附件24.1 (重点:变量泉结构特点及工作原理。) :tograsp the features and variable method pump (难点:恒功案变量系的结构特点及变量原理) 3.I Introduction(概述) 3.2 Piston Pumps(柱塞泵) 3.3 Vane Pumps(叶片泵) 3.4 Gear Pumps(齿轮泵) Homework:pp.351 Chapter 3,3-1,3-2,3-3,3-4,3-5. Experiment1.Performance testing of hydraulic pumps,2 hours.(实验I、液压 泵性能试验,2学时) The main perfor oces for hydraulic pumps includes the rating e rcached the flow rate under the rating pre repulse,and ibration.Howeverh first three terms are important 液压泵的主要性能包括:能否达到额定压力、额定压力下的流量(额定流量),容积效常、压力脉动 (振摆)值、噪声、寿命、温升、振动等项,前三项是最重要的性能,泵的测试主要是检查这几项。 Equipment(主要仪器设各),OCS003(秦川QCS003型教学实验台) riment 2.The knocked-down experiment for hydraulic pump,2hours.( 2、秉的拆装试验,2半时) 1o grasp the structure res and ass emble steps of type of CB gear pump.type of YCY14-IB vane pumps and piston pumps.(了解CB型齿轮类油泵、YB型叶片油泵和YCYI4-IB型轴向柱塞泵的结构特点和 特配过程) Equipments:CB gear pump,.YCYI4-IBvane pumps an piston pumps.(若干套相关的液压条) Chapter4 ydraulic Actuators,4 hours.(液压热行元件,4 学时) Knowledge noints Grasp the structure features kinds of hydraulic motors and evlinders (知识点:液压执行元件的工作原理、特点和类型:各种液压马达、液压缸的结构特点和工作原理及设 计计算 Emphasis:to grasp the principle of power transmission for motors and hydraulic actuators. (重点:掌握和区别液压马达和液压缸实现能量转换的原理) Difficulties:the structure features of typical hydraulic motor and cylinder.and the design method. 难点:掌据典型的液压马达和被压缸的结均特点和结构设计 4.1 Hydraulic Mot (液压马达) 4.2 ydraulie Cylinders(液压缸) Homework:pp.351 Chapter 4,4-1,4-2,4-3,4-4,4-5,4-6. Chapter5 vdraulic Control Valves,6 hours.(液压控制 阀,6学时) Knowledge points:the basic operating principle,structure features and types of hydraulic valves.such as pressure valves flow valves and directional valves (知识点:各种方向液压阀:控制阀、压力控制阀、流量控制阀、插装阀、叠加倒和申液比例阀的结 附件 24.1 3 (重点:变量泵结构特点及工作原理。) Difficulties: to grasp the features and variable method of the constant power pumps. (难点:恒功率变量泵的结构特点及变量原理) 3.1 Introduction (概述) 3.2 Piston Pumps(柱塞泵) 3.3 Vane Pumps (叶片泵) 3.4 Gear Pumps (齿轮泵) Homework: pp.351 Chapter 3, 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4, 3-5. Experiment 1. Performance testing of hydraulic pumps, 2hours.(实验 1、液压 泵性能试验,2 学时) The main performances for hydraulic pumps includes the rating pressure reached, the flow rate under the rating pressure, volume efficiency, pressure pulse, notice, using life, temperature and vibration. However the first three terms are important. 液压泵的主要性能包括:能否达到额定压力、额定压力下的流量(额定流量),容积效率、压力脉动 (振摆)值、噪声、寿命、温升、振动等项,前三项是最重要的性能,泵的测试主要是检查这几项。 Equipment(主要仪器设备):QCS003(秦川 QCS003 型教学实验台) Experiment 2. The knocked-down experiment for hydraulic pump,2hours.(实验 2、泵的拆装试验,2 学时) To grasp the structure features and assemble steps of type of CB gear pump, type of YCY14-IB vane pumps and piston pumps.(了解 CB 型齿轮类油泵、YB 型叶片油泵和 YCY14-IB 型轴向柱塞泵的结构特点和 装配过程) Equipments: CB gear pump, YCY14-IB vane pumps and piston pumps. (若干套相关的液压泵) Chapter 4 Hydraulic Actuators, 4 hours.(液压执行元件,4 学时) Knowledge points: Grasp the structure features kinds of hydraulic motors and cylinders. (知识点:液压执行元件的工作原理、特点和类型;各种液压马达、液压缸的结构特点和工作原理及设 计计算) Emphasis: to grasp the principle of power transmission for motors and hydraulic actuators. (重点:掌握和区别液压马达和液压缸实现能量转换的原理) Difficulties: the structure features of typical hydraulic motor and cylinder, and the design method. (难点:掌握典型的液压马达和液压缸的结构特点和结构设计) 4.1 Hydraulic Motors (液压马达) 4.2 Hydraulic Cylinders (液压缸) Homework: pp.351 Chapter 4, 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5, 4-6. Chapter 5 Hydraulic Control Valves,6 hours. (液压控制 阀 ,6 学时) Knowledge points: the basic operating principle, structure features and types of hydraulic valves,such as pressure valves, flow valves and directional valves. (知识点:各种方向液压阀:控制阀、压力控制阀、流量控制阀、插装阀、叠加阀和电液比例阀的结
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