TXA2→血管收缩,血小板聚集 思考题 1、目前已知的第二信使有哪些? 2、腺垂体分泌哪些激素? 3、皮质醇(氢化考的松)的生物学作用是什么? 4、体内胰岛素是哪里产生的?有何生物学作用? 5、切除狗双侧肾上腺皮质后。血容量、血钠、血钾各有何变化? 6、据你所学知识,临床使用氢化考的松时,应注意哪些事项? 7、调节钙、磷代谢的激素有哪些?各有何作用? 8、库兴综合征有哪些表现? 案例:宋某,女性,65岁,退休工人。患者烦渴、多饮、多尿、消瘦2年余,双腿麻木4 个月,尿糖(+++),尿酮(+),空腹血糖420mg%,诊断为糖尿病并酮症而接受医院内分泌内 科治疗。 问题 1、糖尿病与机体哪种激素分泌有关? 2、请解释病人出现的症状和化验结果。 3、据你学过知识说明尿糖和多尿的产生机制 参考文献 1. Guyton AC, Hall JE. 2000. Textbook of Medical Physiology. 10th edition. Philadelphia: W. B Saunders co 2. Ganong WE. 2001. Review of Medical Physiology. 12th edition. McGraw-Hill 3. Vander A, Sherman J. 2002. Human Physiology. 8th edition. McGraw-Hill 4.姚泰主编.2001.人体生理学.第三版.北京:人民卫生出版社 5.姚泰 001.生理学临床医学专业七年制用书.北京:人民卫生出版社 6.姚泰主编.2000.生理学.第五版.北京:人民卫生出版社 7.( Greenspan FS, Strewler gj!.主编.施秉银主译.2001.基础与临床内分泌学.第五版.西 安:世界图书出版社 Summary The endocrine system, like the nervous system, regulates the activities of the various systems of the living bodies. Endocrine integration is brought about by hormones. Hormones are chemical messengers produced by endocrine glands and endocrine cells in the living bodies. Some of the hormones are amines and others are amino acids, polypeptides, proteins and steroids. In general the hormones regulate the processes of metabolism, growth and development, water and electrolyte balance, reproduction etc. The principal mechanisms by which hormones exert their intracellular effects are signal transduction pathways initiated by means of receptors. There are two important pathways by which most hormones have functions: (1)activation of second essenger systems(cAMP, IP3, DG, and Ca) through membrane receptors acting via G-proteins or(2)regulation of gene transcription through intracellular receptors and transcription factors Hormone secretion is usually controlled by negative and positive feedback mechanisms that ensure a proper level of hormone activity at the target tissue. This can display periodic variations The major endocrine glands and their hormones are discussed in this chapter The pituitary and hypothalamus have an anatomical and functional connection. Seven kinds of 13TXA2→血管收缩,血小板聚集 思考题 1、目前已知的第二信使有哪些? 2、腺垂体分泌哪些激素? 3、皮质醇(氢化考的松)的生物学作用是什么? 4、体内胰岛素是哪里产生的?有何生物学作用? 5、切除狗双侧肾上腺皮质后。血容量、血钠、血钾各有何变化? 6、据你所学知识,临床使用氢化考的松时,应注意哪些事项? 7、调节钙、磷代谢的激素有哪些?各有何作用? 8、库兴综合征有哪些表现? 案例:宋某,女性,65 岁,退休工人。患者烦渴、多饮、多尿、消瘦 2 年余,双腿麻木 4 个月,尿糖(+++),尿酮(++),空腹血糖 420mg%,诊断为糖尿病并酮症而接受医院内分泌内 科治疗。 问题: 1、糖尿病与机体哪种激素分泌有关? 2、请解释病人出现的症状和化验结果。 3、据你学过知识说明尿糖和多尿的产生机制。 参考文献 1. Guyton AC,Hall JE. 2000. Textbook of Medical Physiology. 10th edition. Philadelphia: W. B Saunders Co. 2. Ganong WF. 2001. Review of Medical Physiology. 12th edition. McGraw-Hill 3. Vander A,Sherman J. 2002. Human Physiology. 8th edition. McGraw-Hill 4. 姚泰主编. 2001. 人体生理学. 第三版. 北京: 人民卫生出版社 5. 姚泰主编. 2001. 生理学. 临床医学专业七年制用书. 北京: 人民卫生出版社 6. 姚泰主编. 2000. 生理学. 第五版. 北京: 人民卫生出版社 7. Greenspan FS,Strewler GJ. 主编. 施秉银主译. 2001. 基础与临床内分泌学. 第五版. 西 安: 世界图书出版社 Summary The endocrine system, like the nervous system, regulates the activities of the various systems of the living bodies. Endocrine integration is brought about by hormones. Hormones are chemical messengers produced by endocrine glands and endocrine cells in the living bodies. Some of the hormones are amines and others are amino acids, polypeptides, proteins and steroids. In general, the hormones regulate the processes of metabolism, growth and development, water and electrolyte balance, reproduction etc. The principal mechanisms by which hormones exert their intracellular effects are signal transduction pathways initiated by means of receptors. There are two important pathways by which most hormones have functions: (1) activation of second messenger systems (cAMP, IP3, DG, and Ca2+) through membrane receptors acting via G-proteins or (2) regulation of gene transcription through intracellular receptors and transcription factors. Hormone secretion is usually controlled by negative and positive feedback mechanisms that ensure a proper level of hormone activity at the target tissue. This can display periodic variations. The major endocrine glands and their hormones are discussed in this chapter: The pituitary and hypothalamus have an anatomical and functional connection. Seven kinds of 13
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