C.-H.Xiao et al important for reflectivity of the canopy.The reflectivity at 0 contained very important information on upper leaves. The canopy spectral reflectivity of Zhongyou9507 was lower than that of Jingdong8 (Fig.6):the reflectivity due to ILLC-3at view angle changed 4.4%.while that due to ILLC-1 changed14.view angle,the 5.9and46.8% at ,they wer 16.and 4.%and at 60 they were 16.8a thetraditionviewanglethe ower laves weremportant for canopy spectraa30 and 60 view angles;the upper leaves were important at 0 view angle although the upper leaves of Zhongyou9507 had less influence on canopy spectra than those of Jingdong8. WWC flc 主一士主 03060 9013D15030 03060 012015080 980-4 00 -1300 -60-阅0◆-109 ILLC-2 18 -455550一0009801090+120 。一4★—550一★一980一1090+一120 ILLC-3 罪 ILLC-4 北本上士 030 609012015018 0060901010100 一455 一980一1090+1200 Fig.6.Spectral characteristics following removal of different leaf layers in Zhongyou9507 22 C.-H. Xiao et al. important for reflectivity of the canopy. The reflectivity at 0° contained very important information on upper leaves. The canopy spectral reflectivity of Zhongyou9507 was lower than that of Jingdong8 (Fig.6) at1090nm; the reflectivity due to ILLC-3 at 0° view angle changed 4.4%, while that due to ILLC-1 changed14.7%; at 90° view angle, the changes were 5.9 and 46.8%; at 30°, they were 16.9 and 44.4% and at 60° they were 16.8 and 41.2%. Compared with the traditional 90° view angle, the lower leaves were important for canopy spectra at 30 and 60° view angles; the upper leaves were important at 0° view angle although the upper leaves of Zhongyou9507 had less influence on canopy spectra than those of Jingdong8. WWC ELC ILLC-2 ILLC-1 ILLC-3 ILLC-4 Fig. 6. Spectral characteristics following removal of different leaf layers in Zhongyou9507
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