2.Scotland contains the majority of Britain's highest mountains nearly 300 peaks over913 meters.The highest are the Grampians in the central highlands,with Been Newis the tallest peak 3.The five titles of nobility.or peerages,in Britain are Duke,Marquess.Earl,Viscount and Baron.There are now 26 Dukes,36 Marquises,19 Earls,16 Viscounts and 482 Barons.All the above-mentioned titles are hereditary and tosit inthe House of Lords. 4.Califomia is formed by a great valley bounded on the east by the Sierra Nevada Mts and Cascade Range.and on the west by the Coast Ranges.which gives way in the south to the desert.But aong the coastal line.there is the nrrow.fertile Coastal Plain Northem Ireland and the Irish Republic. 6.Although climatic conditions vary considerably from north to south,in the winter the temperature falls to belowzero all over the country.while in the summer you can slipinto the sea for a swim even in the far north. 7.nthe Britain became the first industrialized counry.basingits.on the manufacture ofiron and steel,heavy machinery and textiles.on shipbuilding and on trade. 8.Before the English Bourgeois Revolution in640.the English king.like kings in other countries.was very powerful.He personally exercised supreme executive legislative and judicial powe 9.King Ferdinand of Aragon and Queen Isabella of Castile are the best-known and best-respeced monarchs in the whole of Spain's long and complicated history. 10.Pablo Picasso is the best knon and most influential painter of this century.It was he who developed the style of panting know as Cubism,which led to a dramatic revolution in art. 11.Christmas Eve itself is on December 24,but celebrations get under way four weeks earlier with the arrival of Advent-when Advent Candles"are brought out and"Advent Stars"are hung in the windows 12.n the the family hand ou Christma presents,sometimes one of them may dress up as Santa Claus to distribute the gifts. 13.Easter is a movable feast falling in March orApril and is celebrated to commemorate the crucifixion and resurrecion of Jesus Christ. 14.The wide range of crafts activities indudes ceramics.weaving.dyeing.glasswork,leatherwork.woodwork.jewelry.papermaking embroidery and many others. 15.In the early 80s.Artbank got more than 1.300 works of art including paintings,photography.sculptures,Aboriginal arts,and crafts 16.Italian.Flemish and French in Spain that painting took on somewhat international flavo 17.The National Yellow Store Park is not ony famous for its attraction and wild animals,but also for its geysers which attrac thousands of visitors from various counries of 18.Although the best season for traveling is the summer months of June.July and August.many tourists are attracted to the first rate skiing ground at the resorts of Banff and Jasper. 19.Endowed with many towering peaks.vast forests and beautiful waterfalls and swift rivers,it has been a tourist atraction. 20.Scotland contains the majority of Britain's highest mountains-nearly 300 peaks over913 meters.The highest are the Grampians in the central highlands.with Been Nevis the tallest peak 21.The chief mountains of Spain are the gint Pyrenees in with thei raggy line of summits towering to more than 10.000 feet cutting Spain off from France and the rest of Europe2. Scotland contains the majority of Britain’s highest mountains nearly 300 peaks over 913 meters. The highest are the Grampians in the central highlands, with Been Newis the tallest peak. 3. The five titles of nobility, or peerages, in Britain are Duke, Marquess, Earl, Viscount and Baron. There are now 26 Dukes, 36 Marquises, 192 Earls, 126 Viscounts and 482 Barons. All the above-mentioned titles are hereditary and are eligible to sit in the House of Lords. 4. California is formed by a great valley bounded on the east by the Sierra Nevada Mts and Cascade Range, and on the west by the Coast Ranges, which gives way in the south to the desert. But along the coastal line, there is the narrow, fertile Coastal Plain. 5. Britain constitutes the greater part of the British Isles. The largest of the islands is Great Britain. The next largest comprises Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. 6. Although climatic conditions vary considerably from north to south, in the winter the temperature falls to below zero all over the country, while in the summer you can slip into the sea for a swim even in the far north. 7. In the later eighteenth and nineteenth centuries Britain became the first industrialized country, basing its wealth on coal-mining, on the manufacture of iron and steel, heavy machinery and textiles, on shipbuilding and on trade. 8. Before the English Bourgeois Revolution in 1640, the English king, like kings in other countries, was very powerful. He personally exercised supreme executive, legislative and judicial power. 9. King Ferdinand of Aragon and Queen Isabella of Castile are the best-known and best-respected monarchs in the whole of Spain’s long and complicated history. 10. Pablo Picasso is the best known and most influential painter of this century. It was he who developed the style of painting known as Cubism, which led to a dramatic revolution in art. 11. Christmas Eve itself is on December 24, but celebrations get under way four weeks earlier with the arrival of Advent - when "Advent Candles" are brought out and "Advent Stars" are hung in the windows. 12. In the late afternoon of Christmas Eve it is common for the members of the family to get together and hand out Christmas presents, sometimes one of them may dress up as Santa Claus to distribute the gifts. 13. Easter is a movable feast falling in March or April and is celebrated to commemorate the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 14. The wide range of crafts activities includes ceramics, weaving, dyeing, glasswork, leatherwork, woodwork, jewelry, papermaking, embroidery and many others. 15. In the early 80s, Artbank got more than 1,300 works of art including paintings, photography, sculptures, Aboriginal arts, and crafts. 16. Italian, Flemish and French influences became so strong in Spain that painting took on somewhat international flavor. 17. The National Yellow Stone Park is not only famous for its scenic attraction and wild animals, but also for its geysers which attract thousands of visitors from various countries of the world. 18. Although the best season for traveling is the summer months of June, July and August, many tourists are attracted to the first rate skiing ground at the resorts of Banff and Jasper. 19. Endowed with many towering peaks, vast forests and beautiful waterfalls and swift rivers, it has been a tourist attraction. 20. Scotland contains the majority of Britain’s highest mountains - nearly 300 peaks over 913 meters. The highest are the Grampians in the central highlands, with Been Nevis the tallest peak. 21. The chief mountains of Spain are the giant Pyrenees in the north, with their craggy line of summits towering to more than 10,000 feet cutting Spain off from France and the rest of Europe
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