2) dress up意为“装扮,穿上盛装”, dress 意为“装扮成。;打扮 as后面接表示角色,职业等的名词 He often dresses up as a farmer.他常装扮成一个农民 II. While-class 1.导入新课 2.教学过程 (1)检查课前活动完成情况。 (2)通过阅读文章,获取具体的信息,解答问题 (3)师生共同完成对短文的理解,呈现新知识、讲解短语。 (4)听录音,读课文。 (5)让学生根据课文的理解复述课文 3.当堂检测 (1)根据首字母写单词 The boy broke the window, so his father p Japan about that diaoyu Islands must belong to china. 3 Today is my birthday and I have got a lot of p from my parents a We must do something useful to stop the s of h7n9 The sun gives us w and light. 2)用所给词的适当形式填空2 2) dress up 意为“装扮 ,穿上盛装”, dress up as … 意为“装扮成。。。。。。;打扮 成。。。。。。”。 as 后面接 表示角色,职业等的名词。 He often dresses up as a farmer. 他常装扮成一个农民。 。 II. While-class 1. 导入新课 2. 教学过程 ⑴检查课前活动完成情况。 ⑵通过阅读文章,获取具体的信息, 解答问题。 ⑶师生共同完成对短文的理解, 呈现新知识、讲解短语。 ⑷ 听录音,读课文。 ⑸ 让学生根据课文的理解复述课文 3. 当堂检测: ⑴根据首字母写单词 ① The boy broke the window,, so his father p________ him. ② We w__________ Japan about that Diaoyu Islands must belong to China. ③ Today is my birthday and I have got a lot of p___________ from my parents. . ④ We must do something useful to stop the s____________ of H7N9. ⑤ The sun gives us w__________ and light. ⑵ 用所给词的适当形式填空
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