372 Index budget(continued) concept development 101-7, 229-34 control in launch 129 see also product concep tting 280-2 concept development engineering 109 business analysis 22-3, 1 concept screening 231 business strategy 28 concurrent(simultaneous )engineering 111 orporating innovation strategy into connectivity 187 45,46,5964 92 product development and 349, 368 defining the project 97-101 buyers, consumers 5, 31, 195-6 buyers, food service 25-6, 131, 134 constraints in the us and mexican tortilla buyers, industrial 136-8 markets 285 uying behaviour 195-207 consumer discussion groups 105, 106, 224-7,230 calories 6-7 consumer/food product relationship capabilities 70-1, 170-1 anticipation and reaction capabilities consumer needs and wants 106, 201-2 278-9 209-23 and innovation possibilities 54-6 aesthetics 216-18 internal and external 116 cultural 213-15 category appraisal 224 identifying 209-13 central location tests 242-3 nutrition/health 6-7. 202. 209-11 championing 265-6 predictions 53 chief executives 27-9. 59.67-8 71 safety 202, 209 76-8,262-3,264 sensory 219-23 choice food 203-7 climate, organisational 54-6, 351 consumer product concept 245-7 cognitive understanding 162-5 consumer products 26, 318, 340-5, 346 collaboration 266-7 product commercialisation 342-3 commercial knowledge 190 product design and process commercial product testing 248-50 commercialisation see product product development strategy 340-l commercialistic product launch an luation 343-5 ommunication 365 consumer research I consumer surveys 105, 106, 228-9 networks 297. 301-2 consumers 5. 194-255 avoidance and acceptance of new apabilities see capabilities products 12, 207-8 climate 54-6. 351 behaviour 195-203 controllable factors for success 16-18 food choice 203--6 innovation possibilities and 51, 53 dentity/image 1 12 keeping product development focused innovation characteristics 70-1 on 22 innovation indices 55-6 needs and wants see consumer needs knowledge already inside 169-71 and wants knowledge creation in 184-8 product benefits 104-7 anagement see management/ product commercialisation 245-9 als 57-9 development 236-45 ganisation68-9,70-1,307-14 product launch and evaluation 250-2 hilosophy for innovation 66-7 product strategy development 223-36 product success and 19, 31-2, 3 esources for innovation 68-9 continuous improvement 364-8 competitors 124, 125-6, 251, 284 product development and business computer design technologies 108-9 strategies 368budget (continued) control in launch 129 setting 280–2 business analysis 22–3, 123 business strategy 28 incorporating innovation strategy into 45, 46, 59–64 product development and 349, 368 buyers, consumers 5, 31, 195–6 buyers, food service 25–6, 131, 134 buyers, industrial 136–8 buying behaviour 195–207 calories 6–7 capabilities 70–1, 170–1 anticipation and reaction capabilities 278–9 and innovation possibilities 54–6 internal and external 116 category appraisal 224 central location tests 242–3 championing 265–6 chief executives 27–9, 59, 67–8, 71, 76–8, 262–3, 264 choice, food 203–7 climate, organisational 54–6, 351 cognitive understanding 162–5 collaboration 266–7 commercial knowledge 190 commercial product testing 248–50 commercialisation see product commercialisation communication 365 design 112 networks 297, 301–2 company capabilities see capabilities climate 54–6, 351 controllable factors for success 16–18, 19 identity/image 112 innovation characteristics 70–1 innovation indices 55–6 knowledge already inside 169–71 knowledge creation in 184–8 management see management/ managers objectives and goals 57–9 organisation 68–9, 70–1, 307–14 philosophy for innovation 66–7 place in food system 65–6 resources for innovation 68–9 competitors 124, 125–6, 251, 284 computer design technologies 108–9 concept development 101–7, 229–34 see also product concept concept development engineering 109 concept screening 231 concurrent (simultaneous) engineering 111 connectivity 187 constraints 92 defining the project 97–101 setting 283–6 constraints in the US and Mexican tortilla markets 285 consumer discussion groups 105, 106, 224–7, 230 consumer/food product relationship 201–3 consumer needs and wants 106, 201–2, 209–23 aesthetics 216–18 cultural 213–15 identifying 209–13 nutrition/health 6–7, 202, 209–11 predictions 53 safety 202, 209 sensory 219–23 consumer preferences 329 consumer product concept 245–7 consumer products 26, 318, 340–5, 346 product commercialisation 342–3 product design and process development 341–2 product development strategy 340–1 product launch and evaluation 343–5 consumer research 102–6 consumer surveys 105, 106, 228–9 consumers 5, 194–255 avoidance and acceptance of new products 12, 207–8 behaviour 195–203 food choice 203–6 innovation possibilities and 51, 53 keeping product development focused on 223–52 needs and wants see consumer needs and wants product benefits 104–7 product commercialisation 245–9 product design and process development 236–45 product launch and evaluation 250–2 product strategy development 223–36 product success and 19, 31–2, 352 continuous improvement 364–8 product development and business strategies 368 372 Index
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