Table of cont on of Phosphate, Ca2 and Mg2+ Potassium balance…182 Tubuloglomerular Feedback, Renin-Angiotensin System.. 186 8 Cardiovascul 188 Overview…188 Blood Vessels and Blood Flow .. 190 Excitation in Electrolyte Disturbances..200 cardiac Arrhythmia Ventricular Pressure-Volume Relationships..204 Cardiac Work and Cardiac Power. 204 Arterial Blood pressure .. 208 Endothelial Exchange Processes.. 210 212 regulation of the Circulation.. 214 Fetal and Neonatal Circulation .. 222 9 Thermal Balance and Thermoregulation Thermal Balance…224 2 10 Nutrition and Digestion Nutrition Energy Metabolism and Calorimetry..230 Energy Homeostasis and body Weight.. 232 astrointestinal (Gl)Tract: Overview, Immune Defense, Blood Flow..234 eural and Hormonal Integration..236 Saliva ., 238 Deglutition…240 Vomiting…240 Stomach Structure and Motility ... Small Intestinal Function .. 246 Pancreas . 248 Excretory Liver Function, Bilirubin..252 Lipid Digestion…254 Lipid Distribution and Storag 256 Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates and Protein..260 Vitamin Absorption.. 262 Vater and Mineral Absorption..264 Large Intestine, Defecation, Feces..266XI Reabsorption and Excretion of Phosphate, Ca2+ and Mg2+ ··· 180 Potassium Balance · · · 182 Tubuloglomerular Feedback, Renin–Angiotensin System · · · 186 8 Cardiovascular System 188 Overview · · · 188 Blood Vessels and Blood Flow · · · 190 Cardiac Cycle · · · 192 Cardiac Impulse Generation and Conduction · · · 194 Electrocardiogram (ECG) · · · 198 Excitation in Electrolyte Disturbances · · · 200 Cardiac Arrhythmias · · · 202 Ventricular Pressure–Volume Relationships · · · 204 Cardiac Work and Cardiac Power · · · 204 Regulation of Stroke Volume · · · 206 Venous Return · · · 206 Arterial Blood Pressure · · · 208 Endothelial Exchange Processes · · · 210 Myocardial Oxygen Supply · · · 212 Regulation of the Circulation · · · 214 Circulatory Shock · · · 220 Fetal and Neonatal Circulation · · · 222 9 Thermal Balance and Thermoregulation 224 Thermal Balance · · · 224 Thermoregulation · · · 226 10 Nutrition and Digestion 228 Nutrition · · · 228 Energy Metabolism and Calorimetry · · · 230 Energy Homeostasis and Body Weight · · · 232 Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract: Overview, Immune Defense, Blood Flow · · · 234 Neural and Hormonal Integration · · · 236 Saliva · · · 238 Deglutition · · · 240 Vomiting · · · 240 Stomach Structure and Motility · · · 242 Gastric Juice · · · 244 Small Intestinal Function · · · 246 Pancreas · · · 248 Bile · · · 250 Excretory Liver Function, Bilirubin · · · 252 Lipid Digestion · · · 254 Lipid Distribution and Storage · · · 256 Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates and Protein · · · 260 Vitamin Absorption · · · 262 Water and Mineral Absorption · · · 264 Large Intestine, Defecation, Feces · · · 266 Table of Contents
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