●●● ●●●● 2.Maximally Flat Low-pass Filter prototype ●●●●● ●●●0 ●●●●0 R=80=1 2=81 L=81 L=83 M-o YY 十C1=8别 卡C3=8豹 81 G0=80=1 +C3=8 Zm=h(Lk,Ck,8w1),from the filter Prototype.根据滤波器原型 T= Zm-1 Pu- 1-r(o) =h(L,CK,8N1)=1+k2o2w Zin+1 Solving the equation,LC will be known. Page 155:Table 5.1;Page 157:Figure 5.5;G.L.Matthaei,1980. 8N+1=1=80 172. Maximally Flat Low –pass Filter prototype , from the filter Prototype.根据滤波器原型 Solving the equation, will be known. 17 Z hL C g in k k N   , , 1  1 1 in in Z Z         ' 22 2 1 1 ,, 1 1 N P hLC g k LR k K N         Lk k , C Page 155: Table 5.1; Page 157: Figure 5.5; G.L. Matthaei, 1980. 1 0 1 N g g   
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