Hisstatement is the first official from a top city leader following2 yersofspecuiothat theastemmetropolis is in alks Walt Disney to bulld a theme park. We have been hoping to(build the Disney theme park)for quiteaong time.Shanghai has the right conditions.l the preparatory work is in the pipeline."said Han Zheng.who is attending the ongoing People's Congress in Beijing. fthe prjapproveditillbe Diseysn teme parkin China aerng Kong DisneyandopnednSeptember he didn't start becausewe are wating the State Council (China's cabine)to make the decision.The State Council declined to release the progress of its review. Ex.2 "equality in jobs still a serious issue" At 46,she was New China's first female govemor. At 53.she was minister of chemical industry. Now,as president of the All-China Women's Federation and vice-chair-woman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress,keepsa close eyeon the year-to year headway(proges)that women across China are making to attain equal status with men in all walks of life. As the nation celebrates the Women's Day today.inequality in employment is still a serious issue,"Gu said,citing the Labor Law that employers should not raise the bar when womenor reject of gender. think the fundamental cause of gender discrimnion is the incorrect idea offmae inferiortywhich is ingrained in many w Gu admitted that it is a long and arduous task that requires input and co-ordination from all govemment agencies:The labor department should m the market:the legal deparmnt should provide aid that to defend their rights:and unions.the Communist Youth League and the women's federation should get involved in protecting women and their domestic said that is the best preventive measure becaus of the difficultyof obtaining criminal evidence. "Our litigation()system does not sufficiently cover cases of domestic violence and sexual harassment.and we also need to Unit 2 Interpreting Conversations Objectives: Familiarity with the interpretation of conversations,being able to interpret similar conversations Preparation: Familiarity with the vocabulary and sentences usually used in the related and similar conversations Procedures: Warming-up:vocabulary preparations 2 Introducing the background of the conversations 3) Practice interpreting conversations in pairs His statement is the first official response from a top city leader following 2 years of speculation that the eastern metropolis is in talks with entertainment giant Walt Disney to build a theme park. "We have been hoping to (build the Disney theme park) for quite a long time. Shanghai has the right conditions.all the preparatory work is in the pipeline," said Han Zheng, who is attending the ongoing People’s Congress in Beijing. If the project is approved, it will be Disney’s second theme park in China after Hong Kong Disneyland opened in September. Han said he didn’t know when construction would start because "we are waiting the State Council (China’s cabinet) to make the decision." The State Council declined to release the progress of its review. Ex. 2 "Inequality in jobs still a serious issue" At 46, she was New China’s first female governor. At 53, she was minister of chemical industry. Now, as president of the All-China Women’s Federation and vice-chair-woman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, Gu Xiulian, 69, keeps a close eye on the year-to year headway(progess) that women across China are making to attain equal status with men in all walks of life. As the nation celebrates the Women’s Day today, "inequality in employment is still a serious issue," Gu said, citing the Labor Law that employers should not raise the bar when recruiting women or reject them on grounds of gender. "I think the fundamental cause of gender discrimination is the incorrect idea of ‘female inferiority’ which is ingrained in many people’s minds,"she said. "A new gender culture should be cultivated to increase harmony between the sexes and the government should explore market mechanisms that can promote women’s job prospects." Gu admitted that it is a long and arduous task that requires input and co-ordination from all government agencies: The labor department should monitor the market; the legal department should provide aid that women can use as a weapon to defend their rights; and unions, the Communist Youth League and the women’s federation should get involved in protecting women and their rights to employment. On the issue of domestic violence, Gu said that improving the legal system is the best preventive measure because of the difficulty of obtaining criminal evidence. "Our litigation(诉讼) system does not sufficiently cover cases of domestic violence and sexual harassment, and we also need to study ways to define these offences, and determine penalties," she noted. Unit 2 Interpreting Conversations Objectives: Familiarity with the interpretation of conversations, being able to interpret similar conversations Preparation: Familiarity with the vocabulary and sentences usually used in the related and similar conversations Procedures: 1) Warming-up: vocabulary preparations 2) Introducing the background of the conversations 3) Practice interpreting conversations in pairs
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