smokers out of the 5.8 billion people in 7.无题图画式作文 the world, accounting for approximatel O percent of the total world population 世界烟草总产量 世界吸烟人口比例 his tremendous tobacco consumption not 14364亿磅 烟民约11亿,约占20% only causes vast economic loss but also threatens people s health. It can be scen 42亿磅 from the picture that there is a loxs of 200 billion US dollars and 3 million lives re sulting from tobacco consumption every 世界每年吸烟损失 year. 2000亿美元 00万人 However, more more peoI have become aware of the harms of smok ing to human beings. Many of them resist the addiction to tobaceo and advise people obacco consumption is known as around not to smoke. Furthermore, gov- one of the most serious problems in ernments of many countries have taken ef today s world. The smokers can be seen fective measures to call on people to give everywhere: in the streets, in shops, on up smoking. As a result, tobacco con college campuses and so on. As is shown sumption is experiencing a decrease, which in the pie graph, there are 1. I billion eads to the decline of tobacco production