Chapter 3 Exploring Proteins and Proteomes 2 6 Proteins with different sedimentation coefficients can be separated by Ans:d Section:3.1 7 In order to sequence a whole protein, are used. Ans:k Section:3.2 P The name used to describe the original,uncleaved protein. Ans:e Section:3.2 9 Another name for an antibody Ans:j Section:3.3 10 Another name for an antigenic determinant Ans:g Section:3.3 Fill in the Blank Questions 1 Proteins can be separated from small molecules and ions through a semi-permeable membrane by Ans:dialysis Section:3.2 2 Exclusion gel or gel-filtration chromatography separates molecules on the basis of Ans:size Section:3.1 3 is a chemical reagent that is often used to detect the presence of amino acids. Ans:Ninhydrin Section:3.2 4 In the Edman procedure for peptide sequence,phenyl isothiocyanate is used to selectively remove the residue as a PTH-derivative. Ans:N-terminal Section:3.2 5 Disulfide bonds in peptides and proteins are readily oxidized to cysteic acid residues by treatment with Ans:performic acid Section:3.2Chapter 3 Exploring Proteins and Proteomes 2 6 Proteins with different sedimentation coefficients can be separated by ____________. Ans: d Section: 3.1 7 In order to sequence a whole protein, ____________ are used. Ans: k Section: 3.2 8 ____________ The name used to describe the original, uncleaved protein. Ans: e Section: 3.2 9 ____________ Another name for an antibody. Ans: j Section: 3.3 10 ____________ Another name for an antigenic determinant. Ans: g Section: 3.3 Fill in the Blank Questions 1 Proteins can be separated from small molecules and ions through a semi-permeable membrane by __________________. Ans: dialysis Section: 3.2 2 Exclusion gel or gel-filtration chromatography separates molecules on the basis of __________________. Ans: size Section: 3.1 3 __________________ is a chemical reagent that is often used to detect the presence of amino acids. Ans: Ninhydrin Section: 3.2 4 In the Edman procedure for peptide sequence, phenyl isothiocyanate is used to selectively remove the __________________ residue as a PTH-derivative. Ans: N-terminal Section: 3.2 5 Disulfide bonds in peptides and proteins are readily oxidized to cysteic acid residues by treatment with __________________. Ans: performic acid Section: 3.2
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