he students'ability to think, to analyze 23. ON QUALITY EDUCATION and solve concrete problems independent ly, which enables the students to adapt Education plays a very important role hemselves to various kinds of circum in the modernization of our country stances and work shortly after they gradu However, the prevailing traditional way ate. And this is exactly what the society of teaching is so old-fashioned that it is far urgently needs. Secondly, quality educa from satisfying the need of the fast deve he students opment of modern society although it has ot only have a good command of their undergone some reforms. This problem own majors but also make a compreher if not sive study of other branches of learning so will slow down the progress of the moder ization of our country. So the policy of which is also the need of our modern times quality education" was established in or of high technology der to train and bring up more qualified requirementsand the characteristics of quality education, the implementation of scentists ill th help to culti