m-ICTE2005 http://www.formatex.org/micte2005 3 This planned to study the omen e answered by the 24 students at the beginning of November 2004.once they had concluded their video eat blocks of 0112B 3.2 Results 3.2.1 First block:The features of cooperative work Therere in general c betat the sents perceived hahy hadrd 245 26 25 3.I value the contributions of the other members 4 4 13133333243.67 04135033244.13 00 4293829243.92 6 04420382524375 001722124350 oup do his set pi of w 00192524 8390 derors and/om u0。 803424408 11.Iam happy about the success of the group. 4 42 mistakes.and the evaluation that was done of the contributions of the other members of the grou mong th tion and taking into account that of others. 49 3.2.2 Second block:General evaluation The results obtained in this second block of questions indicate that the students had positively valued this way of working.Taking into account that the questionnaire had a scale of five points,where I means an FORMATEX 2005m-ICTE2005 http://www.formatex.org/micte2005 3 © FORMATEX 2005 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 This qualitative research planned to study the efficacy of the WebQuest to foment collaborative learn￾ing strategies in the making of a scientific video. To gather data, we devised a questionnaire which was answered by the 24 students at the beginning of November 2004, once they had concluded their video work. The questionnaire was divided into three great blocks of questions, the first in a scale of six points, the second in a scale of five points, and the third with open questions. In the first block the students were asked if they had worked cooperatively. We were specifically interested in knowing if the same results were obtained as those in the studies on cooperative learning [5,6,7,8,9]. The second block of questions requested the student to make a general evaluation of this way of working. And in the third block, the students were questioned about the format of the work -the digital video-, as opposed to the traditional way of working with pencil and paper. Table 1 shows the eleven questions of the first block, as well as the results. And Table 2 shows the five questions of the second block and the results. 3.2 Results 3.2.1 First block: The features of cooperative work The results obtained in this first block of questions indicated that the students had worked cooperatively, periodically and frequently. Taking into account that the questionnaire had a scale of six points, 0 meant null frequency and 5, permanent frequency; the average obtained in these first eleven questions was over 3.85 (see Table 1). Therefore, in general it can be said that the students perceived that they had worked in a collaborative manner. Table 1 Features of the cooperative work. Answers are expressed in %. The scale of six points: 0=never; 1=rarely; 2=occasionally; 3=periodically; 4=frequently; 5=always Questions/answers 0 1 2 3 4 5 n Average 1. I listen to, and respect, the ideas of others. 0 4 4 25 42 25 24 3,79 2. I share the load of the work. 0 4 4 20 51 21 24 3,79 3. I value the contributions of the other members of the group. 4 4 13 13 33 33 24 3,67 4. I help in seeking solutions; I am suggestive. 0 0 4 13 50 33 24 4,13 5. I share my information, and take into account the information of others. 0 0 4 29 38 29 24 3,92 6. I have good ideas; I am constructive. 0 4 4 29 38 25 24 3,75 7. I resolve conflicts in a positive manner. 0 0 17 37 25 21 24 3,50 8. I contribute towards making each member of my group do his set piece of work. 0 0 13 29 33 25 24 3,71 9. I help the group find errors and/or mistakes. 0 4 17 25 37 17 24 3,46 10. I have made positive contributions to the group. 0 0 8 8 50 34 24 4,08 11. I am happy about the success of the group. 0 4 0 4 21 71 24 4,54 On analyzing the answers in detail, we observed that the least valued items were 3, 6 and 9 which referred to the resolution of conflicts in a positive manner, offering help to the group to find errors and/or mistakes, and the evaluation that was done of the contributions of the other members of the group. Among the most valued items were 4, 5, 10 and 11 which referred to being happy about the group’s success, offering help to seek solutions, making positive contributions to the group, or sharing informa￾tion and taking into account that of others. 3.2.2 Second block: General evaluation The results obtained in this second block of questions indicate that the students had positively valued this way of working. Taking into account that the questionnaire had a scale of five points, where 1 means an
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