the temples. [Key:Galilee(/geli:/加利利)门 [Key:70] 6.Jesus drew to him mostly social outcasts and the oppressed and 4.Under the famous scholar Ezra(以斯拉),they wrote down the laws repeatedly attacked pharisees(faerisiz/法利赛人)and scribes(犹太 of_in five books called Torah(tbrm/《律法书》)or 法的学者)and other members of the Pentateuch in the Christian Bible.Other writings were added later to [Key:authorities] make the Old Testament of the Bible. 7.Jesus was betrayed by [Key:Moses] [Key:uda(犹大)] 8.Jesus was crucified as III.The Rise of Christianity (p.73) [Key:a revolutionary preacher and dangerous reformer] 1.The early Christians'notion of divine creation,their concern for god 2.The Spread of Christianity (pp.75-76) and salvation all stemmed from [Key:Hebrew roots] 1.The Romans,tired of war and fearing the collapse of the empire, 2.Since its birth 2000 years ago,Christianity based itself on two forceful admired the the Christian missionaries professed and the beliefs which separate it from all other religions.One is that Jesus is _,andthat Christianity offered. the of God,and that God sent him to earth to live as [Key:courage love kindness /security] humans live,suffer as humans suffer,and die to redeem 2.Constantine,who believed that God had helped him in winning the The other is that God gave his only begotten son,so that whoever battle for the throne,.issued the Edict of Milan(《米兰敕令》)in3l3, believes in him should not,but have everlasting life granting religious freedom to all and making Christianity [Key:Son mankind perish] [Key:legal 3.If Christianity was a religious and destructive force towards a 1.The Life of Jesus (p.74) Rome in the past,under Constantine the spirit of Jesus with 1.Jesus of Nazareth(noezar/拿撤勒)lived in. during the its unifying and organizing force made great contributions to the reign of the Roman Emperor Augustus(:'gAstas/奥古斯都). of the empire. [Key:Palestine] [Key:pagan /consolidation] 2.Jesus was born into a family 4.The emperors who followed Constantine I continued pro-Christian [Key:poor carpenter's] policies.In一,Emperor Theodosius(/Ara'dausias/狄奥多西- 3.As a Jew,Jesus received a Jewish education,and learned Judaist made Christianity the official religion of the empire and outlawed scriptures and prayers in the local all other religions. [Key:symagogue] [Key:392A.D.] 4.At the age of 30,Jesus received the at the hands of John Baptist. IV.The New Testament (p.77) [Key:baptism] What writings make up the New Testament?(p.77) 5.Jesus spent most of his life in 1.Towards the end of the fourth century four accounts were accepted as 24 25
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