅在于奉献还在于捐献。 写作思路 根据写作提示语的要求,本文应该用三段展开。第一段简单描写图画,强调社会救助的功能和作用。第 段举例说明图画的寓意,文章以四川地震后,国内外各种形式的救助对灾区人民的影响为例说明图画的寓意。 最后一段作者发表评论,进一步深化主题。 ☆☆☆☆☆

本制品仅供学生学习之用,严禁用于各种生业活动,版权归本书所有。  6 "                  " "   !      ! "!          !  !    -' .  Å   2  É ?  lÉ  2 DUÂBC;@V.A ; `a?@ D    ; =3? É?lÉ2  ])¿ÀÁCÄ^Ö>?ÃãTÇ2 4ãIJÏ¿_"`Ra„2 / ãb._cÑÖ׀(2ÊødMefa  !gh~._cÑ2 •24ã7Säå]i4/Qj*2 99999 7#k7 9  9

☆话题写作第一品牌☆ 5.经济繁荣中的道德水平下降 Directions Study the following picture carefully and write an essay entitled"Moral Decline in Economic Prosperity". In 1. describe the picture and interpret its meaning he causes of the phenomenon, and; 3. express your opinions about the problem. You should write 160-200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(20 points) 版权归本书所有。 背诵范文及范文精译 The picture abo,hi, is not scarce to see i ar da我想上图所示的情景在我们的日常生活 ife, especially in today s life. A young man is sitting on the seat中不难见到,特别是当代生活:一个悠闲且意 in a bus with mind at rest and ace &ean He completely ig-识清楚的年轻人正坐在公车的椅子上。他完 nores the others standing around bim and seems that his eyes are全忽视站在他周围的人,好像眼睛被围巾蒙 covered with a scarf. As we all kn, there are some seats alloca住一样。我们都知道,公车上有一些座位是 ted specially for the old,Yihe-weak, the pregna, the disabled,专门供给老人弱者孕妇残疾人、小孩和诸 dmm面数a画 that the energetic young man如此关的人的。不过很可惜年轻力壮的年 甲 pied the se) .Certainly, the painter wants to not only show轻人占据了这个位子。显然,画的作者不仅 this youigmain's bad behavior but also set ordinary citizens to想表现这个年轻人的恶劣行为还想通过这 think serously about the nation's painfully declining moral climate幅发人深省的画让普通市民严肃思考一下 led by the scene in the thought-provoking Icture 我国令人痛心的道德水平不断下降的风气 The phenomenon shown above can be attributed to the lack of 上图所示的现象可归咎于经济繁荣中 norality c prosperty, a problem happened particularly的道德缺乏,这个问题特别存在于年轻一代 the young generation. heir sense of moral standards seems to身上。他们的道德标准观似乎在不断衰退 be withering although their material comforts have been尽管物质上的安乐已大幅增长。伴随着当 onsiderably enhanced. With today's worsening morality,soid今道德的不断恶化,社会约束也已渐渐变 bonds have been weakened, replaced by a greater emphasis on弱,取而代之的是对自我的重视。这就是为 sl. That is why new ideas must come to improve the nation's什么尽管难度不容低估,但必须想出新方法

本制品仅供学生学习之用,严禁用于各种生业活动,版权归本书所有。 k34567)89:; yä 0sOˆ‰~lyù( íSQ;0ù•Â «2q*n|É0s4o ?$2 '=«2™š@›AgŽœB ›C,$DE©íFG2 1PQ’ H«2gŽORIJJ©KK3 }AjoP; <Bx2 e;~ @b›C òg˞L®™šyá8Ðz 7#7 9  9



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