[Key:Adam /Eve] Hebrew slavery (p.60) occurred about 1800 B.C.,which a.The Fall of Man (p.53) 1.Unfortunately a serious 1.Adam and Eve lived in perfect happiness in the Garden of drove the Hebrews to But at the temptation of the one day,Eve picked the fruit [Key:drought /Egypt] from the tree and shared it with Adam.Immediately Exodus (p.60) afterwards,they were driven from and went forth into the 1.Around 1300 B.C.Moses,the famous Hebrew leader,went to see the pharaoh (/fearou/)of Egypt,telling him that Yahweh wanted world. the pharaoh to end Hebrew and let the Hebrews leave [Key:Eden /serpent forbidden /Paradise] Egypt.With this began the which lasted forty years. The great flood (p.56) 1.For many hundreds of years the family of man multiplied and spread [Key:slavery /Exodus] over the earth.Because Adam and Eve had disobeyed God and passed c.Ten Commandments(《十诫)(p.60) on the knowledge of,man became more and more corrupt. 1.The forty years in the wilderness in and around the great desert made Consequently,God decided to put an end to all this by destroying all the Hebrews tough and strong,welding them into a.When the wandering tribes left the desert and entered the mountainous life on earth in a great Sinai,Moses climbed to the top of the mountain to receive God [Key:wickedness flood] message,which came to be known as the b.Noah'sArk(诺亚方舟)(p.56) [Key:great nation /Ten Commandments] 1.There was,however,one good man, who still remembered God and tried to be at peace with his conscience.So God spoke to 2.The Historical Books (pp.62-63) Noah about His intention and told him to build an to protect Book of Joshua(d3ojua/《约书亚记) him and his kins from the waters.Noah followed God's instruction. Book of Judges(《土师记》) [Key:Noah /ark] Books of Samuel(I and ID(《撤母耳记》) Abraham(etbroheem/亚伯拉罕)(p.60) Books of Kings(I and I)(《列王纪》) 1.As the legend goes,around 1900 B.C.there lived a descendent of Books of the Chronicles(Iand(《历代志) Noah in Ur(a(r)/吾珥)by the name of Book of Ezra(《以斯拉记》) [Key:Abraham] Book of Nehemiah(/mir'ma3/《尼希米记)] 2.God told Abraham that he and his people should not worship so many 1.The Historical Books of the Old Testament were written sometime divinities as their neighbours did but to obey and worship him, between and,dealing with the history of the Yahweh(/ja:wet/耶和华),as the only true God.And as a reward, Hebrew people from their entry into Palestine around 1200 B.C.till God promised them the land of Canaan (/kemnan.Thus, the fall of Palestine into the hands of Assyrians(a'sIrlanz/亚述人) Abraham led the Hebrews to the Promised Land,which roughly and Chaldeans(kael'diaz/迦勒底人)in586B.C. corresponds to the present-day [Ky:800B.C./500B.C.] LKey:Palestine(pelasain/巴勒斯坦)] 2.The first king to unite the Hebrews was a warrior-farmer named 只 20
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