Meredith:Meaning? Bailey:There's been a special request,just for you. (Burke is walking through the hall with Patricia) Burke:The chief runs through all of this?Before lunch.After,youve got budget to approve,two staff meetings,and four of Richard's surgeries,including your own. Burke:Absolutely.No problem. Patricia:Virgins (Derekenters) Derek:So.Congratulations are in order. Burke:Don'tsweat it Shepherd.lybe your boss for a few days. Derek:I'm well aware of Richard's recovery time.I'm the one who operated on him,remember? Burke:Ido.You operated.He survived and chose me totakeover while recruiting your wife. Derek:Clearly,he has brain damage Burke:Or is it your ex-wife?I'm a little fuzzy on that. Derek:We're separated. Addison:Sorry to interrupt,Dr.Burke. Burke:You're never interrupting. Derek:She's alwaysinterrupting. Addison:I wasjust checking to see if Dr.Burke secured the intern (Meredith walks up) Meredith:tern you requested?He did (Derek looks at Addison then Burke,Burke smiles and walks away.Derek walks away and leaves Meredith and Addison there staring ateach other)Meredith: Meaning? Bailey: There's been a special request, just for you. (Burke is walking through the hall with Patricia) Burke: The chief runs through all of this? Before lunch. After, you've got calls to return, a budget to approve, two staff meetings, and four of Richard's surgeries, including your own. Burke: Absolutely. No problem. Patricia: Virgins. (Derek enters) Derek: So. Congratulations are in order. Burke: Don't sweat it Shepherd. I'll only be your boss for a few days. Derek: I'm well aware of Richard's recovery time. I'm the one who operated on him, remember? Burke: I do. You operated. He survived and chose me to take over while recruiting your wife. Derek: Clearly, he has brain damage. Burke: Or is it your ex-wife? I'm a little fuzzy on that. Derek: We're separated. Addison: Sorry to interrupt, Dr. Burke. Burke: You're never interrupting. Derek: She's always interrupting. Addison: I was just checking to see if Dr. Burke secured the intern� (Meredith walks up) Meredith: Intern you requested? He did. (Derek looks at Addison then Burke, Burke smiles and walks away. Derek walks away and leaves Meredith and Addison there staring at each other)
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