效应:末梢释放去甲肾上腺素( norepinephrine),作用 于心肌细胞膜上β受体,引起cAMP增加,导致 1.窦房结自律性加强,心率加快(I增加) 正性变时作用( positive chronotropic action) A P E-80 a Fig. 22-20 Mcchanisms involved in the changes in fre- quency of pacemaker firing. In A, a reduction in the slope(from ato b)of slow diastolic depolarization diminishes the firing fre.效应: 末梢释放去甲肾上腺素(norepinephrine),作用 于心肌细胞膜上受体,引起cAMP增加,导致: 1.窦房结自律性加强,心率加快(If 增加) 正性变时作用(positive chronotropic action)
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