Asian Perspective 35(2011)187-209 Mao Zedong's Erroneous Decision During the Korean War: China's Rejection of the UN Cease-fire Resolution in Early 1951 Alinary·revieseed·Original Scho/arshit Shen Zhihua and Yafeng Xia Previous studies of the Korean War have given much attention to the armistice negotiations that started in July 1951.Little has been written of the peacemaking efforts between the time of China's entry into the war in October 1950 and the creation of the United Nations cease-fire resolution in early January 1951.Relying on Chi- nese,Russian,and US archival sources,in particular Mao Zedong's recently published military papers and Chinese foreign ministry archives,this article examines China's views and policies toward the UN resolution.It argues that Mao made an erroneous decision not to accept the UN resolution in January 1951.Because of the mistake, China completely lost its advantage on the Korean battlefield and in Edited by Hvung-Gu Limn the international arena.KErwoRDs:China,Korean War,Mao Zedong. Independently published since 1928 Chinese foreign policy in Korea. Pacific Affairs An Intenational Revie of Aud and the Pacific GETTING INVOLVED IN THE KOREAN WAR WAS THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF China's(PRC)first attempt to participate in managing international There are few names among academic journals focused on Asia as rich in historyand as evocative affairs and resolving crises on its periphery.But sixty years later.the as Pacifie Affairs We explore contemporary crisis on the Korean peninsula still has not been resolved.It has be- issues that face a complex and interdependent come one of the two toughest security issues for China,along with the Asia.Our international editorial board ensures Taiwan issue.From a historical perspective,it is imperative to re- articles are edited to the highest standard. Pacific Affairs'book reviews are a must for any assess China's policies during the war-in particular.how to make busy scholar or librarian to keep abreast of effective use of both military power and diplomacy in turn and how the latest literature in the field.Please see our to alternate between war and negotiations. website for further details. The Korean War lasted for more than three years,two-thirds of which involved negotiating while fighting.Previous studies have www.pacificaffairs.ubc.ca given much attention to the study of the armistice negotiations that started at Kaesong in July 1951 and continued at Panmunjom (Xia 2006).But little has been written on the peacemaking efforts between 187
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