基于时隙ALOHA的标签识别机制-3 Tag inventory and access - For each Query Round,the reader can optionally transmit a Select command which limits the number of active tags by providing a bit mask.Then a Ouery command is transmitted which contains the uplink frequency and data encoding,the o parameter determining the number of slots for the following frame,and a Target parameter. Interrogator Select cw Query cw Ack Cw QueryRep Cw NAK Cw Tag RN16 PC+EPC +CRC16 Interrogator Query CW QueryRep Cw QueryRep Cw QueryRep INo Reply I Collision Detected Single Reply Tag RN16 Fig.2.C1G2 protocol基于时隙ALOHA的标签识别机制-3 • Tag inventory and access – For each Query Round, the reader can optionally transmit a Select command which limits the number of active tags by providing a bit mask. Then a Query command is transmitted which contains the uplink frequency and data encoding, the Q parameter determining the number of slots for the following frame, and a Target parameter