向丁丁大学英语教学部 c. The instructor wraps up the activity by giving feedback to each pair Matte Method Manner Why do I want to talk .Do i have a nice overal How do I want to impress about this? structure/plan? my audience? What effect do l expect . Do I have suspenses or (knowledgeable/friendly/ to achieve? turns? unny/rational/passionat who am i talking to? How do I open my What’s How can I make myself new/unique/interesting .ls my speech logically expressive in the verbal about my subject matter? sound? part of the speech? How do I get the How can I make myself engage expressive in the non- Should I use visual aids? verbal part of the .Do i have unconscious body movements that 3)Mini-speech( Group Work) Purpose: to polish the skills of introducing facts in public speaking opic: The future of wearable technologies a. Ask students to discuss in small groups. Encourage them to use their imagination and think of wearable technologys potential future b. Have them make a list of the things that such technology could help us achieve in the future. Representatives in each group will deliver a 2-minute speech on what they have come up with in their group discussion c Q&a session between speakers and audience 4) Folle For/Against( Continuation of mini-speech above) Purpose: to hone students'ability to persuade3 向丁丁 大学英语教学部 c. The instructor wraps up the activity by giving feedback to each pair. 3) Mini-speech (Group Work) Purpose: to polish the skills of introducing facts in public speaking Topic: “The future of wearable technologies.” Steps: a. Ask students to discuss in small groups. Encourage them to use their imagination and think of wearable technology’s potential future. b. Have them make a list of the things that such technology could help us achieve in the future. Representatives in each group will deliver a 2-minute speech on what they have come up with in their group discussion. c. Q&A session between speakers and audience. 4) Follow-up Activity For/Against (Continuation of mini-speech above) Purpose: to hone students’ ability to persuade Matter •Why do I want to talk about this? •What effect do I expect to achieve? •Who am I talking to? •What’s new/unique/interesting about my subject matter? Method •Do I have a nice overall structure/plan? •Do I have suspenses or turns? •How do I open my speech? •Is my speech logically sound? •How do I get the audience engaged? •Should I use visual aids? Manner •How do I want to impress my audience? (knowledgeable/friendly/ funny/rational/passionat e…) •How can I make myself expressive in the verbal part of the speech? •How can I make myself expressive in the non￾verbal part of the speech? •Do I have unconscious body movements that I would rather not have?
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