第3期 杨蔚:外语专业教育中的课程思政研究 语专业教师要积极投身外语专业课程思政的实践 12-09(01) 与探索,自觉守好一段渠、种好责任田,确保外语 [3]新华网.高校思想政治工作质量提升工程实施纲要 专业课程与思政课程同向同行、同轴运转、同频共 [EB/0L].(2017-12-06)[2020-03-22].http://edu- 振,形成协同效应,努力培养具备国际视野和中国 cation.news.cn/2017-12/06/c_129758619.htm. 情怀的跨文化交际专业人才。 [4]陈宝生.坚持以本为本推进四个回归建设中国特 色、世界水平的一流本科教有[EB/OL].(2018-09- 06)[2020-03-19].http:/zys.hrbeu.edu.cn/2018/ 参考文献: 0906/c1895a199710/page.htm. [1]赵蒙成构建“课程思政”生态图[N].中国教育报, [5]王艳.高校外语教有中社会主义意识形态建设研究 2019-05-07(11) [J].江汉大学学报(社会科学版),2017(6): [2]习近平.把思想政治工作贯穿教有教学全过程开创 99-104. 我国高等教有李业发展新局面[N].人民日报,2016 A Study of Ideological and Political Education in Foreign Language Major Education YANG Wei (School of Foreign Studies,Hunan University of Humanities,Science and Technology,Loudi 417000,China) Abstract:Foreign language major is the forefront of cultural and ideological security,whose professional attributes,educational function and talent training objective determine the necessity of enhancing ideological and political education in foreign language education,which,at present,is still faced with the problems such as teachers'weak ideological and political awareness,unclear implementation path and incomplete supporting resources.Against the backdrop of the great ideological and political education,a foreign-language-course ide- ological and political education implementation system can be built from the aspects of construction in training plan,teaching staff,textbook,course,resource database,and examination bank,etc.,so as to cultivate in- tercultural talents with international vision and Chinese national sentiment. Key words:foreign language major;ideological and political education;implementation path (责任校对莫秀珍) 21 (C)1994-2020 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House.All rights reserved.http://www.cnki.net第 3 期 杨蔚:外语专业教育中的课程思政研究 语专业教师要积极投身外语专业课程思政的实践 与探索,自觉守好一段渠、种好责任田,确保外语 专业课程与思政课程同向同行、同轴运转、同频共 振,形成协同效应,努力培养具备国际视野和中国 情怀的跨文化交际专业人才。 参考文献: [1] 赵蒙成.构建“课程思政” 生态圈[N].中国教育报, 2019-05-07(11). [2] 习近平.把思想政治工作贯穿教育教学全过程 开创 我国高等教育事业发展新局面[N].人民日报,2016- 12-09(01). [3] 新华网.高校思想政治工作质量提升工程实施纲要 [EB/ OL].(2017-12-06) [2020-03-22].http: / / edu⁃ cation.news.cn / 2017-12 / 06 / c_129758619.htm. [4] 陈宝生. 坚持以本为本 推进四个回归 建设中国特 色、世界水平的一流本科教育[EB/ OL]. (2018-09- 06) [ 2020 - 03 - 19]. http: / / zys. hrbeu. edu. cn / 2018 / 0906 / c1895a199710 / page.htm. [5] 王艳. 高校外语教育中社会主义意识形态建设研究 [J]. 江 汉 大 学 学 报 ( 社 会 科 学 版), 2017 ( 6) : 99-104. A Study of Ideological and Political Education in Foreign Language Major Education YANG Wei (School of Foreign Studies, Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology, Loudi 417000, China) Abstract: Foreign language major is the forefront of cultural and ideological security, whose professional attributes, educational function and talent training objective determine the necessity of enhancing ideological and political education in foreign language education, which, at present, is still faced with the problems such as teachers􀆳 weak ideological and political awareness, unclear implementation path and incomplete supporting resources. Against the backdrop of the great ideological and political education, a foreign⁃language⁃course ide⁃ ological and political education implementation system can be built from the aspects of construction in training plan, teaching staff, textbook, course, resource database, and examination bank, etc., so as to cultivate in⁃ tercultural talents with international vision and Chinese national sentiment. Key words: foreign language major; ideological and political education; implementation path (责任校对 莫秀珍) 21
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