2期 刘武等:中国直立人形态特征的变异 135 [11] Ascerz A, Biddittu I and Cassoli PF et al. A calvarium of late Homo erectus fiom Cepram, Italy].J Hum Evol, 1996, 31 [12 Aguirre E and Carbonell E. arly human expansions into Eurasia: the Atapuerca evidence[J]. Quat Interna, 2001, 75: 11-18 [ 13] Asaw B, Glbert WH, Beyene Y et a. Remains of Homo erects from Boun, Middle Awash, BhiopiapJ]. Nature, 2002, 416 317-320. [4]吴汝康,李星学(主编).南京直立人[M].南京:江苏科学技术出版社20021-316 [15]Wood B. The ongin of Hamo erectus[J]. Courier Forschungs- Institut Senckenberg, 1984, 69: 99-1l [ 16] Andrews P. An altemative interpretation of the characters used to define Homo erectus [J]. Couner Forschungs- Institut [17 Stringer C. The definition of Homo erectus and the existence of the species in Afnca and Europe[]. Courier Forschungs- Institut 84.69:131-143 [18 Brauer G. Hw different are Asian and African Homo erecti[J]? Courier Forschungs- Institut Senckenberg, 1994, 171: 301 [19] Brauer G, Mbua E. 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[29] Beals N, Smith a and Dodd SM. aimate and the evolution of brachycephalization[J], AmJ Phys Anthropol, 1983, 62: 425- [30] Ackemann RR. and Cheverud JM. Detecting genetic dnft versus selection in human evolution]. PNAS, 2004, 101: 17946 [31]Rbtts R, Behrensmeyer A and Deim et al. Small mid Heistocene hominin associated with east Afncan Acheulean techology] cence,2004,305:75-78 ch vartz J. Getting to know Homo erects]. Science, 2004, 305: 53-54 The Cranial Metric Diversity of Chinese Homo erectus LIU Wu ZHAN G Yiyun (1. Institute d Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy d Sciences, Bejing 100044) . bstract: For the past decade, the morphological variations of Asian Homo erectus,and their significance in the origin and evolution of Homo erectus in Asia have ed great attentions in the aleoanthropological research around the world. Some colleagues suggested that both the 91994-2006ChinaAcademicJOumaleLectroniePublishingHouse.Allrightsreservedhttp://www.enki.net89. [11 ] Ascenzi A , Biddittu I and Cassoli PF et al. A calvarium of late Homo erectus from Ceprano , Italy[J ] . J Hum Evol , 1996 , 31 : 409 —423 [12 ] Aguirre E and Carbonell E. Early human expansions into Eurasia : the Atapuerca evidence[J ] . Quat Interna , 2001 , 75 :11 —18. [13 ] Asfaw B , Gilbert WH , Beyene Y et al. Remains of Homo erectus from Bouri , Middle Awash , Ethiopia[J ] . Nature , 2002 , 416 : 317 —320. [14 ] 吴汝康 , 李星学(主编) . 南京直立人[M] . 南京 :江苏科学技术出版社 ,2002 ,1 —316. [15 ] Wood B. The origin of Homo erectus[J ] . Courier Forschungs2Institut Senckenberg , 1984 , 69 :99 —111. [16 ] Andrews P. An alternative interpretation of the characters used to define Homo erectus [ J ] . Courier Forschungs2Institut Senckenberg , 1984 , 69 :167 —175. [17 ] Stringer C. The definition of Homo erectus and the existence of the species in Africa and Europe[J ] . Courier Forschungs2Institut Senckenberg , 1984 , 69 :131 —143. [18 ] Brauer G. How different are Asian and African Homo erectus[J ] ? Courier Forschungs2Institut Senckenberg , 1994 , 171 :301 —318. [19 ] Brauer G, Mbua E. Homo erectus features used in cladistics and their variability in Asian and African hominids[J ] . J Hum Evol , 1992 , 22 :79 —108. [20 ] Rightmire P. Evidence from facial morphology for similarity of Asian and African representatives of Homo erectus[J ] . Am J Phys Anthropol , 1998 , 106 :61 —85. [21 ] 刘武 , Emma Mbua , 吴秀杰. 非洲和中国直立人某些颅骨特征的比较 —中国与非洲人类头骨特征对比之一[J ] . 人 类学学报 ,2002 ,21(4) : 255 —267. [22 ] Kidder JH and Durband AC. A re2evaluation of the metric diversity within Homo erectus[J ] . J Hum Evol , 2004 , 46 :297 —313. [23 ] Kramer A. Human taxonomic diversity in the Pleistocene : does Homo erectus represent multiple hominid species ? [J ] Am J Phys Anthropol , 1993 , 91 :161 —171. [24 ] 吴新智 , 尚虹. 中国直立人变异的初步研究[J ] . 第四纪研究 , 2002 ,22(1) :20 —27. [25 ] 张银运 , 刘武. 南京汤山直立人头骨的复原和更新世中期直立人的地理变异[J ] . 地学前缘 ,2002 ,9 :119 —123. [26 ] 吴汝康 董兴仁. 安徽和县猿人化石的初步研究[J ] . 人类学学报 ,1982 ,1 :2 —13. [27 ] 董兴仁. 中国的直立人[A] . 见 :吴汝康 吴新智 张森水编. 中国远古人类. 北京 :科学出版社 ,1989 , 9 —23. [28 ] Beals KL. Head form and climatic stress[J ] . Am J Phys Anthropol , 1972 , 37 :85 —92. [29 ] Beals KL , Smith CL and Dodd SM. Climate and the evolution of brachycephalization[J ] . Am J Phys Anthropol , 1983 , 62 :425 — 437. [30 ] Ackermann RR. and Cheverud JM. Detecting genetic drift versus selection in human evolution[J ] . PNAS , 2004 , 101 : 17946 — 17951. [31 ] Potts R , Behrensmeyer A and Deino et al. Small mid2Pleistocene hominin associated with east African Acheulean technology[J ] . Science , 2004 ,305 :75 —78. [32 ] Schwartz J . Getting to know Homo erectus[J ] . Science , 2004 , 305 :53 —54. The Cranial Metric Diversity of Chinese Homo erectus LIU Wu1 , ZHAN G Yin2yun 1 (11 Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology , Chinese Academy of Sciences ,Beijing 100044) Abstract: For the past decade , the morphological variations of Asian Homo erectus , and their significance in the origin and evolution of Homo erectus in Asia have attracted great attentions in the paleoanthropological research around the world. Some colleagues have suggested that both the 2 期 刘 武等 : 中国直立人形态特征的变异 · 531 ·
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