Aar..Apr-June Cuntov Sireet.Boulder.C July-Sept Cet EDITORIAL COMMITTEE 2Send address change Publisher ASIAN PERSPECTIVE Taik-young Hamm (Managing Editor).Cill Lata (Editor).Jong Kun Choi.Jae-Ho Chung.Martin Vol.35 No.2 Apr.-June 2011 Hart-Lamdsbeng.Su-Hoon Lee.Wenhyuk Lim, Chung-in Moon.Kun Young Park.Alvin Y So. Dali Yang ANNLAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES ASSISTANIS TO THE EDITOR Dean J.Ouellette,Heeseon Min.Kelly U.Hur (in headdre above yreAianPerspective Scoul).Julie Boyles (in Portland) em department EDITORAL ADVISORY BOARD revearch centers and commercial,industrial,gov. Peter Hayes、.t aeatal.andgthcgrmultple,cadecrinstituion Samuel S.Kim,Columbia University per year For indivdua the War and Peace Hideo Kobayashi.Wsedany ae peryear and payment mustacc East Asian Peacemaking:Exploring the Patterns of B.C.Koh.University of Illimos,Chicago theaeper yer rdeveryoue of the United Statesadd 1 Conflict Management and Conflict Settlement in East Asia 163 Ma Jisen,Chinese Academty of Social Sciences Andrew Mack.Simon Fraser averiy forinterational postage.All subscriptions Isak Svensson Okonogi Masao,Kelo University neihdceletmmceaccciForqUestionsregaurding please contact journalsrienner.com Mao Zedong's Erroneous Decision During the Korean War: Edward A.Ofsen.Naval Postgraduate School BACK ISSSUES China's Rejection of the UN Cease-Fire Resolution in Richard P Suttmeier,University af Oregon Peter Van Ness,Australian National University For back issues contact joumalsriener com Early 1951 187 Immanoel Wallerstein.State University of Shen Zhihua and Yafeng Xia New York,Binghamtod 2011 by the Institute for Far Eastern Studies. Kyungnam University.All rights reserved.No par The opinions expressed in the articles and review ofthis publication may be reproduced or transmit essayin this joural are those of the contributors ted in any form or by any means(including photo. copying)without the permission of the publisher US Foreign Policy and should not be constnied as representing thase of the Institute for Far Eastem Studies or the edi- naA4N座CTE Authorization to photocopy items for internal or The Change of Public Opinion on US-China Relations 211 personal use is granted by Lynne Rienner Publish. Oingshan Tan This jourl is supported by the National Research es Ine provided that the base fee of 3 perr Foundation of Korea Grant funded by the govern- per copy is paid directly to the Copyright Clearance US Policy Toward Rogue States:Comparing the ment of the Republic of Korea (MEST) Center.27 Congress Street.Salem,MA 01970 USA.For those organizations that have been grant- Bush Administration's Policy Toward Irag and North Korea 239 edphotocopy license by CCC.a separate system Jaechun Kim and David Hundt of payment has been arranged. ASIAN PERSPECTIVE is indexed or abstracted in International Bibliography of the Social Sciences. Regional Issues:Trade and Minorities International Political Science Abstracts.Politicul Science Abstracts,Scopas,Social Sciences Cita- Trade Regionalism in a Realist East Asia: tion Index,and Sociological Abstracts. Rival Visions and Competitive Bilateralism 259 Gregory P.Corning Printed and bound in the United States of America. The paper used in this publication meets the requirements of the American National Standard "Blatant Discrimination Disappears,But.." for Permanence of Paper for Printed Library The Politics of Everyday Exclusion in Contemporary Japan 287 Materials 239.48-1992.69 Bumsoo Kim
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