蓉nea,t Concermad Aikan5时n BULLETIN OF CONCERNED ASIAN SCHOLARS Back issues of BCAS publications published on this site are intended for non-commercial use only.Photographs and other graphics that appear in articles are expressly not to be reproduced other than for personal use.All rights reserved. CONTENTS Vol.4,No.4:19 The Editors-Introduction to Special Section on Imperialism in China Andrew J.Nathan-Imperialism's Effects on China Joseph Esherick-Harvard on China:The Apologetics of Imperialism ·Herbert P.Bix-Report from Japan 1972-PartⅡ To Huu,Ho Chi Minh,Nguyen Kim Ngan,Truong Quoc Khanh,Ly Phuong Lien-Vietnamese Poetry Letter from the Philippines Usha Mahajani-Comment on Egbal Ahmad's Notes on South Asia in Crisis Fred Branfman-Prospects for Vietnam After the Agreement is Signed BCAS/Critical Asian Studies www.beasnet.orgBack issues of BCAS publications published on this site are intended for non-commercial use only. Photographs and other graphics that appear in articles are expressly not to be reproduced other than for personal use. All rights reserved. CONTENTS Vol. 4, No. 4: 19 • The Editors - Introduction to Special Section on Imperialism in China • Andrew J. Nathan - Imperialism’s Effects on China • Joseph Esherick - Harvard on China: The Apologetics of Imperialism • Herbert P. Bix - Report from Japan 1972 - Part II • To Huu, Ho Chi Minh, Nguyen Kim Ngan, Truong Quoc Khanh, Ly Phuong Lien - Vietnamese Poetry • Letter from the Philippines • Usha Mahajani - Comment on Eqbal Ahmad’s Notes on South Asia in Crisis • Fred Branfman - Prospects for Vietnam After the Agreement is Signed BCAS/Critical Asian Studies www.bcasnet.org
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