at a profit.Can you explain the difference in her success between the two sets of circumstances? 得分阅卷教师 三、Calculation:(每题20分,共40分) 1.Two computer firms.A and B.are planning to market network systems for office information management.Each firm can develop either a fast,high-quality system (H).or a slower,low-quality system(L)Market indicates that the resulting profitsto eachfirm for the alternative given by the following payof matrix Firm B H L H 50,40 60,45 Firm A 55,55 15,20 a.If both firms make their decisions at the same time and follow maximin (low-risk) strategies, what will the outcome be? b.Suppose both firms try to maximize profits,but Firm A has a head start in planning,and can commit first.Now what will the outcome be?What will the outoome be if Firm B has a head start in planning and can commit first? c Getting a head start costs money (you have to gear up a large engineering team).Now consider the lwo-stage game in which first.each firm decides how much money to spend to speed up its planning.and second.it announces which product H or L)it will produce Which firm will I spend m re topeed up its planning? Ho much will it spend?Should the other firm spend anything to speed up its planning?Explain. 2.Two used car dealerships compete side by side on a main road.The first,Harrys Cars. at a profit. Can you explain the difference in her success between the two sets of circumstances? 三、Calculation:(每题 20 分,共 40 分) 1. Two computer firms, A and B, are planning to market network systems for office information management. Each firm can develop either a fast, high-quality system (H), or a slower, low-quality system (L). Market research indicates that the resulting profits to each firm for the alternative strategies are given by the following payoff matrix: Firm B H L H 50, 40 60, 45 Firm A L 55, 55 15, 20 a.If both firms make their decisions at the same time and follow maximin (low-risk) strategies, what will the outcome be? b.Suppose both firms try to maximize profits, but Firm A has a head start in planning, and can commit first. Now what will the outcome be? What will the outcome be if Firm B has a head start in planning and can commit first? c Getting a head start costs money (you have to gear up a large engineering team). Now consider the two-stage game in which first, each firm decides how much money to spend to speed up its planning, and second, it announces which product (H or L) it will produce. Which firm will spend more to speed up its planning? How much will it spend? Should the other firm spend anything to speed up its planning? Explain. 2. Two used car dealerships compete side by side on a main road. The first, Harry’s Cars, 得分 阅卷教师
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