2.Reading task 1 2.To practice the skill 2.Ss practice the skill of scanning to find out of scanning so as to the other 2 environmental problems. find out key information in the text. 3.Reading task 2 3.To practice the skill of 3.Ss skim the text while listening to the skimming and to recording of it and find out the causes and increase listening input effects for each environmental problem.In by listening to the this process,they also learn about the relation recording of the text. of "cause-effect",which is one of the most widely-used relations and students will deploy later in the production part. 4.Reading task 3 4.To further practice 4.Ss skim the last paragraph to find out the skimming and to learn solution to the environmental problems,and the 3 R's principle in learn about the 3 R's principle of environmental environmental protection:reduce,reuse and protection. recycle. Step Ill Production 3 mins 5. Solutions to 5.To generate more 5.Ss learn the relation of"cause-effect",and environmental ideas to protect the then practice using the relation to find out problems. environment solutions.Next,they are supposed to come up with other causes and corresponding solutions. Step IV Summary 1 min Summarize Ss summarize what they have learnt in this lesson. Based on New English Curriculum Standard,this lesson is to help students: Conclusion 1.practice the 2 important reading skills:scan and skim; 2.increase listening input; 3.learn to find out solutions with the help of"cause-effect"relation. Environmental protection has always been an important topic for all humans,including teenage students.By reading this text and finishing Reflection the learning tasks in this lesson,students not only improve their environmental protection awareness,but also learn to come up with practical solution to solve environmental problems. Besides,they further practice skimming and scanning,which are 22 2. Reading task 1 3. Reading task 2 4. Reading task 3 2. To practice the skill of scanning so as to find out key information in the text. 3.To practice the skill of skimming and to increase listening input by listening to the recording of the text. 4. To further practice skimming and to learn the 3 R’s principle in environmental protection. 2. Ss practice the skill of scanning to find out the other 2 environmental problems. 3. Ss skim the text while listening to the recording of it and find out the causes and effects for each environmental problem. In this process, they also learn about the relation of “cause-effect”, which is one of the most widely-used relations and students will deploy later in the production part. 4. Ss skim the last paragraph to find out the solution to the environmental problems, and learn about the 3 R’s principle of environmental protection: reduce, reuse and recycle. Step III Production 3 mins 5. Solutions to environmental problems. 5. To generate more ideas to protect the environment 5. Ss learn the relation of “cause-effect”, and then practice using the relation to find out solutions. Next, they are supposed to come up with other causes and corresponding solutions. Step IV Summary 1 min Summarize Ss summarize what they have learnt in this lesson. Conclusion Based on New English Curriculum Standard, this lesson is to help students: 1. practice the 2 important reading skills: scan and skim; 2. increase listening input; 3. learn to find out solutions with the help of “cause-effect” relation. Reflection Environmental protection has always been an important topic for all humans, including teenage students. By reading this text and finishing the learning tasks in this lesson, students not only improve their environmental protection awareness, but also learn to come up with practical solution to solve environmental problems. Besides, they further practice skimming and scanning, which are
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