Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry The subject of medicinal chemistry explains the design and production of compounds that can be used for the prevention,treatment or cure of human and animal diseases.Medicinal chem- istry includes the study of already existing drugs.of their biological properties and theirstruc- ture-activity relationships. ooeCaiyh attemoienarener. comp Medicinal chemistry covers the following stages: (i)In the first stage new active substances or drugs are identified and prepared from natural sources,organic chemical reactions or biotechnological processes.They are known as lead molecules. (ii)Third stage is development stage,which involves optimization of syntheticroutefor Medicinal chemistry is the application of chemical research techniques to the synthesis of pharmaceuticals.During the early stages of medicinal chemistry development,scientists were primarily concerned with the isolation of medicinal agents found in plants.Today,scien- tists in this field are also equally concerned with the creation of new synthetic compounds as drugs.Medicinal chemistry is almost always geared toward drug discovery and development. hame。T中ne the mh a s by which other pharmaceuticals are made.Most chemists work with a team of scientists from different disciplines,including biologists,toxicologists,pharmacologists,theoretical chemists,microbiologists,and biopharmacists.Together this team uses sophisticated analytical techniques to synthesize and test new drug products and to develop the most cost-effective and eco-friendly means of pro- duction.The subject of medicinal chemistry explains the design and production of compounds that can be used for the prevention, treatment or cure of human and animal diseases. Medicinal chem￾istry includes the study of already existing drugs, of their biological properties and their struc￾ture-activity relationships. Medicinal chemistry was defined by IUPAC specified commission as “it concerns the discovery, the development, the identification and the interpretation of the mode of action of biologically active compounds at the molecular level”. Medicinal chemistry covers the following stages: (i) In the first stage new active substances or drugs are identified and prepared from natural sources, organic chemical reactions or biotechnological processes. They are known as lead molecules. (ii) The second stage is optimization of lead structure to improve potency, selectivity and to reduce toxicity. (iii) Third stage is development stage, which involves optimization of synthetic route for bulk production and modification of pharmacokinetic and pharmaceutical properties of active substance to render it clinically useful. Medicinal chemistry is the application of chemical research techniques to the synthesis of pharmaceuticals. During the early stages of medicinal chemistry development, scientists were primarily concerned with the isolation of medicinal agents found in plants. Today, scien￾tists in this field are also equally concerned with the creation of new synthetic compounds as drugs. Medicinal chemistry is almost always geared toward drug discovery and development. Medicinal chemists apply their chemistry training to the process of synthesizing new pharmaceuticals. They also work on improving the process by which other pharmaceuticals are made. Most chemists work with a team of scientists from different disciplines, including biologists, toxicologists, pharmacologists, theoretical chemists, microbiologists, and biopharmacists. Together this team uses sophisticated analytical techniques to synthesize and test new drug products and to develop the most cost-effective and eco-friendly means of pro￾duction. 1 Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry 1
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