4 S.Lara and Ch.Reparaz Effectiveness of cooperative leaming:WebQuest as a tool to produce scientific videos good Table 2 Gen 8 04374217243.71 2 14.This way of leamning.as opposed to individual 04124242244,21 15.It has helped me to understand the subject 4254225243.79 34151678 16.I have learnt things of real value. 04212154244.25 Among the least valued items were numbers 12 and 13 which referred to the autoperception student 90 1213245 had learnt things of real value 3 2 3 Third block:the work with the digital video The que the studer I that this method foment ater involvement in their work.And being able to show their parents ion existed between the marks the students obtained for this work 8390 king with a WebQuest.By this we mean that a work well guided by a WebQuest helps a student to know what is expected of him,and that he can evaluate his work better 4.Conclusions The results show that the use of a WebQuest helps and guides group members in their investigation work helps them to shor ecures the developme uch uest def the observation losing the glob FORMATEX 2005 4 S. Lara and Ch. Repáraz: Effectiveness of cooperative learning: WebQuest as a tool to produce scientific videos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 © FORMATEX 2005 unsatisfactory evaluation and 5, an excellent one, the average obtained in these five questions was 3.93 (see Table 2). Therefore, in general it can be said that the students evaluated this way of learning as very good. Table 2 General evaluation. Answers are expressed in %. The scale of five points: 1=unsatisfactory; 2=poor; 3=good; 4=very good; 5=excellent. Questions/answers 1 2 3 4 5 n Average 12. The realization of my role in the group has been 0 4 42 33 21 24 3,71 13. My contribution towards the group’s success has been 0 4 37 42 17 24 3,71 14. This way of learning, as opposed to individual work, is 0 4 12 42 42 24 4,21 15. It has helped me to understand the subject better. 4 4 25 42 25 24 3,79 16. I have learnt things of real value. 0 4 21 21 54 24 4,25 Among the least valued items were numbers 12 and 13 which referred to the autoperception students had about their contribution towards the group’s success: “The realization of my role in the group” and “My contribution towards the group’s success”. On the other hand, the most valued items were numbers 14, 15 and 16 which directly referred to the students’ learning. Specifically, the students evaluated work￾ing in a group as very positive, as opposed to other forms of individual work; they stated that this meth￾odology had helped them to understand the subject better, and at the same time, they underlined that they had learnt things of real value. 3.2.3 Third block: the work with the digital video The questionnaire concluded with a third and last block of open questions, requesting the student to evaluate the medium used: the digital video. The majority of the students underlined that the elaboration of the video, compared with a task done with pencil and paper, as an entertaining, attractive and motivat￾ing way that obliged the person to “move” about more, in order to obtain the information necessary for the video. Although it entailed more work and effort than with a traditional assignment, they preferred this method because it helped them to understand, and to retain more information. The students also stated that this method fomented greater involvement in their work. And being able to show their parents and friends their work, gratified them. On the other hand, a high correlation existed between the marks the students obtained for this work, and the marks they expected to obtain (Spearman’s Rho = 0.82). Although the n (number) was small – only the correlation of eight groups was calculated- this datum can be evaluated as a consequence of working with a WebQuest. By this we mean that a work well guided by a WebQuest helps a student to know what is expected of him, and that he can evaluate his work better. 4. Conclusions The results show that the use of a WebQuest helps and guides group members in their investigation work and in the production of their videos. It motivates group members to learn in a different manner, and in collaboration with others. It helps them to divide the load of the task among the members of the group. It helps them to seek solutions, share their information and to take into account the information of others. It contributes towards each group member working at his task. Everyone learns things of real value. In short, this way of working is positively valued, as opposed to individual classroom work. A WebQuest definitively secures the development of competences related with scientific investigation such as: the capacity of information analysis, synthesis and evaluation, of initiative and the taking of decisions, the capacity of observation and of adjustment to specific facts, evidence, and data, of simplify￾ing what is complex without losing the global vision, of the development of critical thinking, of planifi-
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