perspective n.a point of view 观点,看法 exclaim v.to cry out or express or utter (something)suddenly or vehemently 呼喊,惊叫,大声地说出或强烈地表达出(某事) necessity n.somethingnecessary 必要性,需要,(常用复数)必需品 afford v.to make available 提供,给予 unparalleled a. without parallel,equal,or match 无比的,无双的,空前的 maturity n. the state or quality of being fully grown or developed 成熟,完备 inevitably ad. impossible to avoid or prevent 不可避免地 challenging a. calling for full use of one's abilities or resources in a difficult but stimulating effort 有挑战性的,有吸引力的 fantastic a. 1strange in form,conception,or appearance 幻想的,奇异的 2 wonderfulor superb;remarkable 美好的,极妙的,显著的 carefree a.free of worries and responsibilities 无忧无虑的,轻松愉快的 confusing a. a state of disorder or mixing-up in mind 混淆的,糊涂的 subsequent a. following in time or order;succeeding 后来的,并发的,随后的 endeavor n. a conscientious or concerted effort toward an end;an earnest attemptperspective n. a point of view 观点,看法 exclaim v. to cry out or express or utter (something)suddenly or vehemently 呼喊,惊叫,大声地说出或强烈地表达出(某事) necessity n. something necessary 必要性,需要,(常用复数)必需品 afford v. to make available 提供,给予 unparalleled a. without parallel, equal, or match 无比的,无双的,空前的 maturity n. the state or quality of being fully grown or developed 成熟,完备 inevitably ad. impossible to avoid or prevent 不可避免地 challenging a. calling for full use of one’s abilities or resources in a difficult but stimulating effort 有挑战性的,有吸引力的 fantastic a. ① strange in form, conception, or appearance 幻想的,奇异的 ② wonderful or superb; remarkable 美好的,极妙的,显著的 carefree a. free of worries and responsibilities 无忧无虑的,轻松愉快的 confusing a. a state of disorder or mixing-up in mind 混淆的,糊涂的 subsequent a. following in time or order; succeeding 后来的,并发的,随后的 endeavor n. a conscientious or concerted effort toward an end; an earnest attempt
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