Section 18-7 18-8 Interference of waves Section 18-9 18-10: Standing waves Week 13th Chapter 19: Sound waves Section 19-1 Properties of sound waves Section 19-219-3: Traveling sound waves Section 19-4 Power and intensity of sound wav Section 19-519-6 Interference of sound waves Section 19-7 Section 19-819-9 The Doppler effect Week 14th Chapter 20 The special theory of relativity Section 20-1 20-2 The postulates of special relativity Section 20-3 Consequences of Einsteins postulates Section 20-4 The lorentz transformation Section 20-5 Space-time coordinates Week 15th Section 20-6 The transformation of velocities Section 20-7 20-8 20-9: Relativistic momentum and energy Chapter 21: Temperature Section 21-1 21-2 Temperature and thermal equilibria Measuring Temperatures wek× Section 21 The ideal gas Chapter 22: Molecular properties of gases Section 22-1 The atomic nature of matter Section 22-2 A molecular view of pressure Section 22-3 22-4 The distribution of molecular speeds and energies Section 22-5 Equation of state for real gases Chapter 23: The first law of thermodynamics Section 23-1 The transfer of heat Section 23-2. The first law of thermodynamics Section 23-3 Heat capacity Section 23-4 Work done by an ideal gas Section 23-5 The internal energy of an ideal gas Section 23-6 Applications of first law Week 17th Chapter 24: The second law of thermodynamics Section 24-2 Defining entropy change Section 24-3 Entropy change for irreversible processes Section 24-4 The second law of thermodynami Section 24-5 The efficiencies of real engines ection 24-6 A statistical view of entropySection 18-7 18-8: Interference of waves Section 18-9 18-10: Standing waves Week 13th Chapter 19: Sound waves Section 19-1: Properties of sound waves Section 19-2 19-3: Traveling sound waves Section 19-4: Power and intensity of sound waves Section 19-5 19-6: Interference of sound waves Section 19-7: Source of sound Section 19-8 19-9: The Doppler effect Week 14th Chapter 20 The special theory of relativity Section 20-1 20-2: The postulates of special relativity Section 20-3: Consequences of Einstein’s postulates Section 20-4: The Lorentz transformation Section 20-5: Space-time coordinates Week 15th Section 20-6: The transformation of velocities Section 20-7 20-8 20-9: Relativistic momentum and energy Chapter 21: Temperature Section 21-1 21-2: Temperature and thermal equilibrium Section 21-3: Measuring Temperatures Section 21-4: The ideal gas Week 16th Chapter 22: Molecular properties of gases Section 22-1: The atomic nature of matter Section 22-2: A molecular view of pressure Section 22-3 22-4: The distribution of molecular speeds and energies Section 22-5: Equation of state for real gases Chapter 23: The first law of thermodynamics Section 23-1: The transfer of heat Section 23-2: The first law of thermodynamics Section 23-3: Heat capacity Section 23-4: Work done by an ideal gas Section 23-5: The internal energy of an ideal gas Section 23-6: Applications of first law Week 17th Chapter 24: The second law of thermodynamics Section 24-1: One-way processes Section 24-2: Defining entropy change Section 24-3: Entropy change for irreversible processes Section 24-4: The second law of thermodynamics Section 24-5: The efficiencies of real engines Section 24-6: A statistical view of entropy
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