x Contents Appendix d Information and knowledge sources for materials and processes D 1 Introdu 538 D2 Information sources for materials 538 D 3 Information for manufacturing processes D 4 Databases and expert systems in software D5 Additional useful internet sites D 6 Supplier registers, government organizations, standards and professional societies 555 Appendix E Exercises E1 Introduction to the exercises E 2 Devising conc E 3 Use of material selection charts E 4 Translation: constraints and objectives 562 E5 Deriving and using material indices 56 E6 Selecting processes E7 Multiple constraints and objectives E8 Selecting material and shape 587 E.9 Hybrid materials 594Appendix D Information and knowledge sources for materials and processes 537 D.1 Introduction 538 D.2 Information sources for materials 538 D.3 Information for manufacturing processes 552 D.4 Databases and expert systems in software 553 D.5 Additional useful internet sites 554 D.6 Supplier registers, government organizations, standards and professional societies 555 Appendix E Exercises 557 E.1 Introduction to the exercises 558 E.2 Devising concepts 559 E.3 Use of material selection charts 559 E.4 Translation: constraints and objectives 562 E.5 Deriving and using material indices 565 E.6 Selecting processes 574 E.7 Multiple constraints and objectives 579 E.8 Selecting material and shape 587 E.9 Hybrid materials 594 Index 599 x Contents
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