EU Biomass Action Plan 2005 EU 20-20-20 targets Renewable energy sources 2003: 69 Mtoe biomass(4 of the energy demand), target 2010:150 Mtoe biomass total 43 Mtoe forest biomass Target 2020:20 renewable energy sources biomass contribution:230 Mtoe potential from forest:39-72 Mtoe Austria 2020:34 renewable energy sources 1 Mtoe(million tons oil equivalent)=41.87 PJ 1 PJ=0.13 million m3 timber EU Biomass Ac,on Plan 2005 EU 20-20-20 targets Renewable energy sources 2003: 69 Mtoe biomass (4 % of the energy demand), target 2010: 150 Mtoe biomass total 43 Mtoe forest biomass Target 2020: 20 % renewable energy sources biomass contribuTon: 230 Mtoe potenTal from forest: 39 – 72 Mtoe Austria 2020: 34 % renewable energy sources 1 Mtoe (million tons oil equivalent) = 41.87 PJ 1 PJ = 0.13 million m³ 3mber