part of the New Testament,which tells the beginning of Christianity. who would betray him by giving a sop to The four accounts were believed to have been written by Matthew [Key:Judas Iscariot] (maeu:/马太),Mark(mak/冯可),Luke(uk/路加)and John ()They tell of the birth,teaching,death and resurrection of 5.The Crucifixion (pp.83-86) 1.According to St.John 19,the Jews had Jesus crucified because he had [Key:Jesus] made himself 2.Then come,the Acts of Apostles(《使徒行传》),a of the [Key:the Son of God] early Christian movement;the Epistles('pslz/《使徒书信》),or _to the church groups around the Mediterranean;and lastly V.Translations of the Bible (pp.86-89) the Book of Revelation(《启示录),a of the final triumph of Why do we say the Bible has shaped Wester culture more decisively than God's purpose. anything else ever written?(pp.86-87) [Key:history /letters /visionary account] 1.The Bible is the of Western civilization,having shaped the 1.The Birth of Jesus (p.78) Western civilization more decisively than anything else ever written. [Key:essential] 1.According to St.Matthew 1,Jesus was a child of 2.The Bible is much more than a book. [Key:the Holy Ghost] [Key:religious] 2.Jesus Is Tempted by the Devil (p.79) 3.The Bible is really an encyclopaedia reflecting most extensively 1.According to St.Matthew 4,Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the Western _and wilderness to be tempted by the devil in order to see whether Jesus was [Key:ideas /culture] absolutely to God's teachings. 4.All in one,the Bible is and a record of great [Key:faithful] minds. [Key:history /literature] 3.The Sermon on the Mount (pp.79-81) 5.The Bible has left an enormous on the human race. 1.According to St.Matthew 5,Jesus in his sermon on the mount blessed [Key:influence] ten types of people,to urge his disciples to learn the fine qualities of The Translation of the Bible (pp.87-88) the who had been persecuted. l.The oldest extant(现存的)__translation of the Old Testament [Key:prophets] is known as the Septuagint(septjuxdgit/《旧约》之希腊文本), 4.The Last Supper (pp.81-83) which is extremely invaluable because the texts from which it is translated have been lost and no copy of the original translation can l.According to St.John 13,it was just before the Passover(逾越节) be found. Feast,Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world [Key:Greek] and go to the Father.At his last supper with his disciples,he showed 2.The most ancient extant version of the whole Bible is the 26 27 容有来
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