a punctual start to the meeting会议准时开始 be punctual for an appointment准时赴约 punctuality n及时,淮时 punctually adv准时到达,离去 13. freight(美)货物 send goods by air freight空运发货 14. equivalent adj. equivalent to sth相同的 - What is$5 equivalent to in French francs'?5美圆相当于多少法郎? n对应词,相等的事物 --Is there a French word that is the exact equivalent of the English word home"? 法语中有没有和英语“home”完全一样的对应词? 15. pray. pray to sb for sb/sth:祈祷,祷告 - They prayed to God for an end to their sufferings他们为早日结束苦难而祈祷 prayer n祈祷,祷告 a prayer for forgiveness, rain, success为获得宽恕,雨水,成功而做的祷告 l6. accuse v. accuse sb of sth:指控,控告,谴责 - -accuse sb of cheating, cowardice, theft 谴责某人欺诈,指责某人怯懦,控告某人偷窃 the accused刑事被告 17. pessimistic adj悲观的,悲观主义的: pessimistic about sth --a pessimistic view of the world pessimism:n[U]悲观,悲观主义 pessimist悲观主义者 optimisn乐观 l8. reckon v.1)认为某人某物是: reckon sb/sth among sth, reckon sb/sth as sth We reckon her among our best reporters我们认为她是我们最好的记者 The price was reckoned high价钱未免太高了 2)假定,想,认为:- I reckon we'll go next week 3)猜想,约略地计算- I reckon it will cost about$100 Phrases &Expressions 1. exclude sb. from.拒绝进入,拒绝接纳 - exclude a person from membership of a society.拒绝接纳某人入会 2. for short简称,缩写 Her name is“ frances,or“rran' for short in short总之,简言之 3. die out1)死亡,灭绝,绝迹2)消失,过时 d itions are dy ing out旧传统正在消失 die off一一死去,先后死去 die away:减弱,淡化 die down逐渐减弱,降低 4. introduce sb to sth-使某人了解某物 The first lecture introduces new students to the broad outlines of the subject 第一堂课是让新同学概括地了解这一科目 get back to回溯,追溯,回到某事物上 Could we get back to the original question of funding? 我们可以回到最初有关集资的问题上吗?--a punctual start to the meeting 会议准时开始 --be punctual for an appointment 准时赴约 punctuality n 及时,准时 punctually adv 准时到达,离去 13. freight(美)货物 send goods by air freight 空运发货 14. equivalent adj. equivalent to sth 相同的 --What is $5 equivalent to in French francs? 5 美圆相当于多少法郎? n.对应词,相等的事物 --Is there a French word that is the exact equivalent of the English word ‘home’? 法语中有没有和英语“home”完全一样的对应词? 15. pray v. pray to sb for sb/sth:祈祷,祷告 --They prayed to God for an end to their sufferings.他们为早日结束苦难而祈祷 prayer n.祈祷,祷告 a prayer for forgiveness, rain, success 为获得宽恕,雨水,成功而做的祷告 16. accuse v. accuse sb of sth:指控,控告,谴责 --accuse sb of cheating, cowardice, theft. 谴责某人欺诈,指责某人怯懦,控告某人偷窃 the accused 刑事被告 17. pessimistic adj. 悲观的,悲观主义的:pessimistic about sth --a pessimistic view of the world pessimism: n.[U]悲观,悲观主义 pessimist 悲观主义者 optimism 乐观 18. reckon v. 1)认为某人某物是:reckon sb/sth among sth, reckon sb/sth as sth --We reckon her among our best reporters.我们认为她是我们最好的记者。 --The price was reckoned high.价钱未免太高了。 2) 假定,想,认为:--I reckon we’ll go next week. 3)猜想,约略地计算 --I reckon it will cost about $100. Phrases &Expressions 1. exclude sb…from…拒绝进入,拒绝接纳 --exclude a person from membership of a society.拒绝接纳某人入会 2. for short 简称,缩写 --Her name is “Frances”, or “Fran” for short. in short 总之,简言之 3. die out 1)死亡,灭绝,绝迹 2)消失,过时 --The old traditions are dying out.旧传统正在消失 die off 一一死去,先后死去 die away: 减弱,淡化 die down 逐渐减弱,降低 4. introduce sb to sth-使某人了解某物 --The first lecture introduces new students to the broad outlines of the subject. 第一堂课是让新同学概括地了解这一科目。 5. get back to 回溯,追溯,回到某事物上 --Could we get back to the original question of funding? 我们可以回到最初有关集资的问题上吗?
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