圈1:自然水循环( Hydrologic circle) Condensation of clouds Rain evaporation Evapotranspiration from ground Evaporation m oceans Surfac runoff
图1: 自然水循环 (Hydrologic circle Hydrologic circle)
Soi(0.41%) Rivers and lakes (0.82%) Groundwater(20.58% 图2:冰资源的 构成 (Break down Ice and glaciers (78.19% of water Freshwater resources) soil(0.01%) Rivers and lakes(0.02%) Groundwater(0.50%) Ice and glaciers (1.90%) Oceans (97.57%) Total water
图2: 水资源的 构成 (Break down Break down of water of water resources resources)
3:全球水资源脆弱性分布图( Water resource vulnerability in the world) No vulnerability Low vulnerability Medium vulnerability High vulnerability
图3: 全球水资源 “脆弱性 ”分布图 (Water resource vulnerability in the world resource vulnerability in the world)
表1:全球水资源量最多的10个国家 Top 10 countries with the richest annual renewable water resources Annual Renewable Country Water Resources Population Water Resources per (000 Capita(m"/yr) Brazil 695000170,40628 40.784.88 Russia 4,49800145,491.17 30,91597 Canada 2.901.00 30.756.70 94,320.92 China 2,800.001,275,132.87 2,195.85 Indonesia 2,530.00212,092.02 11,92878 USA 2.478.00283,230.24 8,749.07 Bangladesh 2.357.00137,439.26 7,149.39 India 2,085001,008937.36 2,066.53 Venezuela 1,317.00 24.169.74 54,489.62 Myanmar 1,0820047,74894 22,660.19
Top 10 countries with the richest annual Top 10 countries with the richest annual renewable water resources renewable water resources Country Annual Renewable Water Resources (km 3/y r) Population ('000) Water Resources per Capita (m 3/yr) Brazil 6,950.00 170,406.28 40,784.88 Russia 4,498.00 145,491.17 30,915.97 Canada 2,901.00 30,756.70 94,320.92 China 2,800.00 1,275,132.87 2,195.85 Indonesia 2,530.00 212,092.02 11,928.78 USA 2,478.00 283,230.24 8,749.07 Bangladesh 2,357.00 137,439.26 17,149.39 India 2,085.00 1,008,937.36 2,066.53 Venezuela 1,317.00 24,169.74 54,489.62 Myanmar 1,082.00 47,748.94 22,660.19 表1: 全球水资源量最多的 全球水资源量最多的10个国家
表2:全球人淘水资源量最多的10个国家 Top 10 countries with the richest per capita water resources Annual Renewable Population Water Resources per Country Water Resources (000 km/yr) Capita(m"/yr) Iceland 170.00 279.29 608.684.13 Suriname 200.00 417.16 479,433.50 Guyana 241.00 760.51 316891.36 Congo 832.00301843 275.640.35 Papua New Guinea 801.004.809.22 166,55525 Gabon 164.001,230.09 133,32379 Solomon Islands 44.70 447.43 99904.34 Canada 2.901.0030.756.70 94,320.92 Norway 392.004,469.03 87.714.78 New Zealand 327.003,778.00 86553.64
Top 10 countries with the richest per capita Top 10 countries with the richest per capita water resources water resources Country Annual Renewable Water Resources (km 3/y r) Population ('000) Water Resources per Capita (m 3/yr) Iceland 170.00 279.29 608,684.13 Suriname 200.00 417.16 479,433.50 Guyana 241.00 760.51 316,891.36 Congo 832.00 3,018.43 275,640.35 Papua New Guinea 801.00 4,809.22 166,555.25 Gabon 164.00 1,230.09 133,323.79 Solomon Islands 44.70 447.43 99,904.34 Canada 2,901.00 30,756.70 94,320.92 Norway 392.00 4,469.03 87,714.78 New Zealand 327.00 3,778.00 86,553.64 表2: 全球人均水资源量最多的 全球人均水资源量最多的10个国家
表3:全球人均水资源最少的10个国家 Top 10 countries with the least per capita water resources Annual Renewable Population Water Resources Country Water resources (km/yr) (000) per Capita(myr) Kuwait 0.02 1914.40 10.45 Malta 0.02 38994 41.03 United Arab Emirates 0.15 2605.96 57.56 Qatar 0.05 565.44 93.73 Libya 0.60 5289.73 113.43 Saudi arabia 2.40 20346.23 117.96 Singapore 0.60 4018.11 14932 Jordan 0.88 4913.12 179.11 Yemen 4.10 18348.75 228.45 Israel 2.15 6040.43 355.94
Top 10 countries with the least per capita water resources Top 10 countries with the least per capita water resources Country Annual Renewable Water Resources (km 3/yr) Population (‘000) Water Resources per Capita (m 3/yr) Kuwait 0.02 1914.40 10.45 Malta 0.02 389.94 41.03 United Arab Emirates 0.15 2605.96 57.56 Qatar 0.05 565.44 93.73 Libya 0.60 5289.73 113.43 Saudi Arabia 2.40 20346.23 117.96 Singapore 0.60 4018.11 149.32 Jordan 0.88 4913.12 179.11 Yemen 4.10 18348.75 228.45 Israel 2.15 6040.43 355.94 表3: 全球人均水资源最少的 全球人均水资源最少的10个国家
4:我国的降水量分布图( Average annual rainfall in China) Average Rainfal(mm) 800=1000
Decreasing Decreasing 图4: 我国的降水量分布图 我国的降水量分布图 (Average annual Average annual rainfall in China rainfall in China)
5:我国的干旱度指标分布图( Distribution of aridity in China) 干旱度=蒸发势/降水量 Aridity Potential Evaporation / Rainfal 25100
干旱度=蒸发势/降水量 Aridity = Potential Evaporation / Rainfall 图5: 我国的干旱度指标分布图 我国的干旱度指标分布图 (Distribution Distribution of aridity in China of aridity in China)
6:西北地区蒸发势与降丽量的关系 (Relation between annual rainfall and potential evaporation) 5000 4000 3000 三2000 G1000 200 400 600 1000 Annual rainfallmm
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Annual rainfall/mm Annual potential evaporation/mm 图6: 西北地区蒸发势与降雨量的关系 西北地区蒸发势与降雨量的关系 (Relation between annual rainfall and Relation between annual rainfall and potential evaporation potential evaporation )
7:我国的流域分布( Hydrological zones in China) 准喝乐内陆河 :罘龙江 I1:辽河 塔里木河 Northwest 内蒙内陆河 II:海河 XInland river I:黄河 青海内陆河 V:淮河 芜塘内陆河 VI:长江 VI:珠江 东南诸河 struth I:西南诸河 X:内陆河
Northwest Northwest Northeast Northeast South 图7: 我国的流域分布 我国的流域分布 (Hydrological zones Hydrological zones in China in China) I:黑龙江 II:辽河 III:海河 IV:黄河 V:淮河 VI:长江 VII:珠江 VIII:东南诸河 IX:西南诸河 X:内陆河