2.3 Clock time Unit 3: 1. Talking about prices 3.How much is it? 2. Talking about preferences 知识点: 3. Buying and selling things 3.1 Spending habits,shopping and prices Unit 4: 3.2 Clothing and personal items 1.Talking about likes and dislikes 3.3 Colors and materials 2.Making invitations and excuses 3.Giving opinions 4. Do you like jazz? Unit 5: 知识点: 1.Writing about families in our country 4.1 Music,movies,TV programs 2.Talking about the changes in your family 4.2 Entertainers 3.Talking about family members 4.3 Invitations and excuses Unit 6: 4.4 Dates and times 1.Discussing the benefits of exercising 2.Talking about your favorite exercise 5.Tell me about your family Unit7 知识点: 1.Talking about the most frequent activity 5.1 Talking about families and family 2.Talking about vocations members 3.Talking about the places of interest 5.2 Exchanging information about the present Unit 8: 5.3 Describing family life 1.Talking about facilities in a community 6.How often do you exercise? 2.Describing neighborhoods. 知识点: 6.1 Asking about and describing routines and exercise 6.2 Talking about frequency 6.3 Taking about abilities 1. We had a great time 2222 2.3 Clock time 3. How much is it? 知识点: 3.1 Spending habits, shopping and prices 3.2 Clothing and personal items 3.3 Colors and materials 4. Do you like jazz? 知识点: 4.1 Music, movies , TV programs 4.2 Entertainers 4.3 Invitations and excuses 4.4 Dates and times 5. Tell me about your family 知识点: 5.1 Talking about families and family members 5.2 Exchanging information about the present 5.3 Describing family life 6. How often do you exercise? 知识点: 6.1 Asking about and describing routines and exercise 6.2 Talking about frequency 6.3 Taking about abilities 7. We had a great time Unit 3: 1. Talking about prices 2. Talking about preferences 3. Buying and selling things Unit 4: 1. Talking about likes and dislikes 2. Making invitations and excuses 3. Giving opinions Unit 5: 1. Writing about families in our country 2. Talking about the changes in your family 3. Talking about family members Unit 6: 1. Discussing the benefits of exercising 2. Talking about your favorite exercise Unit 7 1. Talking about the most frequent activity 2. Talking about vocations 3. Talking about the places of interest Unit 8: 1. Talking about facilities in a community 2. Describing neighborhoods
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