no questions; 5.3 Showing admiration:words and expressions; 5.4The simple past:regular verbs and wh-questions with be; Unit 6 The mind 知识点: 6.1 Talking about jobs:words and expressions; 6.2 The past tense of be:statements and yes/ no questions; 6.3 Showing admiration:words and expressions; 6.4 The simple past:question forms 五、建议学时分配表 学时分配 序号 课程内容 讲 实 对应教学目标 习题课 小计 授 验 1.要求学生掌 1.Unit 1 Lesson 1-Lesson 24 握基本的英 (New Concept English 2) 语阅读技能 1. 52 0 0 0 2.四级阅读(四级真题) 2.掌握基本写 3.四级新闻听力(四级真题) 作技巧 3 掌握基本听12 no questions; 5.3 Showing admiration: words and expressions; 5.4The simple past: regular verbs and wh-questions with be; Unit 6 The mind 知识点: 6.1 Talking about jobs: words and expressions; 6.2 The past tense of be: statements and yes / no questions; 6.3 Showing admiration: words and expressions; 6.4 The simple past: question forms 五、建议学时分配表 序号 课程内容 学 时 分 配 讲 对应教学目标 授 实 验 习题课 小 计 1. 1. Unit 1 Lesson 1-Lesson 24 (New Concept English 2) 2.四级阅读(四级真题) 3.四级新闻听力(四级真题) 52 0 0 0 1. 要求学生掌 握基本的英 语阅读技能 2. 掌握基本写 作技巧 3. 掌握基本听 力技巧
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