13. Liquefied al(A) gas is the most volatile(易发挥的)(B) chemistry(C) explosive in common (D)use today 14. In a small community, behavioral (A)norms are more universally( B)understood and accepted, and are therefore more likely being(C) the culture of a I of 5. One of the (A)keys to the (B)survival of any(C) animal is its ability to adapt changes (D) in the environment 16. A severe illness when (A)she was just(B)nineteen months old deprived (C)the well known writer and lecturer Helen Keller in both (D) her sight and her hearing. 17. Booker T Washington viewed(A)as one of the ablest (B)public speakers(C)of his (D 18. After making careful preparations (A), they were confident and(B)sure of(C)the final (D)victory 19. It is the interaction (A)between people, rather than(B)the events that occur (C) their lives, which(D)is the main focus of social psychology. 20. He worked hard (A), taking no recreation(B)except he()went to see(D)Ruth Section c Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, b, c and D)Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the aNSWER SHEET by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets.(10 points) 21. Many artists believe that successful imitation, far from being symptomatic of a lack of is the first step in learning to be creative. Bo Ion D)originality 22. You need a special to go into this part of the building AB D)agreement 23. Psychology has slowly evolved into an scientific discipline that now functions autonomously with the same privileges and responsibilities as other sciences A)independent B) C)outmoded D)uncontrolled13. Liquefied natural (A) gas is the most volatile (易发挥的) (B) chemistry (C) explosive in common (D) use today. 14. In a small community, behavioral (A) norms are more universally (B) understood and accepted, and are therefore more likely being (C) the culture of a group of (C) people. 15. One of the (A) keys to the (B) survival of any (C) animal is its ability to adapt changes (D) in the environment. 16. A severe illness when (A) she was just (B) nineteen months old deprived (C) the well known writer and lecturer Helen Keller in both (D) her sight and her hearing. 17. Booker T.Washington viewed (A) as one of the ablest (B) public speakers (C) of his (D) time. 18. After making careful preparations (A) ,they were confident and (B) sure of (C) the final (D) victory. 19. It is the interaction (A) between people, rather than (B) the events that occur (C) in their lives, which (D) is the main focus of social psychology. 20. He worked hard (A) ,taking no recreation (B) except he (C) went to see (D) Ruth. Section C Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D) Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets. (10 points) 21. Many artists believe that successful imitation, far from being symptomatic of a lack of _____ ,is the first step in learning to be creative. A)elegance B)resolution C)goodness D)originality 22. You need a special _____ to go into this part of the building. A)permission B)allowance C)permit D)agreement 23. Psychology has slowly evolved into an _____ scientific discipline that now functions autonomously with the same privileges and responsibilities as other sciences. A)independent B)unusual C)outmoded D)uncontrolled
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