表4:约旦河流雄的水战争( Water conflicts in the Jordan River basin Countries Violent Date Involved Basis of conflict Descreption Conflict? 1948 Arabs Military tool Arab forces cut of West Jerusalems water supply in first Israelis Arab-Israeli war Israel Political tool, Military Y Jordan makes public its plans to irrigate the Jordan valley organ tool, Development by tapping the Yarmouk River; Israel responds by Syria disputes commencing drainage of the Huleh swamps located in the demilitarized zone between Israel and Syria; border skirmishes ensue between Israel and Syria. 1953 Israel Development dispute Israel begins construction of its National Water Carrier to Military transfer water from the north of the Sea of Galilee out Political tool of the Jordan basin to the Negev Desert for irrigation Syrian military actions along the border and international disapproval lead Israel to move its intake to the Sea of galilee 1965-1966 Israel, Syria Military tool, Political Yes Fire is exchanged over "all-Arab"plan to divert the tool. Control of Jordan River headwaters and presumably preempt water resources Israeli National Water Carrier; Syria halts construction Development of its diversion in July 1966 1967 Israel, Syria Military target and tool Yes Israel destroys the Arab diversion works on the Jordan River headwaters. During Arab-Israeli War Israel Golan Heights, with Banias tributary Jordan: Israel occupies West Bank 1969 Israel Military target and tool Yes Israel, suspicious that Jordan is overdiverting the Jordan Yarmouk, leads two raids to destroy the newly-built East Ghor Canal; secret negotiations, mediated by the US. lead to an agreement in 1970Date Countries Involved Basis of Conflict Violent Conflict? Descreption 1948 Arabs, Israelis Military tool Yes Arab forces cut of West Jerusalem’s water supply in first Arab-Israeli war. 1951 Israel, Jordan, Syria Political tool, Military tool, Development disputes Yes Jordan makes public its plans to irrigate the Jordan Valley by tapping the Yarmouk River; Israel responds by commencing drainage of the Huleh swamps located in the demilitarized zone between Israel and Syria; border skirmishes ensue between Israel and Syria. 1953 Israel, Jordan, Syria Development dispute, Military target, Political tool Yes Israel begins construction of its National Water Carrier to transfer water from the north of the Sea of Galilee out of the Jordan basin to the Negev Desert for irrigation. Syrian military actions along the border and international disapproval lead Israel to move its intake to the Sea of Galilee. 1965-1966 Israel, Syria Military tool, Political tool, Control of water resources, Development dispute Yes Fire is exchanged over “all-Arab” plan to divert the Jordan River headwaters and presumably preempt Israeli National Water Carrier; Syria halts construction of its diversion in July 1966. 1967 Israel, Syria Military target and tool Yes Israel destroys the Arab diversion works on the Jordan River headwaters. During Arab-Israeli War Israel occupies Golan Heights, with Banias tributary to the Jordan; Israel occupies West Bank. 1969 Israel, Jordan Military target and tool Yes Israel, suspicious that Jordan is overdiverting the Yarmouk, leads two raids to destroy the newly-built East Ghor Canal; secret negotiations, mediated by the US, lead to an agreement in 1970. 表4: 约旦河流域的水战争 约旦河流域的水战争 (Water conflicts in (Water conflicts in the Jordan River basin) the Jordan River basin)