The need for belonging is manifested in the desire to visit friends or relatives,to meet new people and manifest:vt.Show clearly明白显示 make new friendships.People,by and large,are No disease manifested itself during the long social beings,who want communication and voyage. contact with others.In travel,people with this intention usually put more emphasis on the route of the trip than on the destination.Of course,it by and large:on the whole;taking everything does help to encourage travel if the friend or into consideration大体而言,一般而论 relative lives in an exotic or interesting place.To his business was,by and large,successful. cater to this need,many travel agencies specialize in certain ethnic areas and people,providing 他的事业大体上是成功的。 specialized tours to return and visit "the old put emphasis on sth.:强调,重视 country"where some tourists may pick up a genealogical line or find their roots.The need for Some schools put great emphasis on language esteem is identified with the desire for recognition, study. attention,appreciation,and reputation.Such 有些学校非常强调语言学习。 concerns of ego needs and personal development cater to/for:满足需要(或欲望),迎合 are regarded as status and prestige motivators in travel So far as a pious religious believer is Will the hospital cater to our special requests? concerned,a trip to the holy shrine of his religion 这家医院能满足我们的一些特殊要求吗? will give him the greatest satisfaction of fulfilling an inner desire and at the same time bring him specialize in:give special or particular the most important recognition he needs.As a attention to专攻,专门研究 result,the Passion play in Germany never fails to specialize in oriental history专攻东方史 draw travelers,nor do the historical sites associated with Christ in Israel 1515 The need for belonging is manifested in the desire to visit friends or relatives, to meet new people and make new friendships. People, by and large, are social beings, who want communication and contact with others. In travel, people with this intention usually put more emphasis on the route of the trip than on the destination. Of course, it does help to encourage travel if the friend or relative lives in an exotic or interesting place. To cater to this need, many travel agencies specialize in certain ethnic areas and people, providing specialized tours to return and visit “the old country” where some tourists may pick up a genealogical line or find their roots. The need for esteem is identified with the desire for recognition, attention, appreciation, and reputation. Such concerns of ego needs and personal development are regarded as status and prestige motivators in travel. So far as a pious religious believer is concerned, a trip to the holy shrine of his religion will give him the greatest satisfaction of fulfilling an inner desire and at the same time bring him the most important recognition he needs. As a result, the Passion play in Germany never fails to draw travelers, nor do the historical sites associated with Christ in Israel. manifest: vt. Show clearly 明白显示 No disease manifested itself during the long voyage. by and large: on the whole; taking everything into consideration 大体而言,一般而论 his business was, by and large, successful. 他的事业大体上是成功的。 put emphasis on sth.: 强调,重视 Some schools put great emphasis on language study. 有些学校非常强调语言学习。 cater to/ for: 满足需要(或欲望),迎合 Will the hospital cater to our special requests? 这家医院能满足我们的一些特殊要求吗? specialize in: give special or particular attention to 专攻,专门研究 specialize in oriental history 专攻东方史
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