蹦跳跳。当他们鞠躬行礼时观众同声发出啊啊的赞叹,然后热烈地鼓掌。(2)m unison:the doing of sth.by everyone in agreement or at the same time.e.g.The governments acted in unison to combat terrorism. 73.This is it.This is the chance for my prodigy side to come ou 74.As I sat down I envisioned.on TV:As I sat down at the piano,I imagined that my performance would such a great success that everybody would jumped to their feet in excitement and even Ed Sullivan would be so impressed that he would rush up to introduce me on his TV program. 75.I was so caught up in how lovely.:be caught up in sth.:a.be involved in a situation often when you do not want to be (.e.g.I found myself caught up in an expensive legal battle.b.to become involved in an activity or situation which prevents you from moving or making progress(把,迷住,缠住) e.g.The children were so caught up in the movie that they forgot the time for dinner. 76.But then I saw my mother's stricken face:(1)When I saw my mother's stricken face,I knew that was mot mere illusion,I really gave an awful performance.(2)stricken:affected by sth.painful or distressing;very badly affected by trouble,illness and so on.e.g.a.He had to live with a stricken conscience for the rest of his life. b.Supplies of medicine were rushed to the flood-stricken areas. c.A grief-stricken mother wrote this letter to the editor to the newspaper about the tragedy 77.juggled flaming hoops:juggle:to keep three or more objects moving through the air by throwing and catching them very quickly. 78.Auntie Lindo said vaguely.smiling broadly-Question:How do you understand the author's choice of words-"said vaguely,smiling broadly"here? The answer:when the family friends came up to Jing-mei's parents after the show,they were supposed to something nice about Jing-mei's performance But Jing-mei's poor job made them hard to say anything nice,thus "said vaguely",implying the comments are ambiguous."Smiling broadly'was a real representation of her genuine feelings-she felt relieved because when her friend's daughter had notable to outshine her own daughter. Subsection 6(Paras.61-76) 79.In this subsection,the girl thought that her failure at the show meant she would never have to play the piano.Yet two days later her mother urged her to 蹦跳跳。 当他们鞠躬行礼时观众同声发出啊啊的赞叹, 然后热烈地鼓掌。(2)in unison: the doing of sth. by everyone in agreement or at the same time. e.g. The governments acted in unison to combat terrorism. 73. This is it: This is the chance for my prodigy side to come out. 74. As I sat down I envisioned.on TV: As I sat down at the piano, I imagined that my performance would such a great success that everybody would jumped to their feet in excitement and even Ed Sullivan would be so impressed that he would rush up to introduce me on his TV program. 75. I was so caught up in how lovely.: be caught up in sth.: a. be involved in a situation often when you do not want to be(陷入). e.g. I found myself caught up in an expensive legal battle. b. to become involved in an activity or situation which prevents you from moving or making progress (把.迷住,缠住) e.g. The children were so caught up in the movie that they forgot the time for dinner. 76. But then I saw my mother’s stricken face: (1) When I saw my mother’s stricken face, I knew that was mot mere illusion, I really gave an awful performance. (2) stricken: affected by sth. painful or distressing; very badly affected by trouble, illness and so on. e.g. a. He had to live with a stricken conscience for the rest of his life. b. Supplies of medicine were rushed to the flood-stricken areas. c. A grief-stricken mother wrote this letter to the editor to the newspaper about the tragedy. 77. .juggled flaming hoops: juggle: to keep three or more objects moving through the air by throwing and catching them very quickly.杂耍 78. Auntie Lindo said vaguely, smiling broadly—Question: How do you understand the author’s choice of words—“said vaguely, smiling broadly” here? The answer: when the family friends came up to Jing-mei’s parents after the show, they were supposed to something nice about Jing-mei’s performance. But Jing-mei’s poor job made them hard to say anything nice, thus “said vaguely”, implying the comments are ambiguous. “Smiling broadly’ was a real representation of her genuine feelings—she felt relieved because when her friend’s daughter had notable to outshine her own daughter. Subsection 6 (Paras. 61-76) 79. In this subsection, the girl thought that her failure at the show meant she would never have to play the piano. Yet two days later her mother urged her to
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