Naming Aromatic Compounds Benzenes with more than two substituents Named by numbering the position of each so that the lowest possible numbers are used The substituents are listed alphabetically when writing the name OH CH3 02N 1 CH3 CH3 NO2 6 CH3 H3C NO2 4-Bromo-1,2-dimethylbenzene 2,5-Dimethylphenol 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene(TNT) Any of the monosubstituted aromatic compounds in Table 8.1 can serve as a parent name,with the principal substituent (-OH in phenol or-CH3 in toluene)attached to C1 on the ringBenzenes with more than two substituents ▪ Named by numbering the position of each so that the lowest possible numbers are used ▪ The substituents are listed alphabetically when writing the name Any of the monosubstituted aromatic compounds in Table 8.1 can serve as a parent name, with the principal substituent (-OH in phenol or –CH3 in toluene) attached to C1 on the ring Naming Aromatic Compounds
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