everyday life in the countryside. [Key:Sau(/sl/扫岁)] [Key:love] 3.Saul was succeeded by a shepherd boy. 4,The Prophets(先知)(p.70) Key:David(大卫)] a.Amos(etms/《阿靡司书)(p.70) 4.David killed the Philistine(/'frltstain/非利士)giant Goliath b.Jeremiah(about650-570B.C.)(d3err'maa/度耶利米书》) (/gu'la10/歌利亚),rallied the Hebrew tribes against the enemy and (p.71) established his political and religious capital, c,The Book of Daniel(denl/《但以理书)(p.72) [Key:Jerusalem] 1.Amos was a shepherd living around 800 B.C.who witnessed the 5.David was also known as a great and musician.He is said to exploitation of the poor,and corruption in the courts of justice.He have composed a great many recorded in the Old warned his people of the coming by Assyria and Egypt and Testament. was accused of plotting revolution. [Key:poet psalms] [Key:Invasion] 6.David's son,King Solomon after him,was known for his 2.Jeremiah lived through the of Jerusalem in 590 B.C.He had and wealth. a very tragic tale to tell. [Key:wisdom] [Key:fall] 3.The Poetical Books (p.63) 3.The Book of Daniel,which appeared in the early days of 169 B.C. a.Book of Job(3b/《约伯记》)(pp.63-64) when the Jews revolted against the Syrian King Antiochus(安条克), b.Book of Psalms(samz/《诗篇》)(p.64) is a story describing how Daniel and his friends were taken prisoner to c.Proverb(《箴言)(p.66) after the fall of Jerusalem and how they refused to d.Ecclesiastes(hkli:z'estiz/《f传道书》)(p.68) compromise their c,Song of Solomon(《雅歌》)(p.68) [Key:Babylon /faith] 1.The Book of Job is How the Old Testament Came into Being (pp.72-73) [Key:a poetic drama] 1.While in Babylon in the 6th century B.C.,the Hebrews,now known 2.The Book of Psalms is ,the chief hymnal(himnal/赞美诗 as Jews,formed to practise their religion. 集)of the Jews.. [Key:synagogues(sin3gg/犹太教会堂,犹太教徒的聚会)]· [Key:a collection of 150 poetic pieces] 2.As the Jews valued their own heritage and learning,some of them 3.Proverb is a collection of maxims (or sayings of began to work on Hebrews' and stories of the practical nature. past.And the study of these sacred writings grew to be a communal [Key:moral] activity for the Jews in exile. 4.Ecclesiastes is a collection of sayings about the of life. [Key:laws /sayings] [Key:purpose] 3.When the Jews were at last allowed to return to their homeland after 5.Song of Solomon is a collection of poems,depicting _years,the returnees started at once to rebuild Jerusalem and 22 23 话
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